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I got roped into some guy's cashiers check fraud LULZ

[Aug 10,2010 8:50am - reimroc ""]
Right so I responded to this guys ad on craigslist last week. He was looking for someone with decent IT credentials to work on some laptops of his from his sales engineers across the states. He tells me that he will be sending be a cashiers check via certified mail. Everything seems legit right? Well now I find out the check is for over $3000 when I'm supposed to be only paid $200. He tells me to take my payment wire the rest of the money to some shmuck in Philly who will then send me the laptops. I did some research and this looks like textbook fraud. The check will be arriving today. I'm of course going to call the bank its from to see if its legit(which it probably isn't) and if it is this guy is the most retardedly trusting individual ever. If it isn't legit I want to fuck him somehow. Any ideas?
[Aug 10,2010 8:52am - arilliusbm ""]
The legal system likes to flex its muscles.
[Aug 10,2010 8:54am - sxealex ""]
i did the same thing but the add looked legit but the email was all nigerian talk like so i just emailed him a big fuck you
[Aug 10,2010 9:01am - reimroc ""]
This dude gave me his or someones address I'm supposed to wire the rest of the money to. That should prove useful someway to screw him for wasting my time.
[Aug 10,2010 9:10am - ouchdrummer ""]
it doesn't matter if the check looks legit, it is not. There is no reason, i repeat, NO reason for him to do that. What will happen if you do this is that wherever you cash the check will tell you it looks fine, they'll cash it, then after it gets processed, it will bounce, and you'll be responsible for paying it back.

That's the reason this fraud works, the checks are so good it takes more than an inspection to show they're fake, the banks have to actually try and get the money for them, which takes a couple days, and in which time, the banks WILL give you the money to cover it, knowing you'll be responsible if it's no good.

Don't do this.
[Aug 10,2010 9:14am - Snli  ""]
[Aug 10,2010 9:16am - reimroc ""]
Good thing I've been clean for a while because Jimbo you know just as well as I do, that jail time or not, 3 grand buys a lot of dope and if I was knee deep in a habit I would cash that bitch in a heartbeat.
[Aug 10,2010 9:17am - arilliusbm ""]
Wait, you quit?
[Aug 10,2010 9:19am - reimroc ""]
Where the flying fuck have you been? I haven't used for a while now. I'm strickly on the marijuana maintenance plan.
[Aug 10,2010 9:28am - ShadowSD ""]
The best plan there is.
[Aug 10,2010 9:37am - goatcatabisk  ""]
You should mail to that address a big whiteteddy bear that you wiped your ass with after a 12 pack of bud ice and 10 bucks worth of taco bell. With a note that says calls the recipient an N-word
[Aug 10,2010 9:49am - slag nli  ""]
A 12 pack of bud is a challenge unlike any other. Its like asking me to fight Zeus himself with my dick in one hand and a broom in the other.
[Aug 10,2010 9:50am - arilliusbm ""]
This thread is one giant fuck mind.
[Aug 10,2010 9:52am - goatcatabisk  ""]
Mind the fuck, James.
[Aug 10,2010 9:53am - arilliusbm ""]
Fuck the mind, Ryan.
[Aug 10,2010 9:55am - josh_hates_you ""]
tell him to pay you in gum.
[Aug 10,2010 10:32am - reimroc ""]
i don't even know how i would be able to cash this thing since i don't have a bank account.
[Aug 10,2010 10:44am - SkinSandwich ""]

reimroc said:i don't even know how i would be able to cash this thing since i don't have a bank account.

Go to a shady pawn shop.
[Aug 10,2010 11:40am - goatcatabisk  ""]

arilliusbm said:Fuck the mind, Ryan.

[img], James.
[Aug 10,2010 11:48am - ouchdrummer ""]
Reim- that's the thing, they WANT you to go to one of the shaddy "checks-cashed" places, because unlike banks, they won't tell you not to cash the check, they'll just bring you to court about it. I doubt you'd get arrested, but they could garnish your wages. If you brought it to your real bank, they might let you do it, but they'd probably caution you against it.
[Aug 10,2010 12:02pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

ouchdrummer said:What will happen if you do this is that wherever you cash the check will tell you it looks fine, they'll cash it, then after it gets processed, it will bounce, and you'll be responsible for paying it back.

This is fact. I know some people try to scam the scammer, but more often than not it just involves you (who has no way of covering your tracks) to be on the paper trail now. Even though he's the one fucking everyone, if he can't be found to right the wrong, you're next in line. As tempting as it is, shred the check and stay out of the mess.
[Aug 10,2010 12:12pm - goatcatabisk  ""]
Mail feces covered object or faggot!!!
[Aug 10,2010 2:47pm - xmikex ""]

reimroc said:He tells me that he will be sending be a cashiers check via certified mail. Everything seems legit right?

...Not really.

I want to fuck him somehow. Any ideas?

Buy him a shot and tell him he has nice eyes.
[Aug 10,2010 3:08pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Don't get involved and don't antagonize the guy. Sever all ties now.
[Aug 10,2010 3:31pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

largefreakatzero said:Don't get involved and don't antagonize the guy. Sever all ties now.

...or you could have some fun with him.

[Aug 10,2010 3:40pm - SkinSandwich ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:
largefreakatzero said:Don't get involved and don't antagonize the guy. Sever all ties now.

...or you could have some fun with him.


Hi, I am James T. kirk.
[Aug 10,2010 3:49pm - dertoxia ""]
same thing as this happened to a friend of mine out in Chicago. I think the check was for 5000 though. As far as i know he has it tacked up on his wall.

I almost fell victim to a craigslist scam myself. I responded to a bunch of job classifieds. I got an email from someone with a link to a website to fill out an "application". Except the website was obviously just a shell with no real content. And the company doesn't exist. I did a whois and realized the domain belongs to someone in Russia.

Was temped to fill out a bunch of fake info and email him back to see how far the scam would go. But really it's not worth the time. Just move on and let the scammers find a new victim.
[Aug 10,2010 4:37pm - Conservationist ""]

reimroc said:Right so I responded to this guys ad on craigslist last week. He was looking for someone with decent IT credentials to work on some laptops of his from his sales engineers across the states. He tells me that he will be sending be a cashiers check via certified mail. Everything seems legit right? Well now I find out the check is for over $3000 when I'm supposed to be only paid $200. He tells me to take my payment wire the rest of the money to some shmuck in Philly who will then send me the laptops. I did some research and this looks like textbook fraud. The check will be arriving today. I'm of course going to call the bank its from to see if its legit(which it probably isn't) and if it is this guy is the most retardedly trusting individual ever. If it isn't legit I want to fuck him somehow. Any ideas?

Claim you cashed it, and you have the cash, but you need the schmuck in Philly to meet you somewhere. Somewhere dark, cold, and dangerous.
[Aug 10,2010 5:22pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

Conservationist said:Claim you cashed it, and you have the cash, but you need the schmuck in Philly to meet you somewhere. Somewhere dark, cold, and dangerous.

This is the only possible way to get the upper-hand. Although I'm more than positive the scammer will just turn down the request and move onto to the next schmuck.
[Aug 10,2010 5:28pm - RichHorror ""]
Guys, it was me. I'm a legitimate businessman and all you fags living in your mom's basement are just jealous.
[Aug 13,2010 9:21am - the_reverend ""]

dertoxia said:same thing as this happened to a friend of mine out in Chicago. I think the check was for 5000 though. As far as i know he has it tacked up on his wall.

I almost fell victim to a craigslist scam myself. I responded to a bunch of job classifieds. I got an email from someone with a link to a website to fill out an "application". Except the website was obviously just a shell with no real content. And the company doesn't exist. I did a whois and realized the domain belongs to someone in Russia.

Was temped to fill out a bunch of fake info and email him back to see how far the scam would go. But really it's not worth the time. Just move on and let the scammers find a new victim.

for vandelay industries?
[Aug 13,2010 10:40am - Yeti ""]
i'm going to have to go with Ryan on this one, cover something in feces and then send it to him. but not your own, have a moose shit on it or something.
[Aug 13,2010 2:26pm - mutis  ""]
Moose shit is sacred.
[Aug 13,2010 6:58pm - horror_tang ""]
I answered an email from a man from the Liberian government about routing funds through my checking account. In return I would receive a percentage. Well, with the money I made I was able to buy a house. Not too shabby. Why are people notmore trusting?
[Nov 9,2010 3:02pm - nekronaut ""]
Somebody got my debit card info and signed up for two Brazzers sites.. I called their billing company today and told the woman there is no way me or anybody I know would do it since I can get all of their content for free on Spankwire- they are refunding the $70 and I'm getting a new card
[Nov 9,2010 3:04pm - oscarct ""]
I thought the title said " I got raped by a gay cashier"
[Nov 9,2010 3:18pm - reimroc ""]
i am happy to announce i am not wanted for bank fraud. i did keep the check for the lulz though.
[Nov 9,2010 3:18pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]


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