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Sound Museum numbers???

[Jun 13,2010 12:37pm - PISSED THE FUCK OFF  ""]
Does anyone have the number of Nate or anyone with the ability to answer the phone at the Sound Museum? 617 584 9906 and 617 423 4959 are worthless.

So fucking pissed. Unbelievable how hard it is to hand someone a large amount of money to rent a room. They can't answer phones, they can't show up for appointments, they can't remember to install locks and keys, takes them A MONTH to "get a room ready".... FUCK!

From what I hear the only thing you can depend on is getting your door locked if you are late paying and or leaks destroying your equipment.
[Jun 13,2010 12:43pm - Tony the Legend  ""]
heya come on down ta my place I have more tvs then teeth an can hook u up with the finest herb in boston 4 double the price!!!
[Jun 13,2010 12:57pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
hep C comes free
[Jun 13,2010 1:24pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
Hep T
[Jun 13,2010 2:18pm - Hep T  ""]
i was in KISS and i smell like gaping butthole. one of these things is true.
[Jun 13,2010 2:42pm - reimroc ""]
its all fucking politics man
[Jun 13,2010 2:52pm - c.DeaD  ""]

Hep%20T said:i was in KISS and i smell like gaping butthole. one of these things is true.

I loled hard to that.
[Jun 13,2010 3:22pm - xmikex ""]
Irresponsible people run practice spaces???!

What planet am I on??
[Jun 13,2010 4:34pm - horror_tang ""]
Been there for months and have had no problems. Had to talk to Whitey Bulgar to get a room though.
[Jun 13,2010 6:11pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

xmikex said:Irresponsible people run practice spaces???!

What planet am I on??

Super LOL is funny cuz it's true!!

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