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band members wanted

[May 3,2004 8:28pm - subliminal_87 ""]
band mebers wanted. i am the guitarist...mike. i play a BC Rich Warlock. me and my friend justin(singer) are looking for bassist, drummer, and a back up guitartist in the Rochester area of NH. if you like metal please contact me. thank you. we need musicians NOW. thanks:doublehorns:
[May 3,2004 8:32pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Not that I am a musician, but you should post what style of music you want to do so the right people know to make fun of you.
[May 4,2004 9:15am - The_ExhumeD ""]
why is it imperitive you tell us you play a bc rich
[May 4,2004 9:23am - RustedAngel ""]
The_ExhumeD said:why is it imperitive you tell us you play a bc rich

it's probably the acrylic series. therefore they want to play goth metal.
[May 4,2004 11:22am - Josh_hates_you ""]
can i play right sided triangle in this radical awesome radicalness
[May 4,2004 5:43pm - intricateprocess ""]
does playing a bc rich warlock mean your good or sumthing? lol:swedenflag:
[May 4,2004 5:48pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
it makes him more metal i guess (it really doesnt)

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