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Pet owner arrested after cat found 'marinating' in oils and peppers

[Aug 11,2010 2:53pm - ryanplegics ""]

Is it wrong that this sounds appetizing?
[Aug 11,2010 3:08pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
needs more salt
[Aug 11,2010 3:09pm - the_reverend ""]
you can't marinate something living...
[Aug 11,2010 3:10pm - DreadKill ""]
this guy should be killed. he should be cut into pieces and shoved up a homeless guy's ass. he should be flayed in public. his eyes should be pulled out. he should have hydrochloric acid poured down his dickhole. his whole family should be thrown in a woodchipper. he should have a splintered 2x4 with red ants on it shoved up his bumbum.
[Aug 11,2010 3:11pm - haupty  ""]
this article is biased


[Aug 11,2010 3:12pm - the_reverend ""]
look at 1:33... AMAZING!

[Aug 11,2010 3:12pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
he seems like a nice guy
[Aug 11,2010 3:13pm - haupty  ""]

the_reverend said:look at 1:33... AMAZING!


That's awesome hahaha
[Aug 11,2010 3:13pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
he seems like a nice..

FuckIsMySignature said:he seems like a nice guy

[Aug 11,2010 3:15pm - arktouros ""]
he didn't even shave the cat first??
[Aug 11,2010 3:21pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Aug 11,2010 3:22pm - ryanplegics ""]
That guy's mugshot is awesome.
[Aug 11,2010 3:28pm - oscarct ""]

arktouros said:he didn't even shave the cat first??
[Aug 11,2010 3:30pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

oscarct said:
arktouros said:he didn't even shave the cat first??

and it was marinating in a BOOT. a fucking BOOT. i love this country.
[Aug 11,2010 3:36pm - aaron_michael ""]
haha I think Boot is implying the trunk.
[Aug 11,2010 3:38pm - dertoxia ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:
oscarct said:
arktouros said:he didn't even shave the cat first??

and it was marinating in a BOOT. a fucking BOOT. i love this country.

it wasn't in a boot, it was in a cage. The article is from a UK paper. boot=trunk across the pond.
[Aug 11,2010 3:40pm - SkinSandwich ""]
I'm sure it smelled better then most pussy.
[Aug 11,2010 3:43pm - dertoxia ""]
oh it probably smelled amazing. Cmon now, peppers, chilies, little bit of salt. Thats one fine smelling pussy.
[Aug 11,2010 3:54pm - aaron_michael ""]
Still... what the fuck was he thinking??

arktouros said:he didn't even shave the cat first??
[Aug 11,2010 4:19pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

dertoxia said:
FuckIsMySignature said:
oscarct said:
arktouros said:he didn't even shave the cat first??

and it was marinating in a BOOT. a fucking BOOT. i love this country.

it wasn't in a boot, it was in a cage. The article is from a UK paper. boot=trunk across the pond.

ohh. fuckin brits. how do you marinate something a cage? does not compute.
[Aug 11,2010 5:07pm - dertoxia ""]
well it seems like this guy just covered his cat in all kinds of bullshit as "punishment". And then when questioned by the authorities, "I wanted to eat it so i was marinating it"......was the more sensible thing to say at the time. I bet that the dude just covered his cat in oil and chili power cause he's a dick.

[Aug 11,2010 5:08pm - dertoxia ""]
oh and why has no one said anything about the fact that it's a cat and not a dog yet? cmon rttp get with it

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