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Fucking score: Jackson/Charvel Model 6 import

[Aug 19,2010 1:39am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Gaahahahhaaahhhh... Been paying this fucker off in dribs and drabs for months, finally got my mitts on it.

Neck-through, locking tuners, a kill switch for each pickup, and the fucker plays like a dream. (Fastest neck I've ever had my hands on.) Thing's ridiculous. This is the one that's the Soloist import before there was a Soloist import. Just need to get some new pickups in there (the stock ones are awesome but a little brittle I think, could use some meat).

Pics as soon as my phone stops being an ass.
[Aug 19,2010 1:42am - DAVID HASSELHOFF  ""]
Cool Story, Bro. No, Really. Cool Story.

[Aug 19,2010 1:44am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Oh yeah, this is the one with the Kahler trem, not stupid fucking Floyd Rose. MAN, Japan, you build some bonerific guitars.
[Aug 19,2010 1:46am - DAVID HASSELHOFF  ""]
Even More Cool Story, bro. No, Really. Cool Story.

[Aug 19,2010 7:39am - blue ""]
EXCELLENT score duder. How much did you get it for?
[Aug 19,2010 8:48am - sinistas ""]
Nice. Wish I was a trem guy sometimes, not much out there for the hardtail crowd.
[Aug 19,2010 9:19am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

blue said:EXCELLENT score duder. How much did you get it for?

$600, which (considering the shape this thing is in) I feel totally ok about.
[Aug 19,2010 9:35am - arktouros ""]
[Aug 19,2010 9:40am - arilliusbm ""]
[Aug 19,2010 9:43am - arktouros ""]
Sounds good dude. If all goes according to plan I'll be recording Sunday at Slag's.
[Aug 19,2010 9:47am - blue ""]

sinistas said:Nice. Wish I was a trem guy sometimes, not much out there for the hardtail crowd.

I completely disagree with this statement personally. Stoptails have gotten nothing but tons of love for the past 15 years post-grunge. Trems have only been gaining popularity again in the past couple years.
[Aug 19,2010 9:49am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
The Kahler is awesome 'cause I have a heavy palm-muting hand, and this thing doesn't budge.
[Aug 19,2010 9:58am - largefreakatzero ""]
Kahler trems are awesome. Post pics of said ax, whydontcha?
[Aug 19,2010 10:19am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

largefreakatzero said:Kahler trems are awesome. Post pics of said ax, whydontcha?


[Aug 19,2010 10:22am - arilliusbm ""]
aye quite a geet there eh?
[Aug 19,2010 10:31am - largefreakatzero ""]
[Aug 19,2010 11:23am - sinistas ""]

blue said:
sinistas said:Nice. Wish I was a trem guy sometimes, not much out there for the hardtail crowd.

I completely disagree with this statement personally. Stoptails have gotten nothing but tons of love for the past 15 years post-grunge. Trems have only been gaining popularity again in the past couple years.

I meant for Jackson / Charvel, specifically neck-thrus. Obviously a lot more import hardtails have come out, just not brands I wish to play.
[Aug 19,2010 11:52am - goatcatabisk  ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:
largefreakatzero said:Kahler trems are awesome. Post pics of said ax, whydontcha?



[Aug 19,2010 11:53am - SkinSandwich ""]
[Aug 19,2010 12:41pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Any suggestions on a replacement humbucker for this little lady? Would like to keep the mid boost circuit intact, so I guess a passive humbucker?
[Aug 19,2010 12:43pm - arilliusbm ""]
Only the stolen guitar at obriens was real.

DO YOU JAM!?!?!!??!!??!!
[Aug 19,2010 12:54pm - blue ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:Any suggestions on a replacement humbucker for this little lady? Would like to keep the mid boost circuit intact, so I guess a passive humbucker?

How much do you want to spend? And I wouldn't put too much stock in the mid boost circuit.
[Aug 19,2010 1:05pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Eh - just seems like a cool signature feature of the guitar. Not looking to spend more than probably a couple hundo for now.
[Aug 19,2010 1:16pm - sinistas ""]
APC Persuader.

[Aug 19,2010 2:01pm - arti NLI  ""]
[Aug 19,2010 2:49pm - blue ""]
Yeah, if you're looking to drop that much coin on pickups you have some high end options: APC, Bareknuckle, Q-Tuners, Lundgren etc.
[Aug 19,2010 3:36pm - sir coughsalot  ""]
I use Seymour JB's are Bareknuckles really that good? By the way nice guitar destroyyou Ive got a red Model 5 and it gives me a hard-on every time i look at it.
[Aug 19,2010 4:02pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Aug 19,2010 11:31pm - sir coughsalot  ""]
we're actually in the process of discussing the possibility of discussing the possibility of maybe doing another recording. so there.
[Aug 20,2010 1:45am - arilliusbm ""]
[Aug 20,2010 2:25am - goatcatabisk  ""]

blue said:Yeah, if you're looking to drop that much coin on pickups you have some high end options: APC, Bareknuckle, Q-Tuners, Lundgren etc.

The only one of these I'm familiar with, Blue, are Bareknuckle. I'm gonna take my 6 string Warlock in for a howsyourfather and I'm lookin to replace the bridge pickup. You've seen my rig, sir. What would you suggest I look into?
[Aug 20,2010 1:55pm - sir coughsalot  ""]

sir%20coughsalot said:I use Seymour JB's are Bareknuckles really that good?
[Aug 20,2010 8:32pm - Martins ""]

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