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ANOXIA looking for gigs june/july

[May 1,2004 9:33am - handinjury ""]
Yeah, so the practice's are flowing and we will be ready for attack. If anybodys got some empty slots on any shows throw me a line.


[May 1,2004 10:42am - bane of existence 666  ""]
i hope you have better luck than i did
[May 2,2004 10:53am - handinjury ""]
Luck,Well, i have shitty luck(just like when my car was victum of a "hit an run" yesterday)
[May 2,2004 11:11am - bane of existence 666  ""]
me too

altho that does really suck

i sent you info about your band to prophetless productions yesterday
[May 2,2004 6:49pm - handinjury ""]
bane of existence 666 said:me too

altho that does really suck

i sent you info about your band to prophetless productions yesterday

Coool, thanks jim.:satancross:
[May 3,2004 2:06am - attendmyrequiem in Maine  ""]
i want to hear anoxia. ive heard nothing but good things. are there mp3s anywhere?
[May 3,2004 10:00am - litacore ""]
anoxia is my dad. That cd is so heavy and technical.

Dave, is the dual-guitar attack still in place? can't fuckin' wait to see ya shred again.
[May 3,2004 12:23pm - handinjury ""]
litacore said:anoxia is my dad. That cd is so heavy and technical.

Dave, is the dual-guitar attack still in place? can't fuckin' wait to see ya shred again.

Hey litacore, this brian i just rejoined(im the original guitarist), so yes we will have a dual guitar onslaught live. Cant wait to play some fucking shows.:doublehorns:

[May 3,2004 12:24pm - handinjury ""]
attendmyrequiem in Maine said:i want to hear anoxia. ive heard nothing but good things. are there mp3s anywhere?

Let me ask the other guys where the mp3 are at.
[May 3,2004 5:03pm - dread_104 ""]
are you guys gonna play "Psychotically Sane"? c'mon!!!
[May 3,2004 5:51pm - handinjury ""]
dread_104 said:are you guys gonna play "Psychotically Sane"? c'mon!!!

ohh shit, this must be Mr. Goodale from terratism. :doublehorns:
Actually we jamed on that song at last weeks practice, dan said " we should add that oldie into the set" and i said " dude, no one whants to hear that old shit" ... i guess i was wrong. Maybe we will super blast it into a 2004 style version.

You guys kicked ass at the bombshitter show back in feb (maligancy show) It good to see you guys keeping it brutal.
[May 3,2004 7:36pm - dread_104 ""]
thanx bro. i'm glad you guys are still playing. i was outta the loop for awhile, and kinda lost track of everybody. when you guys playing next? i caught a couple songs in NH, but we had ta bail. i gotta see you guys. i'm hearing lotsa good shit about you guys
[May 3,2004 10:10pm - handinjury ""]
dread_104 said:thanx bro. i'm glad you guys are still playing. i was outta the loop for awhile, and kinda lost track of everybody. when you guys playing next? i caught a couple songs in NH, but we had ta bail. i gotta see you guys. i'm hearing lotsa good shit about you guys

Im not sure whats going on with gigs at this time, but there will be something for late june.

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