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Lady GAGA crowd surfing @ lollapalooza with pasties

[Aug 9,2010 10:46am - the_reverend ""]

[Aug 9,2010 10:47am - Yeti ""]
she gave the whole crowd lupus.
[Aug 9,2010 10:55am - boxxy ""]

The dude in the blue shirt looks like he's having a good time. Where's your left hand, huh buddy?
[Aug 9,2010 10:58am - nekronaut ""]
I don't care what anybody says, I would fuck Lady Gaga until my dick was raw.
[Aug 9,2010 10:58am - boxxy ""]
i think just about everyone agrees dude, so i dunno what you're talking about.
[Aug 9,2010 11:00am - nekronaut ""]
Eh, I get a bunch of shit from people irl, I think they are just upset that she doesn't actually have a dick.
[Aug 9,2010 11:01am - arilliusbm ""]

nekronaut said:I don't care what anybody says, I would fuck Lady Gaga until my dick was raw.

make a status update about it
[Aug 9,2010 11:01am - boxxy ""]

arilliusbm said:
nekronaut said:I don't care what anybody says, I would fuck Lady Gaga until my dick was raw.

make a status update about it, faggot

[Aug 9,2010 11:03am - the_reverend ""]
she looks like amy winehouse... meth is a helluvadrug.
[Aug 9,2010 11:07am - The_Rooster ""]
Everything about her is fucking gross.
[Aug 9,2010 11:08am - ouchdrummer ""]
i don't think gaga's on meth, i think she has her makeup done to LOOK like she's on meth. Winehouse is definitely on meth.

i'd fuck em both.
[Aug 9,2010 11:10am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
How could you not want to fuck a woman who rapes cross-dressing nazi soldiers?

[Aug 9,2010 11:18am - largefreakatzero ""]
[Aug 9,2010 11:19am - DreadKill ""]
this madonna rip off whore can't die fast enough. i'm so goddamn sick of hearing about her.
[Aug 9,2010 11:25am - arilliusbm ""]
Ken, angry? What's this world coming to?
[Aug 9,2010 11:27am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i'm sorry but she looks like a transexual... and i'm not sorry
[Aug 9,2010 12:02pm - GUY ""]
ive come to the conclusion that lady gaga is a sexy lookin man
[Aug 9,2010 12:31pm - Dankill  ""]
She'd be a"I'd do it just to say I did"
Otherwise, if she wasn't famous, she'd be a girl to tell stories about that one time you got black out drunk at that party in Alliston last summer and then snuck out the window and your friends gave you shit about it for weeks afterwards.
[Aug 9,2010 12:34pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
needs moar coverage of Soundgarden.
[Aug 9,2010 12:35pm - the_reverend ""]
[Aug 9,2010 12:40pm - Hoser ""]
Ewwwww....nasty. Y'all can have her, she's just naaasty.


[Aug 9,2010 12:49pm - nekronaut ""]
I kinda have a thing for big noses.. Indian and Italian girls all day 'err day

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