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What is so bad about Marxism?

[Jul 29,2010 7:05pm - Fist  ""]
I've been reading about this alot lately I just bought a book "marxist social though" and I was talking to a friend about it and he got super dickish about it. He's one of those tea-baggers and a serious christian whore, why can't people be open to serious dialogue? these people want to change this country but all they do is want to argue with eachother.
[Jul 29,2010 7:15pm - Lamp ""]
Works on paper, not on people.
[Jul 29,2010 7:15pm - goatcatalyst ""]
You'll have to ask David Myatt.
[Jul 29,2010 7:17pm - arktouros ""]

Lamp said:Works on paper, not on people.

[Jul 29,2010 7:17pm - narkybark ""]
it's a nice philosophy in a "perfect" world but of course that world doesn't exist, so the ones who crave power in such a society will still dick over everyone else. There's also the aspect of it stifling ingenuity and achievement.

There is no perfect system, man just has to find the one that does the least damage to all that can keep corruption in check.
[Jul 29,2010 7:43pm - Concerned Citizen  ""]
Yes, abolish private property and re-distribute my wealth to people who do not have the same skills or work the same job as I do! Leave it in the hands of the state to tell me what I should do and where my money should go. We're all equal!
[Jul 29,2010 8:08pm - ShadowSD ""]
If humans were actually symbiotic enough to embrace actual communism, then we wouldn't have had to struggle so hard as a species to attain fair systems of government millenia after millenia, often in vain. The fact that we have to search and struggle is proof that communism would not work in the first place; if everyone was actually fair-minded enough to share equally all the time, we wouldn't perpetually be struggling so hard to find fair systems of government.

Not that democracy can't be an assfuck from time to time but it's the least bad of poor choices.
[Jul 29,2010 9:08pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

ShadowSD said:If humans were actually symbiotic enough to embrace actual communism, then we wouldn't have had to struggle so hard as a species to attain fair systems of government millenia after millenia, often in vain. The fact that we have to search and struggle is proof that communism would not work in the first place; if everyone was actually fair-minded enough to share equally all the time, we wouldn't perpetually be struggling so hard to find fair systems of government.

Not that democracy can't be an assfuck from time to time but it's the least bad of poor choices.

signed, sealed, delivered. perfect
[Jul 29,2010 9:26pm - burnsy ""]
Government and civilization never really works. It only establishes order for a time. Eventually every form of organized behavior spirals downward.
[Jul 29,2010 9:32pm - Dankill  ""]

IllinoisEnemaBradness said:
ShadowSD said:If humans were actually symbiotic enough to embrace actual communism, then we wouldn't have had to struggle so hard as a species to attain fair systems of government millenia after millenia, often in vain. The fact that we have to search and struggle is proof that communism would not work in the first place; if everyone was actually fair-minded enough to share equally all the time, we wouldn't perpetually be struggling so hard to find fair systems of government.

Not that democracy can't be an assfuck from time to time but it's the least bad of poor choices.

signed, sealed, delivered. perfect

[Jul 29,2010 11:29pm - HTR ""]
There are pretty much only 2 forms of government: Oligarchy, and Republican. Everything else is unstable for long-term use.
[Jul 30,2010 8:54am - ShadowSD ""]
So we ended up with the most ironic society of all then, an oligarchy protected most feverishly by those who call themselves Republicans.
[Jul 30,2010 9:06am - arktouros ""]
The real question is how far capitalism should go. Ingenuity and hard work should be rewarded and lazy stupid fucks will be lazy stupid fucks, but when the rich get richer by exploiting the poor, and when public services are monopolized and controlled by for-profit organizations, the rift between 'us' and 'them' widens and that's when empires fall. The richest 1% controlling most of the wealth of this country got richer in the past 20 years while the poor 50% became even poorer. (http://politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2010/jul/29/donna-brazile/brazile-claims-income-has-grown-top-1-percent-stag/)
[Jul 30,2010 9:09am - arilliusbm ""]
just give me my pitchfork and torch already

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