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Does anyone here write short stories?

[May 3,2004 2:20pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I am going to write more I hope, just curious if anyone else did?
[May 3,2004 2:28pm - norwellbob ""]
Once upon a time, Joe wrote a story. They all lived happily ever after. The end.

How's that?
[May 3,2004 2:56pm - XmikeX ""]
im actually in the middle of writing one now for my fiction writing class.
[May 3,2004 2:58pm - JellyFish ""]
I used to do it in spare time. I used to try to write once a day at least but then I got lazy and gradually stopped.
[May 3,2004 3:12pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I use to write more often too, and I want to start again.
[May 3,2004 4:11pm - Abbath ""]
ya same here, i use to actually write stories that were 100pgs plus, but i just stopped doing them, it'd like to get back into it but i need to find time and such, now a days i just spend my time for my band, writing lyrics and such, which in a way is still writing, but ever ever short stories
[May 3,2004 4:52pm - dread_104 ""]
i miss writing. i always think about doing it again, but life's just way too busy.
[May 3,2004 5:32pm - DugOfXistance ""]
I used to write a lot. but I lost my touch. not the urge though. I'm just too scared about sucking at writing to talk myself into it.
[May 3,2004 5:40pm - theres_no_i_in_fuck_you ""]
i wrote a screenplay last year. i thought it was good
[May 3,2004 5:49pm - JellyFish ""]
my most proud achievment was 180 pages, front and back. It was set in Rome during Claudias' time as emperor, and was about a mans sisters rape and capture and his search for her. Two years later, Gladiator came out. I took it as a blow to my creativity.
[May 3,2004 6:23pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
i write sometimes. im working on a book and i write poetry too.
[May 3,2004 6:31pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
i write poetry. it's what i have my degree in. hehe. i've been published too. i still write, but not as often. i tried my hand at short stories, but it wasn't my thing. poems i am fairly good at, thought.
[May 3,2004 10:51pm - DugOfXistance ""]
I have 2 novels in the works, a screenplay and a short story collection. all of them are collecting cyber dust on my hard drive. Ahh, I miss it.
[May 4,2004 12:28am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
that'd be one fucked up book. I've read some of your short stories before. They were awesome. I'll help make the cover art.

[May 4,2004 6:21am - DugOfXistance ""]
You, sir, have crossed the line. Marry me!

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