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Oklahoma police tase an 86-year-old bedridden grandmother

[Jun 28,2010 8:04pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jun 28,2010 8:05pm - Loose Sinks Shit Lips  ""]
No rape - no applause.
[Jun 29,2010 8:43am - BlackoutRick ""]
[Jun 29,2010 9:20am - metal_church101 ""]
It was fore-play.
[Jun 29,2010 9:24am - SkinSandwich ""]
Maybe she threw a bed pan full of ol' lady piss at em.
[Jun 29,2010 9:24am - metal_church101 ""]
Naw. I am sure that granny likes bondage.
[Jun 29,2010 10:20am - DreadKill ""]
i'd kill someone if they did that to my grandmother
[Jun 29,2010 11:43am - hauptpflucker ""]
Oooooooooooklahoma where your grandma's sure to get a tase...
[Jun 29,2010 3:47pm - Lamp ""]
The end result of this story was an old lady getting tasered and I still found it repulsive. Fuck you Oklahoma police, fuck you.
[Jun 29,2010 4:49pm - xFuck Loggin Inx  ""]
I think there's more to this than what was reported.
[Jun 29,2010 4:49pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
always is

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