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Douchebags try to protest something or other at NYU (painfully, embarrassingly hilarious)

[Jul 5,2010 12:06pm - Kadoog-a-go-go  ""]

[Jul 5,2010 12:07pm - Kadoog-a-go-go  ""]

[Jul 5,2010 2:48pm - Horror_Tang ""]
The chick that was screaming about bring grabbed as she came in from the balcony told reporters she was thrown to the ground by police officers. College kids suck.
[Jul 5,2010 6:44pm - Inappropriate  ""]
Most people are in college because they want to seem smart and aren't. None of these kids even hit 120 IQ points. Might as well be Vietnamese at that point.
[Jul 5,2010 7:04pm - the_reverend ""]
"do they have devices of force?" aahahaha. I want them to get tased. still watching.
[Jul 5,2010 7:05pm - the_reverend ""]
They should have had a gotten a spokes man that doesn't stutter.
[Jul 5,2010 7:08pm - reimroc ""]
god i hate college protesters
[Jul 5,2010 7:10pm - the_reverend ""]
man college is such a weird petri dish. I bet if you said something was "gay" in front of them then they would flip out on you. fuck them. i hope they all get anally raped in jail. fucking douchebag idiots. What the hell are they protesting? If I were the cops, I would have just hosed them down and set the dogs on them.
[Jul 5,2010 7:12pm - the_reverend ""]

There is more info and some riot that broke out.
[Jul 5,2010 7:13pm - the_reverend ""]
The only person who ended up in a squad car was of Alex Deschamps, a Steinhardt Senior, who decided to mount a No Parking sign outside Kimmel.

Read more: NYU Local • How a Fringe Group at NYU Went From Being Disliked to Loathed – The Story of the TBNYU! Kimmel Occupation http://nyulocal.com/on-campus/2009/02/20/h...yu-kimmel-occupation/#ixzz0sqvFwf8B
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Non-Commercial
[Jul 5,2010 7:14pm - the_reverend ""]
all of the occupiers ran away in this video

[Jul 5,2010 7:21pm - Kevord ""]
They'll all have corporate jobs within 5 years. Get blue collar jobs and a drinking problem or STFU.
[Jul 5,2010 8:35pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
Wasn't this over a year ago? I want my ten minutes back, video was lame.
[Jul 5,2010 11:11pm - The_Rooster ""]
The big dick had legitimate fear in his voice when those security dudes came hoping over their "barricade".

Nice dreads brah.
[Jul 6,2010 2:03am - substitutecreature ""]
what were these hipsters bitching about?
[Jul 6,2010 5:57am - blessed offal nli  ""]

substitutecreature said:what were these hipsters bitching about?

[Jul 6,2010 10:10am - Inappropriate  ""]

substitutecreature said:what were these hipsters bitching about?

Not getting raped. You and I can fix the problem.
[Jul 6,2010 12:32pm - substitutecreature ""]

Inappropriate said:
Not getting raped. You and I can fix the problem.

[Jul 6,2010 2:14pm - Kadoog-a-go-go  ""]

ArrowHeadNLI said:Wasn't this over a year ago? I want my ten minutes back, video was lame.

Sorry. I'll give you your whole year back, if ya want.

I'm not sure what they were protesting, but I saw a list of their demands online and it had something to do with Palestine and granola bars.
[Jul 6,2010 2:17pm - PaganMogenDavid Megan  ""]
Guys, I'm totally fucking drnk! Durnk! Durunk! Here let me show you an Angelcorpse solo...

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