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Metallica With a Real Drummer

[Jul 3,2010 12:06pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]


probably a repost but doing it anyways out of laziness and pure hatred for Lars Ulrich.
[Jul 3,2010 11:24pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
Joey was always the best part of Slipknot but that's still not saying much. Still better than Lars though.
[Jul 3,2010 11:49pm - Archaeon ""]
Better than lars but he's still pretty sloppy in this video.
[Jul 3,2010 11:53pm - Lamp ""]
I went into Guitar Center once and there was a Slipknot video on TV of his drum set bolted onto a huge circular platform. The whole thing was raised off the ground and tilted forward during a drum solo. That was pretty cool.
[Jul 4,2010 12:01am - Archaeon ""]
Lamp is down with the 'knot.
[Jul 4,2010 12:23am - zenerik nli  ""]
If you've been playing for a week, you're better than Lars.
[Jul 4,2010 12:35am - bobnomaamrooney ""]
It just didn't sound the same without three other guys in masks playing bongos and trash cans.
[Jul 4,2010 1:31am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I don't get why everyone badmouths Lars. I mean, it's nothing fancy, but back when the early Metallica stuff was around, the shit he wrote fit the music pretty well. What makes it so bad?
[Jul 4,2010 1:45am - narkybark ""]
mainly his attitude, and HOW MUCH BETTER the tunes could be if he were more creative. Then was then, but how about the newer stuff?
[Jul 4,2010 2:00am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Newer stuff he could definitely amp it up a notch. I only deal with back-in-the-day though.. just like the youtube video above.
[Jul 4,2010 3:20am - Archaeon ""]
Does anyone else thing he grooves like crazy on The Black Album? I love his performance on that.
[Jul 4,2010 3:24am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Apparently everyone thinks there weren't enough unnecessary fills and blastbeats in Nothing Else Matters.
[Jul 4,2010 3:47am - Archaeon ""]
That song came on the radio at the gym today. Nothing else matters is what really gets my blood pumpin. bro.
[Jul 4,2010 3:49am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Whenever I hear James Hetfield cry into a microphone I always think "You know what? I think I could add 20 more pounds to my benchpress".
[Jul 4,2010 11:04am - 'tallica baby  ""]

[Jul 4,2010 1:41pm - Archaeon ""]
lol no double bass during the verse. That asshole.
[Jul 5,2010 1:25am - Inappropriate  ""]
You think Slipknot is a real band... what are you, Zimbabwean?
[Jul 5,2010 2:07am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

Archaeon said:lol no double bass during the verse. That asshole.

haha I knew that would happen when the video started. The thing that kills me is the bass drum on only 1 & 3 through almost the whole song. He won't even attempt it on the every downbeat. Lame.
[Jul 5,2010 2:07am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
PS: I've heard rumors that the double bass on the CD during that song was never done live anyway. I wonder if that's true.

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