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August 29, 2010: DYS, Jerry's Kids, FUs, Gang Green

Club Lido (Revere, MA) - [antidote][dys][fus][gang_green][jerrys_kids][randomshots][refuse_resist][revilers][slapshot]
[show listing]  _____________________________________
[Aug 6,2010 3:24pm - shawnrefuse  ""]
Anyone out there as excited as I am?

[Aug 6,2010 3:34pm - the_reverend ""]
boner time.
[Aug 6,2010 3:51pm - thirdknuckle ""]
This is Boston Not ....Boston
[Aug 6,2010 5:12pm - INSULT ""]
where is this show?
[Aug 6,2010 5:36pm - substitutecreature ""]
club lido
[Aug 6,2010 6:02pm - Archaeon ""]
that is a crazy show.
[Aug 7,2010 2:36am - s.axl.beckett  ""]
club lido gives me the fear
[Aug 9,2010 11:28am - shawnrefuse  ""]
Nothing to fear at Club Lido, whole place is ours so no worries about Latin or Hip Hop night LOL. And it's on the Blue Line so you can get wasted and take the T home it'll be done way before last train.

Tickets at: Regeneration Tattoo, Horror Business and the Club Lido Box Office

online at ticketmaster: http://www.ticketmaster.com/event/010044E1...3215&majorcatid=10001&minorcatid=60
[Aug 9,2010 11:29am - shawnrefuse  ""]
Full Lineup:

DYS, Jerry's Kids, Gang Green, FUs, Antidote (NYHC), Refuse Resist, Soul Control, Revilers

maybe some surprises along the way.
[Aug 9,2010 1:36pm - BOBDEAD  ""]
too bad they couldn't have gotten a Proletariat
reunion for that show...killer lineup though.
[Aug 9,2010 5:23pm - shawnrefuse  ""]
They were definitely mentioned many times before the guys making the movie came up with this lineup. Like you said. It's a sick bill.
[Aug 12,2010 10:36am - shawnrefuse  ""]
[Aug 12,2010 1:33pm - the_reverend ""]
so what time will this be over? I might try to run over and shoot: Aug 29 (Sun) - Pat Benatar, REO Speedwagon - Bank of America Pavilion (Boston, MA)
after if this is a truly early show.
[Aug 12,2010 1:36pm - boblovesmusic ""]
wait you're going to shoot REO Speedwagon!?
[Aug 12,2010 1:48pm - the_reverend ""]
if I can only shoot one time-wise it will be this show.
[Aug 13,2010 8:50am - shawnrefuse  ""]
probably 10PM (ish)
[Aug 18,2010 7:51pm - shawnrefuse  ""]
I will have tickets with me at the CRO MAGS show. NO FEE
[Aug 20,2010 3:09pm - shawnrefuse  ""]
[Aug 20,2010 3:15pm - the_reverend ""]
looks like sorry pat benatar...
[Aug 28,2010 9:15pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
i hear SLAPSHOT is on this show now. holy shit, MAKE THIS A DAMN TOUR DAMMIT!!
[Aug 29,2010 1:38am - nekronaut ""]
This is going to be insane... can't wait!
[Aug 29,2010 1:41am - the_reverend ""]
yes, slapshot. for reals.
[Aug 29,2010 11:58am - the_reverend ""]
leaving nh arounf 1:45
[Aug 29,2010 1:04pm - the_reverend ""]
45 minutes.
[Aug 29,2010 2:22pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
slapshot are playing. Leaving in ten mins
[Aug 29,2010 4:13pm - the_reverend ""]
the revilers just finished. Good set and danpatac got moshed. This place looks pretty good with the number of people that are here. Still plenty of room, but it in no way looks empty.

refuse resist
and then I forget who.
[Aug 29,2010 5:53pm - the_reverend ""]
tight show, good crowd so far. The singer of SSD came out to do boiling point.

slapshot just played. Amazing. First time is saw them that choke didn't bleed. Probably cause his kids are here.
[Aug 29,2010 6:51pm - the_reverend ""]
antidote covered minor threat and black flag. So good.
[Aug 29,2010 7:40pm - the_reverend ""]
ok, gang green's crowd was even crazier than slapshot's. That was very surprising. They played the same set but shorter as the church show. Nick kevorkian was on the stage singing a lot.
[Aug 29,2010 7:58pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

the_reverend said:ok, gang green's crowd was even crazier than slapshot's. That was very surprising. They played the same set but shorter as the church show. Nick kevorkian was on the stage singing a lot.

YEAH! THAT'S MY BOY!! Can't wait to see your pictures man, I'm so bummed I'm not there
[Aug 29,2010 8:36pm - the_reverend ""]
yeah, he's been kicked off the stage a few times. The crowd for jerry's kids were about the same as gang green which is awesome.
[Aug 29,2010 9:07pm - nekronaut ""]
ffuck tjis show is great...0drrrrrrrrrunk
[Aug 29,2010 10:11pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
i'm sure he's rather drunk, hope he doesn't get kicked out
[Aug 29,2010 10:55pm - the_reverend ""]
I don't think he did. They are good natured here. DYS was so good. If I had a beer, I would cheer to awkward 80' hardcore stage speeches.
[Aug 29,2010 11:36pm - nekronautnli  ""]
Nope I didn't get kicked out.. This was a great show, part of the retardedness was just typing on my cellphone.

This show killed.

I'm now at MIT and there are people blowing fire in speedos.. I obviously berated them and took somebody's sweatshirt.. Live free die hard?
[Aug 29,2010 11:38pm - nekronautnli  ""]
Whoops, you meant your buddy. The booze confused me..


Yeah, don't think he got kicked out.
[Aug 30,2010 12:17am - the_reverend ""]
I took way too many pictures.. this is going to take a while.
[Aug 30,2010 1:13am - Blessed offal nli  ""]

the_reverend said:I munched way to many cocks.this is going to take a while.
[Aug 30,2010 1:30am - the_reverend ""]
[Aug 30,2010 1:44am - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

nekronautnli said:Whoops, you meant your buddy. The booze confused me..


Yeah, don't think he got kicked out.

that's cool, sounds like you had fun
[Aug 30,2010 3:37am - Late Rising  ""]
this show ruled even more than I expected. best part of the day: ZERO BOUNCER BULLSHIT seriously proved once again just let the kids have their fun, no need to be all up on the stage pushing dudes off. In fact, the only person I wanted the bouncers to move on was your buddy in the leather jacket that wanted to be lead singer of every band haha. but they were letting everyone stge dive, grab the mic, go nuts ... old school style.

Jerry's Kids are always my fav but the spontaneous massive circle pit to the intro of "Wolfpack" at the end of DYS was definitely the best part of the day. Smalley rules, still giving those "from the heart" speeches 25 years later hahaha.
[Aug 30,2010 7:33am - the_reverend ""]
after this past weekend... work sucks today.
[Aug 30,2010 8:10am - GUYnli  ""]
FUCK...no good reason to have missed this show
[Aug 30,2010 8:28am - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

Late%20Rising said:this show ruled even more than I expected. best part of the day: ZERO BOUNCER BULLSHIT seriously proved once again just let the kids have their fun, no need to be all up on the stage pushing dudes off. In fact, the only person I wanted the bouncers to move on was your buddy in the leather jacket that wanted to be lead singer of every band haha. but they were letting everyone stge dive, grab the mic, go nuts ... old school style.

Jerry's Kids are always my fav but the spontaneous massive circle pit to the intro of "Wolfpack" at the end of DYS was definitely the best part of the day. Smalley rules, still giving those "from the heart" speeches 25 years later hahaha.

so you're saying Nick wore out his welcome, NICE! That's Nick for ya, LOL!! At least people looked entertained by him
[Aug 30,2010 10:55am - AndrewBastard  ""]
the most fun ive had art a show in a long time.
[Aug 30,2010 10:56am - AndrewBastard  ""]
art show? What? ...fun AT a show in a long time.
[Aug 30,2010 10:59am - the_reverend ""]

IllinoisEnemaBradness said:
Late%20Rising said:this show ruled even more than I expected. best part of the day: ZERO BOUNCER BULLSHIT seriously proved once again just let the kids have their fun, no need to be all up on the stage pushing dudes off. In fact, the only person I wanted the bouncers to move on was your buddy in the leather jacket that wanted to be lead singer of every band haha. but they were letting everyone stge dive, grab the mic, go nuts ... old school style.

Jerry's Kids are always my fav but the spontaneous massive circle pit to the intro of "Wolfpack" at the end of DYS was definitely the best part of the day. Smalley rules, still giving those "from the heart" speeches 25 years later hahaha.

so you're saying Nick wore out his welcome, NICE! That's Nick for ya, LOL!! At least people looked entertained by him

During gang green, I thought it was planned. Then I saw the "get him off the stage" head/body language and he was pushed off the stage.
[Aug 30,2010 11:08am - AndrewBastard  ""]
the only bouncers were the two BIGGEST cops in Revere...and one of them was singing along to Slapshot.
[Aug 30,2010 11:26am - nekronautnli  ""]
They were pretty fucking big.

Also, what was with the back of the venue smelling like maple syrup?
[Aug 30,2010 11:48am - AndrewBastard  ""]
what was with the bar area looking like a seedy strip joint?
[Aug 30,2010 11:49am - nekronautnli  ""]
What was with them charging me three different prices for PBR throughout the course of the night?
[Aug 30,2010 12:17pm - the_reverend ""]
I think that someone should have said "I get older, but they stay the same age" cause it was true. Lots of youth-smalls love them some good musics. I also saw whimpy walking out of the bathroom. Made me wish the queers played, but were only allowed to play love songs.
[Aug 30,2010 12:27pm - the_reverend ""]
ps: welcome to the front page.
[Aug 30,2010 12:56pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

best shot! shoe on stage, smelly foot in air!!
[Aug 30,2010 3:43pm - xanonymousx ""]

nekronautnli said:What was with them charging me three different prices for PBR throughout the course of the night?

probably because none of the guido's/ litinos buys PBR's in Revere so they have it cheap for people to buy, but the amount of uber punks buying PBR made Lido say wait a second we can make a fortune off of this stuff tonight!

Also this show looked awesome. I wish I knew Slapshot was there all these bands rule.
[Aug 30,2010 7:53pm - Hardcorefuck  ""]
Seriously the best fucking show I've been to, I really hope some of these bands go on even ust a mini tour sometime in the future. It's far too good to get lost in just a memory.
[Aug 30,2010 9:15pm - Late Rising  ""]
[Aug 30,2010 10:16pm - the_reverend ""]

shakey cam is shakey.
[Aug 31,2010 7:48am - Jeremy Edward Washstein  ""]
stay true says smalley?! lol that fucking sellout bitch.
[Sep 4,2010 3:17am - late rising  ""]


hahaha here is the perfect example of that dude trying to take over the mic.
he has balls, I'll give him that - I like the 3 or 4 cans bouncing off his head in this clip.
[Sep 4,2010 3:20am - late rising  ""]
OOOPS posted the wrong one, too much Newcastle:


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