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if you buy cymbals at GC, you need to know this.

[Jul 7,2010 1:10pm - ouchdrummer ""]
When you buy a cymbal from Guitar Center, and you buy the extended warranty on it, you NEED to know this. If it is within the first year, you should call the manufacturer, and NOT the warranty company. The warranty company only covers the time after the manufactures warranty is valid. This wouldn't really be a big deal....

Except i broke a cymbal i bought from GC, it was a cymbal i had that plan on. So the first thing i did was go into GC and ask them what the proper procedure was for me to get my cymbal replaced. They gave me the pamphlet from the warranty, AND they printed out a copy of my receipt for me. (so they KNEW that it was within the first year, we spoke about it, and he had to find the receipt to reprint it, and had to locate it by date.) He then told me to call the number in the pamphlet, that they would probably ask me to email pics of my cymbal to them, and that people usually get checks form them within a business week. So I went home and called.... that's when i found out that i needed to go though the manufacturer for the whole first year... and that if the manufacturer made me pay for shipping, that i should call them and they will cover it. (which at the time i thought was nice.) I then called Paiste, and they told me to ship my cymbal to them, and they will inspect it to see if i mistreated it, or if it should be replaced. They ALSO told me that since i called the warranty company first, that my extended warranty was now invalid because they offered to pay for shipping... in other words, them offering to pay shipping was my entire claim, and if Paiste won't replace it, i am out of a $400 cymbal. This is entirely the fault of Guitar center, i was lied to (maliciously or not, i don't care) and there is proof that the lying cost me $400.

It's fraud. The guitar center employees are real aggresive salesmen. And i appreciate that, i'm in sales myself. But by telling my to call the wrong people, and therefor nulling my warranty, they've cost me a replacement cymbal. I plan on getting that back from guitar center. I've contacted the better business bureau, my lawyer, and am going to Guitar Center tonight.
[Jul 7,2010 1:13pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Jeez, when I read this it brought to mind the opposite experience you had with your kick pedals where they went above and beyond to get 'em fixed / replaced for you.

Sorry to hear that, buddy.
[Jul 7,2010 1:22pm - josh_hates_you ""]

ouchdrummer said: and that if the manufacturer made me pay for shipping, that i should call them and they will cover it. (which at the time i thought was nice.) I then called Paiste, and they told me to ship my cymbal to them, and they will inspect it to see if i mistreated it, or if it should be replaced. They ALSO told me that since i called the warranty company first, that my extended warranty was now invalid because they offered to pay for shipping...

sounds like you didnt actually ship the cymbal and have the 3rd party warrant provider actually pay for anything. thus not actually making a claim therefor keeping your warranty in tact. i'd pay to send it to paiste myself then keep the extended warranty in case you break it again. unless the shipping is retardedly expensive and i was confident that i would not break said cymbal again.

$400? was it a 22" signature ride or something? how did you break that?
[Jul 7,2010 1:26pm - sxealex ""]
yea this is how it goes first year you send it to sabian or whoever and then 2nd time u send it to gc performance whatever asurion dick licks
[Jul 7,2010 1:34pm - arktouros ""]
so the warranty is void now that you simply called GC's warranty company first and they offered to pay the shipping price to the manufacturer? that consumes your whole claim?

seems like nothing should void the claim until they actually PAY for the shipping at least... verbal communication doesn't seem like it would use the claim.

this shit is probably all in the FINE PRINT =\
[Jul 7,2010 1:37pm - arktouros ""]
yeah what josh said, just go straight thru Paiste first and pay your own shipping, then if they don't replace the cymbal go thru the GC warranty folks. unless you already finalized something.

contact the BBB and your lawyer anyway. GC can suck my knob.
[Jul 7,2010 1:41pm - ouchdrummer ""]
Yes, i understand it now. And yes i will DEFINITELY send it to Paiste to get it (hopefully) replaced, and i will definitely pay to ship it myself. YET, the 3rd party insurer claims that since they OFFERED to pay for shipping.... that THAT was them honoring my claim. Which, for the record, i don't believe is legal.

The cymbal is a 18 Paiste Signature Reflector Heavy full crash. With tax it comes out to about $400.

It's an amazing cymbal.

The lady at Paiste said that she can't believe no one's sued GC/the 3rd party insurer for this shit yet. She said that she also thinks it's totally illegal.. and that if someone did it to her she would kill someone. I agree with her. This is SUCH bullshit, i'm going to GC tonight.
[Jul 7,2010 1:45pm - ouchdrummer ""]
It's reassuring to see all of you post the same advice that i'm following now. I thought they couldn't void my warranty for talking to the 3rd party, and never accepted anything from them. I just wanted to make sure that no one knew some law that i didn't know that makes what they are doing (did) legal. Thanks dudes... and yeah, already filed a report with BBB, and my lawyer is drafting a letter for me to bring to GC with my to give the store manager, and to send to the 3rd party.
[Jul 7,2010 1:50pm - ouchdrummer ""]

the_taste_of_cigarettes said:Jeez, when I read this it brought to mind the opposite experience you had with your kick pedals where they went above and beyond to get 'em fixed / replaced for you.

Sorry to hear that, buddy.

if only every company were as good at customer service as Axis.
[Jul 7,2010 2:07pm - arktouros ""]

ouchdrummer said:YET, the 3rd party insurer claims that since they OFFERED to pay for shipping.... that THAT was them honoring my claim. Which, for the record, i don't believe is legal.
wow, yeah, sue 'em for personal damages too. that cymbal is a golden child.
[Jul 7,2010 2:12pm - SkinSandwich ""]
You should go back into GC and masturbate all over the place.
[Jul 7,2010 2:13pm - ShadowSD ""]
You definitely have a claim, and only by taking them on with BBB and legal claims do corporations ever stop doing this kind of shit.

As long as it's profitable, after all, they will keep doing it - and it IS intentional.
[Jul 7,2010 2:36pm - Purple Peepee  ""]
We'll handle this, don't worry. We will masturbate all over GC. We will come and overcome.
[Jul 7,2010 2:37pm - ShadowSD ""]
Brings a whole new meaning to the term stick it to the man.
[Jul 7,2010 3:17pm - Yeti ""]
excellent cymbalism.
[Jul 7,2010 3:21pm - ouchdrummer ""]
oh my goodness.
[Jul 7,2010 4:15pm - sxealex ""]
my pun center in my brain just exploded
[Jul 7,2010 5:22pm - Lamp ""]

ouchdrummer said:I've contacted the better business bureau, my lawyer, and am going to Guitar Center tonight.

I would pay $400 to get out of dealing with all of these bureaucracies.
[Jul 7,2010 5:55pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
they pulled some similar shit with Monster Cables. I bought the high end ones, I think it was 40$ for a 20 foot cord, lifetime warranty. If it breaks, which it did, you could bring it back and exchange it for the same one. That worked one time, every time after that they claimed to not have the same cord, and only could replace it for free for one of lesser value. So I waited till a different sales guy came over and asked for the good one, the one that I had and was broken. He reached under the counter to get it, so i said "oh thanks, I need to exchange this broken chord" Management got involved and I was told they won't honor that warranty anymore after "this time"
[Jul 7,2010 6:02pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
With Monster Cables I had the same incident. They gave me a nickle for a gold. I said "Why did I pay for the gold just to get a lesser replacement?" and called the company. I was told what you were told, Brad, that for this "one time" I could get an "upgrade" even though it was an even exchange.
[Jul 7,2010 8:50pm - xgodzillax ""]
fuck guitar center. mitt romney ruined a decent music store.
[Jul 7,2010 9:11pm - Archaeon ""]
Also, if you sell used cymbals to them you only get $1 per inch of cymbal. So if you have a $400 dollar 22" ride. You get $22. Retarded.
[Jul 7,2010 9:19pm - zenerik nli  ""]
Never buy an extended warranty from GC. Actually, you should probably just never buy from GC, period.

I have never broken any cymbal from Guitar Center besides one Wuhan; so, I don't really know what it's like dealing with those shitheads. BUT I do recommend http://www.cymbalsonly.com/ as an alternative. Tony sells quality cymbals which are rarely found at any Guitar Center.
[Jul 7,2010 9:31pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Best of luck, buddy. You should find a means of surreptitiously introducing urine to their sales floor. Gatorade bottles are ideal.
[Jul 7,2010 10:04pm - JN ""]
[Jul 7,2010 10:18pm - RustyPS ""]

goatcatalyst said:Best of luck, buddy. You should find a means of surreptitiously introducing urine to their sales floor. Gatorade bottles are ideal.
he should eat asparagus before he does that...so not only will it be urine, ut it will stink like a motherfucker
[Jul 7,2010 10:56pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Asparagus and iced Dunkin dark roast. Regular. Make them rue the day.
[Jul 7,2010 10:59pm - xgodzillax ""]
just get some liquid ass. http://www.liquidass.com
[Jul 7,2010 11:02pm - xgodzillax ""]
"Liquid ASS Application Ideas

People: Direct application on the targeted person: BE CAREFUL! Liquid ASS is silent and the thin stream is hard to see or feel, but given the circumstances, it is easier to get caught. But, watching the person walk around smelling like a turd is worth the patience and effort. Applying Liquid ASS on the intended victim outside in the rain prior to coming indoors is one way to decrease chances of detection.

Automobiles: Since cars enclose a small area, Liquid ASS is extremely effective. The downside is that you will probably miss most of the reaction which is 50% of the entertainment value (unless, of course, you are riding in the car enduring the stench yourself). We suggest putting some Liquid ASS on a cotton ball and stuffing it under the seat.

Elevators: Let them ride that ASS (small enclosed areas are perfect).

Door handles: Their hand will smell like they shoved it up Andre the Giant's ass.

Liquid ASS "poo dollar": Possibly a cure for the love of money.

Office chair: Put it on their chair directly; get it on their clothes indirectly.

Telephone receiver: Give them something to talk about.

Birthday balloons: Get the party started by popping an ASS balloon.

Fan: What a breath of fresh ASS (apply to a rag and throw it on the shroud).

Public transportation: Now everyone knows riding the bus stinks.

Office desk: Now the brown-noser smells like the brown (apply around the rear edges)."
[Jul 8,2010 12:13am - goatcatalyst ""]
Fuck it - termites in the acoustic guitar room. Surly ones. From Pawtucket.
[Jul 8,2010 12:29am - Eli_hhcb ""]
Walk in and play every thing loudly and terriblly...oh wait lols
[Jul 8,2010 8:11am - ouchdrummer ""]

zenerik%20nli said:Never buy an extended warranty from GC. Actually, you should probably just never buy from GC, period.

I have never broken any cymbal from Guitar Center besides one Wuhan; so, I don't really know what it's like dealing with those shitheads. BUT I do recommend http://www.cymbalsonly.com/ as an alternative. Tony sells quality cymbals which are rarely found at any Guitar Center.

The problem is that i play SO much that i break every crash i get. I don't hit wrong, (I use the sweeping-accross motion) I use small sticks, and i make sure the cymbal is mounted on the plastic properly. It's just when you play 30hours a week, they break. It's what they do. So for me to buy cymbals from a dealer that DOESN'T have a replacement plan is a bad idea..... and the GC cymbal warranty DOES work.... if you know exactly what you have to do to get it.

sorry, after thinking about it... i MIGHT be in the middle of something legal, so i'm gonna not talk about the details until it's over. should be soon hopefully.

[Jul 8,2010 9:11am - metal_church101 ""]
Guitar Center pulled the same shit with me with Monster Cables as well. They blamed Monster saying that they were being too difficult to deal with. I just went to another music store and they replaced it for me without a problem.
[Jul 8,2010 9:41am - the_reverend ""]
[Jul 8,2010 9:46am - ouchdrummer ""]
i like to play
[Jul 8,2010 9:49am - Lil‘ Willy NLI  ""]
[Jul 8,2010 9:49am - SkinSandwich ""]
Cum on high hats or you're a form of pasta.

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