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US/Israel/Germany send more ships to the Persian Gulf for possible war with Iran

[Jun 22,2010 11:42am - arilliusbm ""]
Read this last week, now more mainstream news sources are confirming. Fear Mongering ftw


"Another four U.S. warships will be making their way to the region to join the Strike Group. The Americans have also conducted joint air and naval strike practices with France and the U.K. under the command of American forces, while Germany is sending warships to the area, also under the command of American forces.

Both Israel and the U.S. have positioned nuclear-armed submarines in the region. Israel has conducted multiple tests on its missile defense systems to protect its citizens once war breaks out. U.S. and Israeli Special Forces have been deployed inside Iran to investigate..."
[Jun 22,2010 11:45am - sever ""]
Quick, find a way to put our hand in Iran's oil-laden pocket before we run out of money!
[Jun 22,2010 11:45am - sever ""]
Fuck this shit.
[Jun 22,2010 11:47am - goatcatalyst ""]
I hope bombs fall on our suburbs and they bring back the draft.
[Jun 22,2010 11:51am - Kadoog-a-go-go  ""]
"ONCE war breaks out"! well played, news.
[Jun 22,2010 11:51am - pam ""]
I don't care anymore. I hope we all kill each other.
[Jun 22,2010 11:52am - the_reverend ""]
the only place I'm hearing about news like this is from hushed tones at concerts.
[Jun 22,2010 11:57am - FuckIsMySignature ""]

pam said:I don't care anymore. I hope we all kill each other.

[Jun 22,2010 12:05pm - arktouros ""]
This is about govts flexing their muscles. Iran is ignoring UN sanctions and moving forward with nuclear projects and that's why superpowers are arming to the teeth. Iran has a medieval government that must be destroyed by it's own people. Of course there WILL be war because Iran's government is reaching a breaking point. They are preparing to squash internal dissent and defend itself from outside attacks. It CANNOT do both. Power to the Iranian people. And fuck apartheid Israel.
[Jun 22,2010 12:08pm - SkinSandwich ""]
I prefer a zombie apocalypse, but I guess I will take this as a backup.
[Jun 22,2010 12:17pm - SkinSandwich ""]
Plus I LuLz at German and Israeli ships on the same side. Long live the Bismarck!!

[Jun 22,2010 12:50pm - arilliusbm ""]
It just boils down to East vs West. The younger generation of Iranians want to be westernized. In their eyes, given the cultural differences, that is the path to freedom.
It all started in 1953, with the response to the overthrow of Mohammad Mosadeggh by our CIA's coup d'état. He wanted to nationalize Irans OIL, which didn't sit well with us. We had a government set up for the next few decades, where in 1979, the Iranian Revolution happened. The same anti-west government is still in place.
To make a long story short, WE created this situation because of OIL. The CIA is responsible for the failure to withhold a pro-west government in Iran; it seems now the powers that be want to take it back. The young Iranians want it as well.. So something has to happen, whether it be internal conflict (revolts, assassinations, etc) or outside conflicts (faux war).
Fasten your seatbelts nillas.
[Jun 22,2010 12:55pm - dertoxia ""]
Just remember, loose lips sink ships.
[Jun 22,2010 1:03pm - SkinSandwich ""]
I like being a nilla.
[Jun 22,2010 1:15pm - Yeti ""]
and Iran, Iran so far awaaaaay
[Jun 22,2010 1:18pm - arilliusbm ""]
I just hope ancient Persian ruins are kept intact.
We've already ruined some historical areas in Iraq.
[Jun 22,2010 1:19pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

SkinSandwich said:I like being a nilla.

"I'm not saying that whites are better. But, being white... is clearly better."
[Jun 22,2010 1:24pm - arktouros ""]

arilliusbm said:I just hope ancient Persian ruins are kept intact.
We've already ruined some historical areas in Iraq.

that was an afterthought until a guy in the engineer corps mapped out every single site in iraq and declared them off limits. iran has much more...
[Jun 22,2010 1:28pm - arilliusbm ""]
I've heard conflicting things saying how some were untouched, some were accidentally destroyed, and some museums were looted.
[Jun 22,2010 1:32pm - SkinSandwich ""]
Loot museums or your a vag.
[Jun 22,2010 1:35pm - arktouros ""]
many museums have been reopened and are apparently doing well.
playing cards picturing archaeological sites were distributed to soldiers to raise awareness.
this museum has a fucking awesome online tour with help from italy - http://www.virtualmuseumiraq.cnr.it/homeENG.htm
[Jun 22,2010 1:52pm - arilliusbm ""]
Bring back Babylon and its hanging gardens or gtfo.
[Jun 22,2010 2:02pm - SkinSandwich ""]
Fuck Italy.
[Jun 22,2010 2:04pm - arilliusbm ""]
Pre-Islam middle east = awesome.
Pre-Christian Europe = awesome.

Eh, fuck Abraham and his religions. Ruining everything that was cool.
[Jun 22,2010 2:05pm - arktouros ""]
True statement
[Jun 22,2010 2:26pm - arilliusbm ""]
Technically all he did was rip off ancient Egyptian beliefs and combine it with Zoroastrian beliefs. MK, QUESTION YOUR FAITH YOU WONT.
[Jun 22,2010 3:15pm - Yeti ""]

SkinSandwich said:Fuck Italy.

what's your least favorite country, France or Italy?


heh...no one ever says Italy.
[Jun 22,2010 3:32pm - SkinSandwich ""]
Well, of course. Walk through France and it smells ironically like italian subs due to their stank pits.
[Jun 22,2010 4:19pm - ouch  ""]
[Jun 22,2010 6:19pm - The Ancient Ways  ""]
One race = one nation. The only way to live.

We're fighting WWI again because we cannot accept this principle.

What stupid monkeys.
[Jun 23,2010 12:26pm - arktouros ""]
True, but only reality is real, I suppose.
[Jun 23,2010 12:35pm - Slag NLI  ""]
Only Unreal Tournament is Unreal.
[Jun 23,2010 12:37pm - arilliusbm ""]
Fuck racial singularity; we're all humans.
Just kill off all the people with an IQ below 120.
[Jun 23,2010 12:38pm - the_reverend ""]
should I pay my credit card bill this month?
[Nov 11,2011 10:06am - arilliusbm ""]
[Nov 11,2011 10:25am - Ridahs  ""]
coming soon
[Nov 11,2011 10:32am - Yeti ""]
i love how Russia and China, the "Red" countries, are glaring at the US and Israel over this.
[Dec 21,2011 11:13pm - arilliusbm ""]
we'll be bombing iran in a few days
[Dec 21,2011 11:33pm - the_reverend ""]
[Dec 22,2011 12:40am - boozegood ""]
[Dec 22,2011 1:00am - boozegood ""]
This is all happening in my backyard too.

I live in the most gangster neighborhood in the world right now.

Middle-East-Side 4 lyfe, yo.
[Dec 22,2011 6:56am - arilliusbm ""]
Christmas Eve night = no moon. PERFECT FOR AIR CAV INVASION
[Dec 22,2011 8:02am - largefreakatzero ""]
Hell, why not. Things are going so well in Iraq since we left:

[Jan 3,2012 12:24pm - arilliusbm ""]
Iran just issued a warning to the US to get our ship out of their region although it's in international waters.

2012 is going to be a fun year.
[Jan 3,2012 12:24pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Jan 3,2012 12:29pm - Fake Ark  ""]

arilliusbm said:It just boils down to East vs West. The younger generation of Iranians want to be westernized. In their eyes, given the cultural differences, that is the path to freedom.
It all started in 1953, with the response to the overthrow of Mohammad Mosadeggh by our CIA's coup d'état. He wanted to nationalize Irans OIL, which didn't sit well with us. We had a government set up for the next few decades, where in 1979, the Iranian Revolution happened. The same anti-west government is still in place.
To make a long story short, WE created this situation because of OIL. The CIA is responsible for the failure to withhold a pro-west government in Iran; it seems now the powers that be want to take it back. The young Iranians want it as well.. So something has to happen, whether it be internal conflict (revolts, assassinations, etc) or outside conflicts (faux war).
Fasten your seatbelts nillas.

This, Iran has way too many internal problems to EFFECTIVELY maintain a "conflict" with NATO.
[Jan 3,2012 12:31pm - Fake Ark  ""]
[Jan 3,2012 12:33pm - arilliusbm ""]
It's awesome how much one learns by reading history. Yet, no one cares.
[Jan 3,2012 1:19pm - nicccnli  ""]
I'm going to bump all the threads from 2006-2009 where I was like 17 years old and said this was going to happen.

Then imma make a toljyaso sandwich.

With murdersauce.

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