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Fat Woman Strives to be FATTEST Woman...

[Jun 10,2010 11:26am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
This is fucking disgusting.

Firstly - "The mother of two children, ages 3 and 14" - who fucked that monstrosity TWICE?

Secondly - "models on a website called supersizedbombshells.com, where admirers and the curious can pay to watch videos of her eating greasy foods or walking to the car." reeally? REALLY?


I hope she at least remembers the towel rack...
[Jun 10,2010 11:30am - horror_tang ""]
Eugenics programs are immoral???
[Jun 10,2010 11:30am - SteelandIvory  ""]
Guys stop making fun of me. It's getting old.
[Jun 10,2010 11:33am - Lich_King ""]
I like that among the features listed as incentive to visit supersizedbombshells.com is that you can watch her walk to her car.
[Jun 10,2010 11:34am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
instead of chewing gum... chew bacon!
[Jun 10,2010 11:34am - oscarct ""]
I hope no one sheds a tear when this cunt dies, people are fucking stupid.
[Jun 10,2010 11:44am - goatcatalyst ""]
I prescribe an intense daily mockery program. Once her spirit is broken and she is cognizant of her status as human-shit-with-pulse, she will be ready for euthanizing.
[Jun 10,2010 11:46am - bloblovesmusic  ""]
This picture made me lol
[Jun 10,2010 11:59am - blue ""]
ATTN: Slarcus
[Jun 10,2010 12:45pm - AlxNLI  ""]
Simpson spends as much as $750 a week on groceries, suffers from Type 2 diabetes and struggles with basic tasks such as cooking and taking a shower.

"I'm very healthy. I go to the doctor every three months," she said.

Apparently she also suffers from chronic denial. The only thing I regret is the healthcare resources that her decline will eventually use, that would be better utilized for those who didn't dig their own hole. Fucking irresponsible cavetwat.
[Jun 10,2010 12:51pm - metal_church101 ""]

oscarct said:I hope no one sheds a tear when this cunt dies, people are fucking stupid.
[Jun 10,2010 1:02pm - slag nli  ""]

Lich_King said:I like that among the features listed as incentive to visit supersizedbombshells.com is that you can watch her drag her fat ass to the car while breathing like a horse in labor.
[Jun 10,2010 1:17pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jun 10,2010 2:27pm - blue ""]

blue said:ATTN: Slarcus

the_reverend said:ATTN SLAR
[Jun 10,2010 2:30pm - BrianDBB ""]
Shotgun on CAVETWAT band name
[Jun 10,2010 2:44pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
This woman is a stupid cunt
[Jun 11,2010 10:37am - largefreakatzero ""]

"Un wafer?"

I hope this bitch really does explode.
[Jun 11,2010 10:40am - Yeti ""]
[Jun 11,2010 3:10pm - Conservationist ""]

horror_tang said:Eugenics programs are immoral???

[Jun 11,2010 3:32pm - The_Rooster ""]
Fucking gross.

[Jun 11,2010 5:00pm - ValkyrieScreams ""]
I just threw up a little in my mouth...
[Jun 11,2010 11:54pm - Barry Soetoro-Soros  ""]
None of you are more important than her. Get off your high horse. We're all equal here, comrade citizen.
[Jun 12,2010 12:52pm - Alexecutioner ""]

Lich_King said:I like that among the features listed as incentive to visit supersizedbombshells.com is that you can watch her walk to her car.

fap to the sight of this woman walking to her car or you're a pussy
[Jun 15,2010 1:25pm - Woah!_Shut_It_Down! ""]
Someone see if she can be analled from behind.
[Jun 23,2010 3:05am - douchebag_patrol ""]

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