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Primus Tonight

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[Jul 30,2010 7:28am - oscarct ""]
[Jul 30,2010 7:32am - SkinSandwich ""]
I enjoy fine dining and long rapes on the beach.
[Jul 30,2010 7:43am - oscarct ""]
damnet, its too late to cancel my plans
[Jul 30,2010 8:53am - obstaclecorpse ""]
[Jul 30,2010 8:58am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Where are they playing?
[Jul 30,2010 9:23am - oscarct ""]
[Jul 30,2010 9:26am - goatcatalyst ""]
I was about to play the role of concerned friend, should you set foot in that Gathering of the Vibes AIDScauldron.
[Jul 30,2010 9:28am - oscarct ""]
no sir, I will not be paying 100 to see primus in a sea of hippies...
[Jul 30,2010 9:33am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
ahh, that's why it didn't come on my radar. Fuck going to Brooklyn. They are playing CT sometime soon, but it's some all day horseshit outdoor hippy festival that you have to pay an arm and a leg for.
[Jul 30,2010 9:44am - oscarct ""]
they are playing in ct tomorrow, $100 at the door (just for that day)
[Jul 30,2010 10:22am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
That must be what I'm thinking of. F that noise.
[Jul 30,2010 10:36am - oscarct ""]
I hate that they are playing 20 minutes from my house, yet I am driving 90 minutes to see them..

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