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7/24@ Club Whiplash- Relegation, Ruins, That Organism Jenova, Children Of The Dying Sun

[show listing]  _________________________________________
[Jul 20,2010 7:38pm - DaveMaggotCOTDS ""]
Saturday, July 24th.
8pm. 21+. $10
@Club Whiplash
63 Wyman St
Stoughton, ma

That Organism Jenova.
Children Of The Dying Sun
[Jul 20,2010 7:47pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Make love to me.
[Jul 20,2010 7:49pm - DaveMaggotCOTDS ""]
i shall, in multiple sexy ways
[Jul 20,2010 9:30pm - the_reverend ""]
a new username? how does that work?
[Jul 20,2010 10:46pm - Lamp ""]
Hahaha, I'm guessing that's not the well-known Ruins from Japan. Talk about not doing any research before picking a band name.
[Jul 21,2010 9:20am - c.dEAd  ""]
hah, I hate that as well. I remember this band from around here called Praxis. Yeah.
[Jul 22,2010 2:33pm - DaveMaggotCOTDS ""]
bump. couple days
[Jul 22,2010 2:36pm - DaveMaggotCOTDS ""]
i forgot the password to my old user name again. and im wicked lazy, so i just made a new one.
[Jul 23,2010 3:51pm - DaveMaggotCOTDS ""]
bump tomorrow
[Jul 24,2010 3:57pm - DaveMaggotCOTDS ""]
bump tonight

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