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Dick Riding Obama [White liberals content]

[Jun 8,2010 3:12pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]

[Jun 8,2010 3:14pm - brian_dc ""]
Nick Neg posted this as a total non sequitur... laughed my budding tits off.
[Jun 8,2010 3:14pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
Genius show is genius.
[Jun 8,2010 7:08pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
looooveee this video.
[Jun 8,2010 7:11pm - tylor69  ""]
i wonder what white liberals would think of nascar if it was predominantly black
[Jun 8,2010 7:54pm - TheRidersofDoom ""]

although in honesty the man is black in name only

he's a Bino hahah
[Jun 8,2010 8:08pm - HTR ""]
I'll keep my Guns, Freedom, and Money. Barry Soetoro can keep the "change".
[Jun 8,2010 8:14pm - Lamp ""]

tylor69 said:i wonder what white liberals would think of nascar if it was predominantly black

They made a movie about that. More than one actually. It's called The Fast and the Furious.

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