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metal or hardcore

[May 4,2004 5:08pm - drakensword  ""]
Metal or hardcore?
and why
[May 4,2004 5:15pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
no one cares and you're gay
[May 4,2004 5:36pm - JellyFish ""]
bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch
[May 4,2004 5:44pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
JellyFish said:bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch

yes because telling someone that their thread is totally inane when it obviously is, is considered bitching. especially when my mood is just as timid as it always is.

[May 4,2004 8:44pm - intricateprocess ""]
who gives a fuck. the line is sooo blurred between genres, that i basically give up.

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