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Jul 24 (Sat) - NRP Presents: Scalpel, Mythology, Acaro, Dysentery, Hivesmasher, & Smite The Righteous - Sammy's Patio +


Sammy's Patio (Revere, MA) - [acaro][dysentery][hivesmasher][mythology][randomshots][scalpel][smite_the_righteous]
[show listing]  ______________________________
[Jun 21,2010 7:59pm - blue ""]

Nefarious Realm Productions Presents
Saturday July 24
@ Sammy's Patio
63 Revere Beach Boulevard - Revere, MA
7:30 PM $10 21+

Smite the Righteous

[Jun 22,2010 7:19am - Yeti ""]
interesting line up. Mythology kicks ass.
[Jun 22,2010 10:04am - arktouros ""]
yeah, saw the singer at MDF. always give 'em credit for coming down from upstate NY.
[Jun 22,2010 10:06am - aaron_michael ""]
dumb question.... is this show outdoors? on a patio?
[Jun 22,2010 10:08am - RustyPS ""]
nah, Sammy's is a bar
[Jun 22,2010 10:10am - brodown ""]
[Jun 22,2010 10:11am - brodown ""]
[Jul 1,2010 1:17pm - aaron_michael ""]
drift bump
[Jul 19,2010 3:18pm - aaron_michael ""]
Dude Fackin
[Jul 20,2010 12:33pm - aaron_michael ""]
[Jul 20,2010 12:52pm - the_reverend ""]
I think I'm going.
[Jul 20,2010 12:53pm - aaron_michael ""]
I think hampsters and cats will be sacrificed(according to facebook)
[Jul 20,2010 2:06pm - AlxNLI  ""]
Sammy's Patio is fun as hell to play during the summer. Shitty pizza right next to the bar and the beach is across the street. Smoking section on the "patio" out back, similar to obriens.
[Jul 20,2010 2:52pm - Woah!_Shut_It_Down! ""]
I was gonna go, but then I realized I'm still a kid. :( fml d00d lief sux lolz
[Jul 21,2010 11:30am - aaron_michael ""]
DrewBlood, if you read this, please bring your roaming distro por favor
[Jul 21,2010 11:56am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Jul 21,2010 3:14pm - aaron_michael ""]
[Jul 24,2010 10:46am - aaron_michael ""]
[Jul 24,2010 5:54pm - the_reverend ""]
Leaving NH at 6:50!
[Jul 24,2010 7:17pm - the_reverend ""]
Be there at 8:08
[Jul 24,2010 7:42pm - Pires ""]

AlxNLI said:Sammy's Patio is fun as hell to play during the summer. Shitty pizza right next to the bar and the beach is across the street. Smoking section on the "patio" out back, similar to obriens.

obriens has a back patio??? you don't just go out onto the sidewalk there?
[Jul 24,2010 8:04pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]
Dysentery ripped at the Waltham Rock Fest thing. Kinda kicking myself for not going to this... :(

Give Tentacles some love!
[Jul 24,2010 8:41pm - the_reverend ""]
Obriens has a patio but it isn't open that often. The show hasn't started here yet...
[Jul 24,2010 9:17pm - aaron_michael ""]
Aaron always gives me looks like a startled parent who just walked in on their kid jerking off. Bad looks.
[Jul 24,2010 9:25pm - the_reverend ""]
STR just finished and my phone battery is no good. Almost dead. They rocked, but wouldn't play the song about the sythe. Wtf! A bunch of headbanging in the band and chris used hivesmasher's drum set.
[Jul 24,2010 10:02pm - the_reverend ""]
Like I said to blue, their keyboard shows that they are doing it wrong since he is neither a hot girl nor cleavagey. They are never getting on taste of chaos like this! Their set was excellent, btw. I thought they were a jrock band, but no autotuning showed right away they aren't.

Also no tentacles I hear.
[Jul 24,2010 10:32pm - aaron_michael ""]
The singer of Mythogowamyshamys ass was hanging out the entire time. Not kvlt.
[Jul 24,2010 10:37pm - quintessence_nli  ""]
I'm friends with chris from mythology (lead singer/guitar) hes a good guy. Wonder how he did tonight with a shattered ear drum!
[Jul 24,2010 10:37pm - stinkylovesmusic  ""]
[Jul 24,2010 10:52pm - the_reverend ""]
If you look through the progression of hivesmasher pictures, you can see justin gaining muscle mass bu consuming nothing by oxygen and riffs.

Mythology sounded really good. The oufits were kind of funny in a bar in revere.
[Jul 24,2010 11:33pm - aaron_michael ""]
Smite the Righteous - they sounded great here! I'm not too sure why they were put on first but c'est lavie. It's awesome seeing talented musicians still playing music they love instead of "evolving" to suite the tastes of the majority.

Mythology - didn't dig em. The vocals were kinda weak and their drummer and bassist played awkwardly and didn't seem too into their own set.

Scalpel - I enjoy their stuff and they had some sound issues at first but once that got evened out they sounded tight. This was apparently their tour kick off show??

Acaro is setting up as we speak.
[Jul 24,2010 11:38pm - the_reverend ""]
i know what you are saying about mythology.

scapel was different sounding. thr new singerf isnt as awkward as peopke said, but he'll get there. the vocals sound more like cattle decapitation rather than cannibal corpsey like before.
[Jul 24,2010 11:47pm - remotekilgore  ""]
Stop crawling on your knees rev
[Jul 24,2010 11:49pm - aaron_michael ""]
I'm pretty sure Acaro just said their song was called Goratory. I lol'd.
[Jul 25,2010 1:16am - remotekilgore  ""]
Thanks to hivesmasher and dysentary for letting us use their shit.
[Jul 25,2010 1:51am - the_reverend ""]

remotekilgore said:Stop crawling on your knees rev
you can't change me.
[Jul 25,2010 2:07am - blue ""]

aaron_michael said:I'm pretty sure Acaro just said their song was called Goratory. I lol'd.

i thought the same thing.
[Jul 25,2010 2:22am - the_reverend ""]
[Jul 25,2010 2:33am - aaron_michael ""]
Acaro - they sounded the best of the night. The sound mix was perfect and even though they're not my cup of tea, they're a wicked fun band to watch. Nice guys too.

Dysentery - another perfect sounding set. Even though they played later there was a good handful of people there. Moshing ensued. Paul got yelled at by "security". Their new material destroys everything on Suffering.

This was a really great night and Matt is overly generous to help out all the bands who played. It's great to work with a guy who treats shows like they should be treated.

I'm pretty sure we made a new superfan too.
[Jul 25,2010 2:59am - zurdo ""]

thank you very much rev for the awesome pictures. always good seeing you man.
I think all the bands played awesome and they were all cool as well.
It was really cool to be right in front of the sea!!!
and of course big thanks to the people who went to the show and had fun.
ps: the acaro song is called "morituri"
[Jul 25,2010 4:55am - Mythology  ""]
It was awesome driving down from Plattsburgh for three songs. If you didn't notice, we were eager to leave. We weren't cool enough for this show ::thumbs up::
[Jul 25,2010 5:54am - Bro dude  ""]
You should of been cooler and played shitty slam death metal.
[Jul 25,2010 6:21am - NDM1  ""]

[Jul 25,2010 7:47am - t2daeek ""]

Mythology said:It was awesome driving down from Plattsburgh for three songs. If you didn't notice, we were eager to leave. We weren't cool enough for this show ::thumbs up::

coulda left after you loaded up in PA if you wanted. were you expecting this to be some kinda black metal thing? in revere beach? i didn't mind you guys.
we're not in europe though... the armor and paint is tough. esp when only one guy is doing it. go full on or be sad.
[Jul 25,2010 7:48am - t2daeek ""]
yerp... not pittsburgh i guess. plattsburgh.
[Jul 25,2010 8:14am - the_reverend ""]
I think that's a trolling troll trolling since mythology guys stayed for all the bands and why would they go home when they are on tour with scalpel.
[Jul 25,2010 8:15am - the_reverend ""]
and the next show is in maine. it would be dumb for someone to drive all the way back to plattsburgh and then back to main.
[Jul 25,2010 11:07am - msleading ""]
plattsburgh is close enough to the great white north...that explains the lack of enthusiasm in their set.
[Jul 25,2010 1:26pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i've heard them say they dont mind the drive down here at all because they love playin in ma. me thinks that was a troll post.
[Jul 25,2010 4:05pm - RichHorror ""]

[Jul 25,2010 4:09pm - aaron_michael ""]
Hahahaha that guy just popped up, ran around in a circle twice then vanished
[Jul 25,2010 4:12pm - RichHorror ""]
I hope he and the two randoms in the Negative Approach and PBR shirts [respectively] that tore it up during out set in Everett become scene regulars.
[Jul 25,2010 4:13pm - t2daeek ""]
i would hope that was a "troll" of some kind. if not, oh well. i thought they were alright either way.
[Jul 25,2010 5:47pm - t2daeek ""]

the_reverend said:If you look through the progression of hivesmasher pictures, you can see justin gaining muscle mass bu consuming nothing by oxygen and riffs.

interestingly enough, my stomach mass increases by consuming nothing but beer, calzones, and beer.
[Jul 25,2010 10:16pm - JustinSteele ""]
You know me Rev, I like my riffs heavy, my oxygen loud (?) and my black metal flaming.
[Jul 25,2010 10:18pm - aaron_michael ""]
JustinSteele posting. It's more likely than you think.
[Jul 26,2010 10:35am - brodown ""]
I'm gonna backtrace this JustinSteele character, and consequences WILL NEVAR BE THE SAME
[Jul 26,2010 10:39am - arktouros ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:i've heard them say they dont mind the drive down here at all because they love playin in ma. me thinks that was a troll post.
this and that
[Jul 26,2010 10:41am - the_reverend ""]
Plus everyone knows there is no internet in plattsburg. It's the internet, not some series of world wide tubes after all.
[Jul 26,2010 4:05pm - aaron_michael ""]
[Jul 26,2010 4:09pm - aaron_michael ""]
someone seriously needs to videotape Eric during their sets just to watch the shit he does while playing. fucking hilarious!
[Jul 28,2010 10:35am - brodown ""]
[Jul 29,2010 10:02am - aaron_michael ""]
oh how the times change...

[Jul 29,2010 10:10am - blue ""]
[Jul 29,2010 10:29am - the_reverend ""]

aaron_michael said:oh how the haircuts change...


[Jul 29,2010 10:29am - the_reverend ""]

brodown said:[img]
it looks like an autographed slamball card.

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