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RELAPSE free compilation CDs / Contamination comps APPREESH

[Jun 3,2010 3:07pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Heard so many good bands for the first time off of these back in the day like DEP, Neurosis.

Blasting the first one I ever got right now. Mock Slayer cover on the sleeve.
[Jun 3,2010 3:10pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]
INB4 Relapse grab bag joke
[Jun 3,2010 3:13pm - the_reverend ""]
I thought this was a relapse grab bag joke.
[Jun 3,2010 3:15pm - josh_hates_you ""]
i have that one with the mock slayer cover. agoraphobic nosebleed is on it. win.

but yeah i have tons of these free comps i dont give a shit about. i put them all in a cd book and bring them to work for hours of random shit.
[Jun 3,2010 3:19pm - hauptpflucker ""]
I missed the joke? Is it the fact that Relapse has a lot of different kinds of bands? Is it the fact that that list includes some garbage? I mean, when did it become bad to be eclectic? I'll tell you when. When the music Industry stopped finding and promoting original bands in exchange for Backing a handful of bands and shoving a bunch of their ripoffs down our throats. Suddenly it was bad to have different music share a label. Coincidently the change in format to fewer more profitable bands and conglomerate radio control leading to 40 national bands receiving 90%+ of the airtime happens to better track with the decline of the music industry than does the advent of high speed inet. Go figure, skapegoat the people who want variety instead of recognizing the inherent flaw in your own corporate structure...

I'm in a ranty mood today, but even if the half the bands suck eclectic labels are better than one track labels almost always...
[Jun 3,2010 4:05pm - blue ""]
remember when you could actually hear good new bands on samplers?
[Mar 29,2011 12:28pm - sethrich ""]
The Relapse 2011 sampler is free and has some good shit.

[Mar 30,2011 1:59am - Eddie ""]

blue said:remember when you could actually hear good new bands on samplers?

Somewhat true. i got acouple good ones from mdf in 2006. The old world eater ones weren't bad. I still have some of those songs on my 360.

But compared to the old metal blade samplers, or SMA? yeah everything is shit. ( i wasn't alive when those came out)

samplers are an outdated idea anyways. Myspace killed it.
[Mar 30,2011 7:19am - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
spectrum ale and spectrum fest samplers. Anyone? Merzbow, Nightstick, Brutal Truth, Exit 13, back when Relapse had guts...1996/97

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