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isis tonight

[show listing]  ______________________________________
[Jun 21,2010 1:24pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Anyone got an extra ticket they weren't planning on scalping?
[Jun 21,2010 2:10pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
ill be at The Dwarves...
[Jun 21,2010 2:33pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Nice. Where they playing? Great times on Saturday! I want that fucking Joy Division shirt!!!
[Jun 21,2010 2:37pm - RichHorror ""]
[Jun 21,2010 2:55pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
that wasnt me...that was kpanzer. Im far better looking. Dwarves are at the middle east downstairs for some reason...
[Jun 21,2010 2:57pm - goatcatalyst ""]
My B. I'm confusing my Panzers.
[Jun 21,2010 2:59pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
confusing your bastards...but yeah: i was being white trash in laconia during that show...
[Jun 21,2010 2:59pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
which is lucky cause i probably woulda been arrested with jay and mike had i been there.
[Jun 21,2010 3:06pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Ugh. Well hopefully you smashed white trash poontang and holocausted brain cells.
[Jun 21,2010 3:22pm - LPCustom  ""]
Pretty good show last night but I've lost a lot of interest in both bands. Still good to see ISIS before they break and the Melvins with two drummers was pretty sweet. Good luck finding a ticket though - I didn't come across anyone scalping last night though just to be honest, but did see a lot of people looking.
[Jun 21,2010 3:31pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Thanks for the heads up, LP. I kinda slept on it cuz I lost interest around the time of Panopticon but a few friends are heading up and it would be a good time. Did they play much off of Celestial and Oceanic? Pretty much everything after can kiss my sweet dick.
[Jun 21,2010 3:35pm - Isis fanboy  ""]
I just want to see the keyboard break in "Hall of the Dead" live and I can die happy.
[Jun 21,2010 3:48pm - sxealex ""]
im goin to the portland one with cave in tom
[Jun 21,2010 3:54pm - oscarct ""]

sxealex said:im goin to the portland one with cave in tom

Cave In Tom is a good dude, you will have a blast!!
[Jun 21,2010 4:04pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
I heard ISIS looked tired and bored at last nights performance. Totally not the band I remember.
Sucks, but we'll see how it goes.
[Jun 21,2010 4:35pm - goatcatalyst ""]
[Jun 21,2010 4:50pm - LPCustom  ""]

MikeofdecrepitudE said:I heard ISIS looked tired and bored at last nights performance. Totally not the band I remember.
Sucks, but we'll see how it goes.

I thought it was just me - but for the first half of their set it seemed as though they had no interest whatsoever. I've only seen them one other time (last year) and they were spot on. Last night, the sound wasn't as good and they didn't seem all there AT LEAST for the first half but it seemed to get better. Maybe they're just burned out and the break is what they need. Glad I got to see them one more time but I literally said this to my friend after we left.
[Jun 21,2010 5:14pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Just heard that Danzig is playing ONLY songs off the first three albums. There with motherfucking BELLS on.
[Jun 22,2010 9:28am - MikeOvDcrptvde  ""]
Awful set list for a "farewell tour". Highlight was definitely Collapse and Crush. I though this was going to be real promising after they opened with From Sinking.
[Jun 22,2010 9:47am - The_Rooster ""]

MikeOvDcrptvde said:Awful set list for a "farewell tour". Highlight was definitely Collapse and Crush. I though this was going to be real promising after they opened with From Sinking.

What was bad about it?

Just curious, really. I've been told that they don't really do the Celestial/Oceanic stuff much anymore (which is why I haven't bothered to see them in recent years).
[Jun 22,2010 10:04am - MikeOvDcrptvde  ""]

The_Rooster said:

they don't really do the Celestial/Oceanic stuff much anymore (which is why I haven't bothered to see them in recent years).

[Jun 22,2010 10:05am - aaron_michael ""]

MikeOvDcrptvde said:Awful set list for a "farewell tour". Highlight was definitely Collapse and Crush. I though this was going to be real promising after they opened with From Sinking.

what was their set list?
[Jun 22,2010 10:14am - MikeOvDcrptvde  ""]
Off the top of my head:

Opener - From Sinking
Not in Rivers, but in Drops
Holy Tears
2nd track from Wavering Radiant
Threshold of Transformation
Collapse and Crush
So Did We
Encore - In Fiction & The Beginning and the End.
[Jun 22,2010 11:20am - The_Rooster ""]
That's a pretty fuckin' sweet encore tho man.

Collapse and Crush and So Did We are great too.
[Jun 22,2010 11:39am - MikeOvDcrptvde  ""]
Not really. They always play those two live. They have an arsenal of great songs that they refuse to play live. Whatever though, I saw them play all of the classics when they were local and no one gave a shit about them anyway.
[Jun 22,2010 1:10pm - AndrewBastard  ""]

MikeOvDcrptvde said:Not really. They always play those two live. They have an arsenal of great songs that they refuse to play live. Whatever though, I saw them play all of the classics when they were local and no one gave a shit about them anyway.

[Jun 22,2010 9:52pm - sxealex ""]
I didn't know a single fuckin cave in song
[Jun 22,2010 10:13pm - goatcatalyst ""]
That show last night was killer. Snuck in and spent the money I would have spent on a ticket on bourbon, got shithoused and had a grand ol' time. I was happy with the setlist. The post Panopticon songs they played were ones I dig. Fire fucking night.
[Jun 22,2010 11:32pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
I feel that I'd enjoy the last two albums if they were written by another band or if it was a side project. I consider everything up to Oceanic and even Panopticon to be some of the greatest music I've ever heard; in terms of approach and aesthetics. They were really onto something with Celestial and Oceanic, IMO.
[Jun 22,2010 11:33pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
One thing they never lacked was stage presence. It was certainly there last night.
[Jun 23,2010 2:14am - sxealex ""]
i didnt expect to hear it but i really wanted to hear hive destruction... i was thinking welll maybe since its their farwell tour but nooo they havent played that shit since like 2000
[Jun 23,2010 8:10am - MikeOvDcrptvde  ""]
They played Hive Destruction a couple years ago on their 10 year anniversary tour. That night they also played Celestial (The Tower), False Light, and The Red Sea.
[Jun 23,2010 10:43am - goatcatalyst ""]
That was a super show.
[Jun 23,2010 10:46am - hauptpflucker ""]
ISIS played at the Flywheel back in the day... Covered the wall with amps and blew the roof off that little shack... I miss the days when ISIS were from mass and kicked ass...
[Jun 23,2010 2:05pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
I can't help but feel I'm always being overly critical of what ISIS has done, post Panopticon. The last two records were honestly well written, with a few minor gripes regarding their guitar tone and certain stylistic changes.

I hold their earlier output in such high regard that even when they produce a quality record, it just doesn't seem to measure up to past efforts. Paradoxically, I believe a "lackluster" ISIS record is still above and beyond the works of their contemporaries.

When they finally decided to release the lyrics to Wavering Radiant, I sat down, put on the record and read along while listening. For the very first time I felt like I was experiencing it the way it was meant to be heard. I always enjoyed drawing my own personal interpretations of what Turner is trying to convey; as the mystique is a major component of their overall appeal. Wavering Radiant might very well contain some of his most cryptic and personal lyrics to date.

I keep reexamining this past live performance over and over in my head; concluding that it was, indeed, a proper send off. They really don't have any terrible songs, it just so happens that some are far more exciting to witness live, than others.

People can say what they will about this band but the fact remains that ISIS possessed an imaginative artistic vision which they expressed clearly, through the medium of music. I will be thinking about their last performance for a very long time to come.

Adios! (and cool story, bro.)
[Jun 23,2010 2:58pm - hauptpflucker ""]

MikeofdecrepitudE said: cool story, bro.
[Jun 23,2010 3:08pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
Yeah, and you read it
[Jun 23,2010 3:46pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Well put. I like Isis alot.
[Jun 24,2010 3:03pm - porphyria  ""]
Photos: ISIS / CAVE IN - Portland, ME


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