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[Jul 14,2010 3:45pm - W3 nli  ""]
we are currently looking for a new drummer, we have a fill in drummer helping us finish our three splits for this year but are still very seriously looking for someone to step up and be our drummer. hit us up with an email not a comment if you are interested.

[Jul 14,2010 3:47pm - FIRST  ""]
[Jul 14,2010 3:48pm - ouchdrummer ""]
I wish you guys the best of luck, and I support your decision.
[Jul 14,2010 3:48pm - Archaeon ""]
in b4 ruckus.
[Jul 14,2010 3:50pm - Pires ""]
Someone has to pass the chinatown test before being admitted into the band. This might not go so well. Best of luck dudes.
[Jul 14,2010 3:52pm - XThankgodX  ""]
Dude was a fucking asshole, just saying.
[Jul 14,2010 3:53pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Jul 14,2010 4:19pm - xbackedx  ""]

XThankgodX said:Dude was a fucking asshole, just saying.

you can do it put your back into it
[Jul 14,2010 4:22pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
Elevated risk of Chinatown related fighting injuries detected.
[Jul 14,2010 4:24pm - ouchdrummer ""]
dude obviously just got booted from a band, be nice, huh?
[Jul 14,2010 4:24pm - Sacreligion ""]
I'll play drums. The only problem is that I can't play drums.
[Jul 14,2010 4:26pm - xMothrax  ""]
yessssss here is my chance to be the best villain everrrrrr muhahahahahahaha!!!!!
[Jul 14,2010 5:39pm - W3 nli  ""]
thanks jim, if you stop playing in 5million band and wanna come jam some grind hit me up with a call.
[Jul 14,2010 5:40pm - Lamp ""]
I wish I still had a drum set (living a bit closer to Boston wouldn't hurt either), I'd go try out.
[Jul 14,2010 5:49pm - booleygibbs  ""]
we have a kit you could use it's not the best but it works
[Jul 14,2010 5:50pm - booleygibbs  ""]
lamp just hit us up if u wanna give it a shot
[Jul 14,2010 6:06pm - Heterosexual Lamp  ""]
I play the drums. aaarrgghhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!
[Jul 14,2010 6:18pm - Lamp ""]
I'm not really getting the point of this troll, but okay...
[Jul 14,2010 7:03pm - xFuck Loggin Inx  ""]

Lamp said:I'm not really getting the point of this troll, but okay...

I think you're being called out as a gay pansy.
[Jul 14,2010 7:38pm - W3 nli  ""]
Lamp if you wanna come try out hit us up on facebook or myspace. we have a kit and only pretty much practice 2 -3 times a week so let us know whats up
[Jul 14,2010 7:41pm - W3 nli  ""]
also I should mention that Alex from Nachzehrer and 26 Beers is currently playing drums for us as a studio and a few live shows. he is not a perm. drummer but he is showing us our music can and should be faster and tighter when we find whoever is gonna join the band.
[Jul 14,2010 8:36pm - Lamp ""]
I don't have a Facebook or Myspace.
[Jul 14,2010 8:37pm - Archaeon ""]
[Jul 14,2010 8:53pm - nekronaut ""]

W3%20nli said:also I should mention that Alex from Nachzehrer and 26 Beers is currently playing drums for us as a studio and a few live shows. he is not a perm. drummer but he is showing us our music can and should be faster and tighter when we find whoever is gonna join the band.

Oh word. News to me... umm he's not playing the August 28th show is he? We kinda have a show in Upstate, NY that day... eek!
[Jul 14,2010 9:05pm - xFAT DOUCHEBAGx  ""]
Wait. I'm not in the band anymore? You can't tell me what to do.
[Jul 14,2010 9:06pm - booleygibbs  ""]
nah i dont think were doing that 28th show if alex has another commitment so no worries, but lamp just email us at intheshitboston@gmail.com it u wanna try out
[Jul 14,2010 9:08pm - xFAT DOUCHEBAGx  ""]
Lamp cannot take my spot until he gains 300 pounds.
[Jul 14,2010 9:08pm - nekronaut ""]
Word alright, I didn't want to have to call him up and get all Mel Gibson on him.

Good luck on the search by the way!
[Jul 14,2010 9:10pm - xFAT DOUCHEBAGx  ""]
Ugh. It seems that I have neglected my drumming duties in favor of challenging Kobayashi to an eating contest.
[Jul 14,2010 9:30pm - Lamp ""]

booleygibbs said:but lamp just email us at intheshitboston@gmail.com it u wanna try out

[Jul 14,2010 9:49pm - zyklon ""]
So what happened with fattie?
[Jul 14,2010 9:54pm - xFAT DOUCHEBAGx  ""]
I had a goddamn heart attack in preparation for my duel with Kobayashi. Back off, or I will threaten you. Mark my words! Although my only real attack is sitting...
[Jul 14,2010 9:59pm - Heterosexual Lamp  ""]

Lamp said:I don't have a Facebook or Myspace.

Then you are gay. Sodomite!!!
[Jul 14,2010 10:44pm - xmikex ""]

XThankgodX said:Dude was a fucking asshole, just saying.

say it somewhere else. stfu drama llama.
[Jul 15,2010 9:59am - xHOGZILLAX  ""]
ANY new drummer will be un upgrade.
[Jul 15,2010 11:55am - xmikex ""]
We played plenty of shows with Nick on drums, and I didn't see any of you big studly studs in a rush to say any of this to us then. Nobody's impressed. Take a walk.
[Jul 15,2010 12:06pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]

xmikex said:We played plenty of shows with Nick on drums, and I didn't see any of you big studly studs in a rush to say any of this to us then. Nobody's impressed. Take a walk.

I agree that anonymous internet shittalking is the scourge of our 21st century. It's also lame to go after someone during a hard time.

But honestly, though, I mean I am in awe that your band can't understand why people are latching on to this opportunity. Nick said some massively bridge burning stuff to people, including, though not limited to telling me my wife will divorce me, making various rape comments and jerk-off jokes, and all around taking a stab at EVERYONE he could get his hands on.

I'm trying to let the shit that happened with him go to rest, but let's call a spade a spade. You guys stayed with him through that for way too long as he took pot shots at everyone and everything he could, and for whatever reasons you guys parted ways, I wouldn't dismiss the fact that people that were hurt by him are coming out of the woodwork. Kid cut up a lot of people for little to no reason but his own pleasure and what he though would build his rep. I got like 3 emails of that kid threatening "street justice" when I asked him why he's always giving me a hard time.
[Jul 15,2010 12:10pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Again, I am not supporting people posting ANON to get their kicks, it's bad form and kinda lame. I also think this is the wrong thread to do it in and the wrong WAY to do it.

I just also don't think the answer to what they are saying is "Well you never said anything before!!"
[Jul 15,2010 12:14pm - arilliusbm ""]
For the record, Im not any of those anons... not like it matters I guess. What's funny to me is at least Godzilla had the balls to talk smack logged in.
[Jul 15,2010 12:15pm - RichHorror ""]
Lotta feelings in this thread.
[Jul 15,2010 12:20pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Can I borrow a feeling?
[Jul 15,2010 12:20pm - C.dEaD  ""]
[Jul 15,2010 1:03pm - Yeti ""]
[Jul 15,2010 1:18pm - xmikex ""]

the_taste_of_cigarettes said:I am in awe that your band can't understand why people are latching on to this opportunity.

I understand the circumstances perfectly fine. I've probably done the exact same thing before if you'd really like the truth. But like Positive K, I'm not tryna hear that see. Speaking only for myself here, on any given week Nick did more for INTHESHIT than I've done in my entire time in the band. I'd have a hard time looking at myself in the mirror if I didn't show at least a modicum of respect, and drop a few stfu's on opportunistic haterz.

[Jul 15,2010 1:23pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
haterz gonna hate
[Jul 15,2010 1:25pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]

xmikex said:
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:I am in awe that your band can't understand why people are latching on to this opportunity.

I understand the circumstances perfectly fine. I've probably done the exact same thing before if you'd really like the truth. But like Positive K, I'm not tryna hear that see. Speaking only for myself here, on any given week Nick did more for INTHESHIT than I've done in my entire time in the band. I'd have a hard time looking at myself in the mirror if I didn't show at least a modicum of respect, and drop a few stfu's on opportunistic haterz.

Point well taken. Despite all the drama that follows around xITSx, it shouldn't reflect on all the members, you're all individuals.
[Jul 15,2010 1:29pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
unfortunately one member's actions can reflect poorly on a band however. Mr Godzilla's general attidude is one of the main reasons i never tried to set up a show with this band.
[Jul 15,2010 1:34pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
I made this suggestion via facebook: "Before you find this new drummer you guys should let me do guest vocals for a show just to set the record for "Fattest Grind Band Ever" like that episode of Bill Swerski's Superfans where they brought in Brian Dennehy as a ringer."
[Jul 15,2010 1:50pm - dramallama  ""]
did he cry when you kicked him out? i bet he did.
[Jul 15,2010 1:52pm - xmikex ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:unfortunately one member's actions can reflect poorly on a band however. Mr Godzilla's general attidude is one of the main reasons i never tried to set up a show with this band.

Well now you can book that blockbuster show with us and Quiet Riot you've been dying to book at this time.
[Jul 15,2010 1:54pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
sweet i'll get right on that
[Jul 15,2010 1:56pm - DreadKill ""]
put bochnagar on it too please
[Jul 15,2010 2:02pm - anonymousy  ""]

dramallama said:did he cry when you kicked him out? i bet he did.

Probaly, this scumbag wanted to "fight" anyone who disagreed with him. What a loser!
[Jul 15,2010 2:10pm - dramallama  ""]
even tough guys cry sometimes.
[Jul 15,2010 2:16pm - Scut Farkus  ""]
[Jul 15,2010 2:18pm - largefreakatzero ""]

RichHorror said:Lotta feelings in this thread.

Words hurt.
[Jul 15,2010 2:35pm - everybody was kung-fu fighting  ""]
[Jul 15,2010 3:17pm - Yeti ""]

dramallama said:even tough guys cry sometimes.

when are you going to learn that sometimes being tough, means being tender.
[Jul 15,2010 3:43pm - W3 nli  ""]
interwebz will be intertoobs
[Jul 15,2010 3:49pm - nekronaut ""]
ITT: Only trolling is real
[Jul 15,2010 3:50pm - DawnOftheDead ""]

the_taste_of_cigarettes said:
xmikex said:
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:I am in awe that your band can't understand why people are latching on to this opportunity.

I understand the circumstances perfectly fine. I've probably done the exact same thing before if you'd really like the truth. But like Positive K, I'm not tryna hear that see. Speaking only for myself here, on any given week Nick did more for INTHESHIT than I've done in my entire time in the band. I'd have a hard time looking at myself in the mirror if I didn't show at least a modicum of respect, and drop a few stfu's on opportunistic haterz.

Point well taken. Despite all the drama that follows around xITSx, it shouldn't reflect on all the members, you're all individuals.

I, as well, understand the circumstances behind taking potshot and all, but it doesn't mean I have to condone it. People will think, say and act as they will, I get it. I am just hope that everyone will stop throwing stones.
[Jul 15,2010 3:56pm - hauptpflucker ""]

DawnOftheDead said:
I, as well, understand the circumstances behind taking potshot and all, but it doesn't mean I have to condone it. People will think, say and act as they will, I get it. I am just hope that everyone will stop throwing stones.

I'd share the sentiment but someone would just dis me for it...
[Jul 15,2010 4:00pm - xmikex ""]

hauptpflucker said:
DawnOftheDead said:
I, as well, understand the circumstances behind taking potshot and all, but it doesn't mean I have to condone it. People will think, say and act as they will, I get it. I am just hope that everyone will stop throwing stones.

I'd share the sentiment but someone would just dis me for it...


it's all fun and games dude
[Jul 15,2010 4:03pm - hauptpflucker ""]
I was just kiddin foo! well you know half joking at least... since it's true... hahaha anyway good luck with the drummer search I hope it all goes well.
[Jul 15,2010 4:03pm - RichHorror ""]
[Jul 15,2010 4:07pm - SkinSandwich ""]
That dude is merely enormous.
[Jul 15,2010 4:18pm - C.dEaD  ""]
[Jul 15,2010 4:22pm - AlxNLI  ""]
So many conflicting emotions...
[Jul 15,2010 4:30pm - huh?  ""]
no emotional conflict about it. FUCK THAT FAT TURD.
[Jul 15,2010 4:36pm - the_reverend ""]

C.dEaD said:[img]
I much prefer diorama llama
[Jul 15,2010 4:48pm - aaron_michael ""]
Ah, "Diorama-Rama", my favorite school event next to "Hearing-
Test Thursday".
[Jul 15,2010 4:52pm - turdtown  ""]

huh? said:no emotional conflict about it. FUCK THAT FAT TURD.

i thought he looked familiar:

[Jul 15,2010 5:13pm - ouchdrummer ""]

DawnOftheDead said:
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:
xmikex said:
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:I am in awe that your band can't understand why people are latching on to this opportunity.

I understand the circumstances perfectly fine. I've probably done the exact same thing before if you'd really like the truth. But like Positive K, I'm not tryna hear that see. Speaking only for myself here, on any given week Nick did more for INTHESHIT than I've done in my entire time in the band. I'd have a hard time looking at myself in the mirror if I didn't show at least a modicum of respect, and drop a few stfu's on opportunistic haterz.

Point well taken. Despite all the drama that follows around xITSx, it shouldn't reflect on all the members, you're all individuals.

I, as well, understand the circumstances behind taking potshot and all, but it doesn't mean I have to condone it. People will think, say and act as they will, I get it. I am just hope that everyone will stop throwing stones.

You gotta admit, it's funny that a bad that had mr. godzilla in it is concerned with people "throwing stones."... although personally, i don't wanna say anything mean. I honestly feel bad for him. If ITS meant as much to him as my bands mean to me, than i know from experience that it's CRUSHING when a band drops you. Poor guy.
[Jul 15,2010 5:15pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
truth. been there. sucks.
[Jul 15,2010 5:21pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Jul 15,2010 5:43pm - RichHorror ""]
I haven't. I'm incredible.
[Jul 15,2010 5:46pm - DickintheHorror  ""]
[Jul 15,2010 5:47pm - bradness so totally at work  ""]

RichHorror said:I haven't. I'm incredible.

me neither. I do the hiring and firing bitch!!
[Jul 15,2010 6:32pm - RichHorror ""]

DickintheHorror said:[img]

What a dream come true.
[Jul 15,2010 6:35pm - Snli  ""]

everybody%20was%20kung-fu%20fighting said:[img]

It is pretty easy to figure out who you are by your Photobucket username if you have posted a pic from there logged in before. Just sayin'
[Jul 15,2010 6:43pm - DawnOftheDead ""]
You gotta admit, it's funny that a bad that had mr. godzilla in it is concerned with people "throwing stones."... although personally, i don't wanna say anything mean. I honestly feel bad for him. If ITS meant as much to him as my bands mean to me, than i know from experience that it's CRUSHING when a band drops you. Poor guy.

I'm just saying there's no need to pile on, that's all. As taste_of_cigarettes said, we're all individuals. I guess it would seem funny if you though we were all ones to shake the beehive. I'm not like that. Personally, I don't like drama in any form and try to stay as far from it as possible. I felt some were taking advantage of a bad situation and making it worse.
[Jul 15,2010 6:45pm - DawnOftheDead ""]

RichHorror said:
DickintheHorror said:[img]

What a dream come true.

wow, like wow.
[Jul 15,2010 7:27pm - pig pile  ""]
[Jul 15,2010 7:47pm - W3 nli  ""]
wow, talk about kicking a dood while he's down and out......with that said thank you for the people that have actually showed interest and emailed us to try out.

were still gonna be looking while Alex is filling in and continue to try folks out so if you're interested hit us up with an email.



or find us on facebook....i dont know how to post that link
[Jul 15,2010 7:55pm - anonymousy  ""]
If you like him so much then why give him the boot? FYI he deserves to he treated like shit
[Jul 15,2010 9:20pm - W3 nli  ""]
go internet go go go
[Jul 15,2010 9:52pm - anonymous  ""]
awesome your band just got a new fan.
[Jul 15,2010 10:08pm - xmikex ""]
haha the same rules still apply friends. if you're that much smarter than us, please come out to a show and discuss how we should better conduct our lives.
[Jul 15,2010 10:21pm - RustyPS ""]
look, in all honesty, I'm happy that he got the boot...our differences have been well documented on this board, and when something negative happens to someone I'm not fond of, it makes me happy

....but with that said, I agree, all this anonymous bashing is very weak
[Jul 16,2010 2:47am - goatcatalyst ""]
Asia Argento has rad tits.
[Jul 16,2010 7:04am - SkinSandwich ""]

goatcatalyst said:Asia Argento has rad tits.

[Jul 16,2010 12:01pm - brodown ""]
homer powerviolence for the win.
[Jul 16,2010 1:07pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

brodown said:homer powerviolence for the win.

Hahaha, srsly. That's an image you can't argue with.
[Jul 16,2010 1:55pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm not sure what happened, but from what I see, it seems like W3 and INTHESHIT got rttp in the divorce.
[Jul 16,2010 1:59pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
xgodzillax can have custody of the overnights
[Jul 16,2010 1:59pm - ouchdrummer ""]

the_reverend said:I'm not sure what happened, but from what I see, it seems like W3 and INTHESHIT got rttp in the divorce.

well, it makes sense. If RTTP were the children, and zilla was beating the shit out of us, then of course we're gonna go with our moms. So.... Sean Cole's my mom? That's wierd.
[Jul 16,2010 2:00pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Jul 16,2010 2:02pm - ouchdrummer ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:xgodzillax can have custody of the overnights

yes, i am also a dayposter.
[Jul 16,2010 2:04pm - ouchdrummer ""]

ouchdrummer said:
FuckIsMySignature said:xgodzillax can have custody of the overnights

yes, i am also a dayposter.

which is very much like a "daywalker"... except i don't need a mixture of blood & saline to survive, i don't have cool one liners, i'm white, and i don't know kung-fu.... but other than that, they're very similar.
[Jul 16,2010 2:22pm - arilliusbm ""]
daywalker? pffft.
I'm a skywalker nilla. only Skywalking in an x wing all day is real.
[Jul 16,2010 2:27pm - drummer bouy  ""]
I am highy interested .[img]
[Jul 16,2010 2:31pm - ouchdrummer ""]

arilliusbm said:daywalker? pffft.
I'm a skywalker nilla. only Skywalking in an x wing all day is real.

yeah, well i'm the goshalo of the clan Windu.
[Jul 16,2010 2:33pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Hoth? they should have called it Coldth..
[Jul 16,2010 3:22pm - Yeti ""]
[Jul 16,2010 3:23pm - ouchdrummer ""]
WOOOOOOOOW Yuuzhan Vong are scary.... but Balawai from clan Windu are NOT afraid.
[Jul 16,2010 4:04pm - W3 nli  ""]
Yeah Nick may have pissed a lot of people off but that's not what this thread is for. When he got in a fight with a 14 year old girl at a show and broke her nose we knew enough was enough and it was time to kick him out. If we wanted to have a huge discussion about it we would have made a new thread for it. Lets stick to the topic at hand please.
[Jul 16,2010 4:08pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

W3%20nli said: When he got in a fight with a 14 year old girl at a show and broke her nose ...

[Jul 16,2010 4:11pm - DawnOftheDead ""]

W3%20nli said:When he got in a fight with a 14 year old girl at a show and broke her nose

wait, what?
[Jul 16,2010 4:15pm - arilliusbm ""]
I hope she was a Miley Cyrus fan. Clearly justified if so.
[Jul 16,2010 4:16pm - brian_dc ""]
in b4 shitstorm v2.0
[Jul 16,2010 4:17pm - goatcatalyst ""]
I lul'd
[Jul 16,2010 4:17pm - brian_dc ""]
Might want to start a new thread to be actually about needing a drummer, duder. This is like trying to stop a runaway train with a sock full of quarters.
[Jul 16,2010 4:18pm - goatcatalyst ""]
And that goes double if she was a Justin Bieber fan.
[Jul 16,2010 4:18pm - largefreakatzero ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:
W3%20nli said: When he got in a fight with a 14 year old girl at a show and broke her nose ...


[Jul 16,2010 4:20pm - W3 nli  ""]
actually that wasn't me, so thanks for the trolling.

glad I needed to receive a phone call about a RTTP thread, grow the fuck up.
[Jul 16,2010 4:20pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
he should try out for my old band Broken Cross. half the songs are about punching women in the face.
[Jul 16,2010 4:20pm - Fuck it  ""]
I knew he was a loser but.... Wow!!
[Jul 16,2010 4:23pm - DreadKill ""]

W3%20nli said:he got in a fight with a 14 year old girl at a show and broke her nose.
bitch shoulda known better than to set foot in chinatown.
[Jul 16,2010 4:27pm - arilliusbm ""]
Jesus dudes. Trollings got ethics.. That crosses the line
[Jul 16,2010 4:31pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Troll Ethics: Nevar Forget.
[Jul 16,2010 5:34pm - xmikex ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:he should try out for my old band Broken Cross. half the songs are about punching women in the face.

Loved Broken Cross.

I turned around during a BBA set once just in time to see Mike somehow find the only girl at the show and knock her on her ass. It is what it is.
[Jul 16,2010 5:41pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
lol the novelty of it all was hilarious at first but it was a hard band to work with. no hard feelings with those doods tho. as far as i know they are still playin shows here and there and they sounded super tight on a vid i watched a couple months ago.
[Jul 16,2010 6:03pm - BlackoutRick ""]
HAHAHAAHA!! That sounds like Mike.
[Jul 16,2010 6:55pm - Professional Troll weighing in  ""]

W3%20nli said:Yeah Nick may have pissed a lot of people off but that's not what this thread is for. When he got in a fight with a 14 year old girl at a show and broke her nose we knew enough was enough and it was time to kick him out. If we wanted to have a huge discussion about it we would have made a new thread for it. Lets stick to the topic at hand please.

Well played.

- Professional Troll
[Jul 16,2010 7:30pm - anonymousy  ""]
Wow that animal has a name? Who the hell punches a 14 yr old girl...
[Jul 16,2010 8:46pm - xmikexx  ""]
The truth is the band found me and biggie fucking, I had him bent over touching his toes. Anyway we can't have that in the band. One of us had to go. He eats more than me so it was logical.
[Jul 16,2010 9:24pm - xmikex ""]
As big as Nick is... I can out eat him (and ANY of you) any day of the week.
[Jul 16,2010 9:26pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]

xmikex said:As big as Nick is... I can out eat him (and ANY of you) any day of the week.

HMMM I feel like maybe I should challenge this. I can really put back certain items.

Rusty CLAIMS he can eat a lot, but every time I see him eat it's like a bird.

Kris, on the other hand, might be able to win too....CF vs ITS eating contest?
[Jul 16,2010 9:40pm - immortal13 ""]
I bet he felt like a REAL internet tough guy after punching that girl.
[Jul 16,2010 10:17pm - Lamp ""]

W3%20nli said:actually that wasn't me, so thanks for the trolling.

glad I needed to receive a phone call about a RTTP thread, grow the fuck up.

[Jul 16,2010 10:35pm - xmikex ""]

the_taste_of_cigarettes said:
xmikex said:As big as Nick is... I can out eat him (and ANY of you) any day of the week.

HMMM I feel like maybe I should challenge this. I can really put back certain items.

Rusty CLAIMS he can eat a lot, but every time I see him eat it's like a bird.

Kris, on the other hand, might be able to win too....CF vs ITS eating contest?

I'll have you.... EATING your own words!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!1!
[Jul 16,2010 10:40pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]

xmikex said:
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:
xmikex said:As big as Nick is... I can out eat him (and ANY of you) any day of the week.

HMMM I feel like maybe I should challenge this. I can really put back certain items.

Rusty CLAIMS he can eat a lot, but every time I see him eat it's like a bird.

Kris, on the other hand, might be able to win too....CF vs ITS eating contest?

I'll have you.... EATING your own words!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!1!

Failure to deliver this joke via David Caruso troll should be punishable. -10 internets.
[Jul 17,2010 2:10am - RichHorror ""]
Actually, every documentary I've seen about professional competetive eaters leads me to believe that Mike would win.
[Jul 17,2010 4:27am - xgodzillax ""]
So I finally decided to post in this troll worthy thread. As mike stated before, I played all of the shows with intheshit and no one would confront me about anything. You guys can (and will) continue talking mass amounts of shit about me, and that's fine because I honestly never set out to be 'bros' with anyone. The people that mattered to me are/were the people who I chose to defend, the rest of you, I couldvr given a fuck less about.

Now, I never punched a girl at a show, so continue to fuel the rumor fire with that little bullshit nugget. Trolls will be trolls and each and every one of you is gonna hate on me, but none of you will come see me. There is no threat being posted, just a simple fact stated. As far as the parting with me, yeah it was rough at first, I've talked with sean and things are fine. There's no ill will harbored towards any member of the band. I feel that its better for the band and myself to have some distance from each other for a while. And let's be honest, alex is a fucking beast. I love each and every member of intheshit, they are family to me.

[Jul 17,2010 5:35am - XGoodRiddanceX  ""]
[Jul 17,2010 9:07am - ALL TOGETHER NOW  ""]

xgodzillax said:So I finally decided to post in this troll worthy thread. As mike stated before, I played all of the shows with intheshit and no one would confront me about anything. You guys can (and will) continue talking mass amounts of shit about me, and that's fine because I honestly never set out to be 'bros' with anyone. The people that mattered to me are/were the people who I chose to defend, the rest of you, I couldvr given a fuck less about.

Now, I never punched a girl at a show, so continue to fuel the rumor fire with that little bullshit nugget. Trolls will be trolls and each and every one of you is gonna hate on me, but none of you will come see me. There is no threat being posted, just a simple fact stated. As far as the parting with me, yeah it was rough at first, I've talked with sean and things are fine. There's no ill will harbored towards any member of the band. I feel that its better for the band and myself to have some distance from each other for a while. And let's be honest, alex is a fucking beast. I love each and every member of intheshit, they are family to me.


[Jul 17,2010 9:11am - fake name  ""]

xgodzillax said:So I finally decided to post in this troll worthy thread. As mike stated before, I played all of the shows with intheshit and no one would confront me about anything. You guys can (and will) continue talking mass amounts of shit about me, and that's fine because I honestly never set out to be 'bros' with anyone. The people that mattered to me are/were the people who I chose to defend, the rest of you, I couldvr given a fuck less about.

Now, I never punched a girl at a show, so continue to fuel the rumor fire with that little bullshit nugget. Trolls will be trolls and each and every one of you is gonna hate on me, but none of you will come see me. There is no threat being posted, just a simple fact stated. As far as the parting with me, yeah it was rough at first, I've talked with sean and things are fine. There's no ill will harbored towards any member of the band. I feel that its better for the band and myself to have some distance from each other for a while. And let's be honest, alex is a fucking beast. I love each and every member of intheshit, they are family to me.


You are still a FAGGOT.
[Jul 17,2010 9:34am - W3 nli  ""]

xgodzillax said:So I finally decided to post in this troll worthy thread. As mike stated before, I played all of the shows with intheshit and no one would confront me about anything. You guys can (and will) continue talking mass amounts of shit about me, and that's fine because I honestly never set out to be 'bros' with anyone. The people that mattered to me are/were the people who I chose to defend, the rest of you, I couldvr given a fuck less about.

Now, I never punched a girl at a show, so continue to fuel the rumor fire with that little bullshit nugget. Trolls will be trolls and each and every one of you is gonna hate on me, but none of you will come see me. There is no threat being posted, just a simple fact stated. As far as the parting with me, yeah it was rough at first, I've talked with sean and things are fine. There's no ill will harbored towards any member of the band. I feel that its better for the band and myself to have some distance from each other for a while. And let's be honest, alex is a fucking beast. I love each and every member of intheshit, they are family to me.


Well said, Nick. It's funny how everybody has so much to say now but we never heard anything in person ONCE. But that's the past. We're moving forward and people just need to accept it. We're not going to perpetuate the drama here and elaborate on all the minute details involving Nick's seperation with the band. We're moving on as a band and we wish Nick all the luck in the world in rehab. People just need to cut the bullshit and let it sleep unless they have any input as far as new drummers go. Email us.. DON'T reply to this thread if you're interested. Thanks.

[Jul 17,2010 10:07am - Lamp ""]
The trolling in this thread has reached an all new low for RttP, that's for damn sure.
[Jul 17,2010 10:15am - xgodzillax nli  ""]
Professional prostitot puncher for hire. Payment required in the form of 1 pound burgers. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to being of service to the pristine prostitot punching underworld of Massachusetts.

Stop all da hatin'. I know dat haters gonna hate, but I be punchin' all da hatin' haters. Word to my fam.

[Jul 17,2010 10:28am - SkinSandwich ""]
I gotta take a piss.
[Jul 17,2010 2:58pm - B-ARTHUR  ""]
mOST of the trolling was the Rev. how else could he justify paying so much money from year tO year for this god forsaken, gay-ass site without staging a good 'pillow fight' for the druthers of others. joke's on us boiz, were all a buncha fags.


[Jul 17,2010 4:05pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Katy Perry's ass is outta control.
[Jul 17,2010 4:15pm - RustyPS ""]

goatcatalyst said:Katy Perry's ass is outta control.

it is literally calling out to me

[Jul 17,2010 4:26pm - zenerik nli  ""]
I can dig that. She appears to be representing my favorite English team, West Ham United. GO HAMMERS!!!
[Jul 17,2010 4:27pm - zenerik nli  ""]
Yus plz.

[Jul 19,2010 2:00am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Translation: Females do not interest me.
[Jul 16,2012 9:56pm - HAMBONE  ""]
2 year bump
[Jul 17,2012 1:10am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
That's weird, when we have a drummer. Hmm good job troll.

Good job.

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