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Lan party

[Aug 17,2010 6:43pm - ThorgWantEat ""]
I really can't stand online, beyond shit like Quake Live. I've noticed a lot of people on here do PC gaming so was curious if anyone was up for a possible lan party around MA. So if anyone knows of a space or has a space to set shit up post in here.
[Aug 17,2010 6:44pm - reimroc ""]
i would totally be down.
[Aug 17,2010 6:45pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
that'd be so highschool for me...

Quake 3 arena?
Duke Nukem?
Warcraft II?
Diablo II?
[Aug 17,2010 6:46pm - reimroc ""]
We could play practically anything. Except for Q3 because I suck at quake now =(
[Aug 17,2010 6:50pm - ThorgWantEat ""]
I'd be down for anything. The best way without it getting to frantic is just for one or two of us to put everything on one external and connect it to the server.

Oh and I used to amazing at Quake but now I'm kinda shitty so it's alright if people suck. It'd be nice to get at least 6 people.
[Aug 17,2010 6:51pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
[Aug 17,2010 6:55pm - reimroc ""]
i bet if you include a few starcraft games aril would totally be down to come.
[Aug 18,2010 9:36pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
original xbox, first HALO pLZ!
[Aug 19,2010 12:04am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

AndrewBastard said:Q3A: CAPTURE THE FLAG...
[Aug 19,2010 2:31am - quintessence_nli  ""]
I did this in highschool as well. Weird..We were all about TFC, Quake, counterstrike , diabolo 11 and starcraft broodwars.
[Aug 19,2010 2:32am - quintessence_nli  ""]
Great way to illegally share files back in the day before we all had fast internet also. Those were the days.
[Aug 19,2010 7:40am - ThorgWantEat ""]
Eh, so how many would seriously be good to do this? Also, if you know other people who'd want to be a part of the lan include them.
[Aug 19,2010 8:29am - arktouros ""]
i'd be way down if anyone has a place to do it with enough room and power.
the best way to do it is stick to one or two games at most, otherwise everyone ends up playing whatever the hell they want.
[Aug 19,2010 8:33am - arktouros ""]

AndrewBastard said:Q3A: CAPTURE THE FLAG...
this is a great choice. TF2 as well. Left4Dead would also be awesome with the right amount of people.

Counter Strike is a great game but lame for a LAN party because there is SO MUCH downtime if you die.

We used to do a lot of Battlefield 1 and 2, Unreal Tournament 2k3,2k4, DotA, Half-Life2 Deathmatch, Warcraft, Starcraft... but Starcraft 2 wouldn't work because you can't do LAN, unless there's a crack out already?
[Aug 19,2010 3:22pm - ThorgWantEat ""]
2-3 games at the lan is a standard so that's fine. In terms of a place, If I know there are a certain amount of people doing it I could possibly get something.

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