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[Apr 30,2004 9:35am - baneofexistence ""]

Polish death metallers DECAPITATED will be returning to the North American continent this summer for their second U.S. tour, this time with none other than CANNIBAL CORPSE. Confirmed dates so far are as follows:

Jul. 28 - Climax Lounge - Denver, CO
Jul. 30 - US Cellular Arena - Milwaukee, WI
Jul. 31 - Hairy Mary - Des Moines, IA
Aug. 01 - Ascot Room - Minneapolis, MN
Aug. 05 - Soundwaves - Reading, PA
Aug. 06 - Cricket Club - Irvington, NJ
Aug. 07 - The Chance - Poughkeepsie, NY
Aug. 13 - The Asylum - Portland, ME
[Apr 30,2004 10:05am - RustedAngel ""]
today just got about 100x better.


[Apr 30,2004 10:50am - joostin ""]
are there any MA dates?
[Apr 30,2004 11:01am - DysenteryVokills@school  ""]
How far is That place from DOVER..man i gotta go to this shiiiznit.. no one at my damn school likes death metal i swear!.
[Apr 30,2004 11:14am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
the MA date will probably appear in between the aug 7 and aug 13th dates.
[Apr 30,2004 11:53am - RustedAngel ""]
i'll forever laugh if there is no MA date.
[Apr 30,2004 11:53am - RustedAngel ""]
make you massholes travel for once.
[Apr 30,2004 11:57am - baneofexistence ""]
DysenteryVokills@school said:How far is That place from DOVER..man i gotta go to this shiiiznit.. no one at my damn school likes death metal i swear!.

ask Ben
[Apr 30,2004 1:41pm - joostin ""]
RustedAngel said:make you massholes travel for once.

it would definetely be worth it for decapitated
[Apr 30,2004 3:01pm - JellyFish ""]
\m/ that rules
[Apr 30,2004 3:17pm - swamplorddvm ""]
NO Mass? What the fuck! We'll see what happens.
[Apr 30,2004 6:03pm - Kalopsia ""]
[May 1,2004 1:36am - attendmyrequiem ""]
there will be there is too much of a gap
Aug. 07 - The Chance - Poughkeepsie, NY
Aug. 13 - The Asylum - Portland, ME

i guarentee they're working something witht he palladium
[May 1,2004 10:44am - bane of existence 666  ""]
i'd rather see this show come to boston somewhere like the matrix?
[May 3,2004 2:36am - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
This show is coming to the bombshelter,not sure the day,but it is booked
[May 3,2004 2:39am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
shit suckah... the bombshelter will sell out that day
[May 3,2004 4:54am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Tell me it's August 8th, then tell me we can open. :spineyes:

On second thought, the 8th will probably be the Palladium, because they always get the weekend dates. If so, I hope they hit the Bomb Shelter on the 10th so this and the Brutal Domination show don't interfere with eachother.
[May 3,2004 8:07am - RustedAngel ""]
wow, i'm going to get to see decapitated 3 times. yes!
[May 3,2004 8:12am - baneofexistence ""]
Todd said:This show is coming to the bombshelter,not sure the day,but it is booked

now all the begging and sucking will begin to land the opening slot
[May 3,2004 6:25pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Or we could all skip the begging and just say we'll do it if the BS wants us and leave it at that.
[May 3,2004 6:43pm - Terence ""]
I called Serge. The show is already booked he said.

I think otherwise.

With my luck, this tour will hit the Palladium on the 9th, the same day for the Brutal Domination Tour.

Terence is very sad right now.
[May 3,2004 6:59pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Nah. Cannibal Corpse on a MONDAY? No way in hell, not at the Palladium. It'll be there the 8th. It'll hit the BS the 9th or 10th is my guess.
[May 3,2004 7:21pm - Terence ""]
I wonder who he has opening at the Bombshelter.
[May 3,2004 7:24pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Occultum, maybe Almost Homeless.
[May 3,2004 7:26pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
prophetless productions is already on top of this tour.
[May 3,2004 10:33pm - Terence ""]
thank the lord for Prophetless Productions.
[May 5,2004 9:06pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
JUST CONFIRMED july 8th @The Bombshelter ,Cannibal Corpse,Black Dahlia Murder,Decapitated + openers TBA

This will be the only show to see Cannibal Corpse as they are not playing Maine show at the asylum...It will only be Black Dahlia Murder and Decapitated
[May 5,2004 9:09pm - JellyFish ""]
Im so there.
[May 5,2004 10:50pm - RustedAngel ""]
i'm at both, and the mass or RI show if it's there.
[May 8,2004 3:55pm - why  ""]
is CSDO playing with Cannibal Corpse at The BombShelter with all the great local death metal bands in the area?
[May 8,2004 4:00pm - why  ""]
are they on the show?
[May 8,2004 5:20pm - subjugate ""]
so let me get this right it's
Cannibal Corpse, Decapitated, B.D.M. & C.S.D.O.


i just got word C.S.D.O. is playing the DRI show that joe got fucked out of

[May 8,2004 5:25pm - blue in hell  ""]
lets try no csdo and one of the following DEATH METAL bands:
phantom limb
[May 8,2004 5:50pm - soilworker ""]
goatwhore i think is playing the maine show too
[May 9,2004 4:19am - Terence ""]
CSDO? cmon. You've gotta be kidding me.
Well, I guess thats what I should expect from the Bombshelter.
[May 11,2004 1:24am - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
Expect, terence? What do you mean, Serge is tired of Booking out of state Death metal bands that bring no one but there wives and girlfriends, Anyway yes CSDO is playing this show and already have sold a crapload of tickets.Granted I too would like to see, BOE,Teratism,Ascendancy,or Phantom limb instead,but it all comes down to tickets and past shows with these bands have had shitty draw to say the least.SORRY
[May 11,2004 1:45am - Terence ""]
Of course a ton of tickets have been sold, its CANNIBAL CORPSE. Any opening band would be able to sell a lot of tickets. In this case it wouldnt have mattered who the opening band was. Its just frustrating because Ive called Serge on this and tried to get my band on this show, but to no avail, obviously.

As far as shitty draw goes, our first time we played there, we drew the most people, granted it wasnt 1000 people but still. I dont think bands should be booked depending on how many people they can individually draw, but how well they would fit an already decent drawing bill. In my opinion, CSDO dont fit the bill, why not Life at Zero, or another good NH DEATH METAL band like Senseless Mutilation.

Or maybe its because CSDO have paid for advertising for the Bombshelter before right out of their own pockets. I dunno, beats the hell outta me. Its like putting Mastamindz with Prong. Whoops...thats already been done...

[May 11,2004 7:54am - baneofexistence ""]
csdo also buys a shit ton of the tix on his own and gives em away

the reason death metal bands don't draw well is cause they don't get the chance to open for bands in their same musical style

i really dig csdo have been a fan for many years but i think with all the local death metal bands around putting a thrash band on a death metal show is kinda lame

yea the malignancy show we did do so hot but we havn't ever played there before were being judged by one poorly attended show whats that all about(i guess first impressions really are lasting ones)

i said this before and i'll say it again one of the reasons the b-shelter dosen't draw as well as it should is cause they don't take out ad's(or if they do i never saw one ever) i is a decent club (that could use a better p.a. and monitoring system) that has unlimited potential with a little promoting

it's the oldest rule in business
[May 11,2004 8:16am - RustedAngel ""]
wow, PORPHYRIA would be ready to play this show, I didn't even think about that. FUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!!!! hopefully CSDO cancels ;)
[May 11,2004 8:23am - krystal  ""]
nooooo not at the bombshelter, for I am not allowed....dammit I can't miss this shit, looks like I'm going to ME. But one good thing....in ME maybe I wont have to suffer through C.S.D.O....that might make the drive to Portland worth it..
[May 11,2004 10:15am - the_reverend ""]
why are you not allowed there?
[May 11,2004 10:16am - the_reverend ""]
oh, I know, beating up guys.
[May 11,2004 5:01pm - deadhooker ""]
what would make you say that rev? me.....never.....
[May 11,2004 6:53pm - BornSoVile ""]
I don't understand why no one wants to book Goratory.
[May 11,2004 7:11pm - JellyFish ""]
neither do i.
[May 12,2004 10:59pm - goratory ""]
ya god dammit, we can barely ever find shows in Mass. We always bring all our friends that buy tickets and fuck shit up for all the bands. oh, well. Sorry, I'm drunk and felt like bitching.

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