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fucking a 60 year old woman

[Jul 7,2010 1:49pm - anonymous  ""]
has anyone ever ventured into this territory? i had sex with a 60 something year old and it was incredible. she isnt a granny and knew what she was doing. just wondering
[Jul 7,2010 3:40pm - ouch  ""]
nice. Id do it.... i think
[Jul 7,2010 3:41pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i think it would depend on the woman...
[Jul 7,2010 4:00pm - arilliusbm ""]
here's douchebag patrol's cue on posting pics of older (attractive) women getting slammed
[Jul 7,2010 4:15pm - ouchdrummer ""]
never went over 45
[Jul 7,2010 4:21pm - arilliusbm ""]
wait, is ouch=Ouchdrummer?
[Jul 7,2010 4:22pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i had my money on dya for that
[Jul 7,2010 4:22pm - the chief  ""]
pics or it didnt happen
[Jul 7,2010 4:33pm - ouch  ""]

ouchdrummer said:never went over 45

butt i went under and ate that crusty ass, ill tell you what :tightiewhities:
[Jul 7,2010 4:37pm - ouchdrummer ""]
no. ouch is not me.
[Jul 7,2010 4:42pm - arilliusbm ""]
oh, always thought it was you NLI
[Jul 7,2010 6:18pm - couchslummer  ""]
like this?
[Jul 7,2010 6:41pm - blessed_offal ""]
oscar the grouch just gave me a hummer
[Jul 7,2010 7:03pm - RustyPS ""]

arilliusbm said:here's douchebag patrol's cue on posting pics of older (unattractive) women getting slammed

[Jul 7,2010 7:35pm - Archaeon ""]
I do it for the lulz.
[Jul 7,2010 8:19pm - RevoPhil  ""]
I banged a woman that i think was in her mid 50's, but the rest of my band is sure was in her 60's. She looked "decent" with her clothes on, but when they came off gravity was not her friend
[Jul 7,2010 9:36pm - Dankill  ""]
At the least, I guess you wouldn't have to worry about knocking them up.
[Jul 7,2010 9:48pm - ShadowSD ""]
Unless someone is talking about one of those rare miracles of nature who never seems to age (e.g. Stevie Nicks), I don't see why anonymous would EVER want to do this, unless they themselves are also pushing 60 and just can't get any better.
[Jul 7,2010 9:59pm - xgodzillax ""]


[Jul 8,2010 3:45am - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Jul 8,2010 8:54am - Marv Albert  ""]
I came.
[Jul 8,2010 9:14am - ouchdrummer ""]

ShadowSD said:Unless someone is talking about one of those rare miracles of nature who never seems to age (e.g. Stevie Nicks), I don't see why anonymous would EVER want to do this, unless they themselves are also pushing 60 and just can't get any better.

Attraction is one of those things that's unexplainable.
[Jul 8,2010 10:46am - couchcummer  ""]
I pissed.
[Jul 9,2010 1:27am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:i had my money on dya for that

Haha, wait, what?

Since we're on the subject, I'll totally go older, always a good time, but 60 would have to be a pretty spectacular 60.
[Jul 9,2010 10:54pm - ernie ""]
im totally into older chicks but 60 might be pushing it
[Jul 11,2010 3:05am - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Jul 11,2010 8:07am - ShadowSD ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:i had my money on doa for that

Fixed to describe the fossils on this thread.
[Jul 11,2010 12:48pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Jul 11,2010 4:47pm - #1 Opeth Fan  ""]
Having sex with a woman... queer idea.
[Nov 15,2010 12:35am - ParkerIz13  ""]
Idc wat age, im 13 and as long as its a woman, im in;))))
[Nov 15,2010 12:45am - sxealex ""]
msd did u make that image just for this thread
[Nov 15,2010 6:04am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Of course. It should have been white text though. I dun goofed.
[Nov 15,2010 11:00am - brodown ""]
I boned a woman last year that looked like an incredible 36, who said she was 42. I found out later from mutual acquaintances that she was, in fact, 52. This information may or may not have stopped me then, but now that I've seen what she can do, I'd hit it in a heartbeat.

[Feb 22,2011 12:06pm - anonymous  ""]
i like tu fuck older woman
[Feb 22,2011 12:52pm - Yeti ""]
astounding input
[Dec 13,2011 8:53am - I googled this site and WTF  ""]
this is a strange site for mature porn. I googled this and this came uo..what the hell is this crap
[Dec 13,2011 10:07am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
you're doing it wrong

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