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New comedy club at Foxwoods Casino..

[Aug 30,2010 2:56pm - oscarct ""]

some pretty good shows coming up
[Aug 30,2010 2:58pm - oscarct ""]
I want to go see Patrice Oneal
[Aug 30,2010 3:13pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
"catagorized as gambling"

fuck. is Louis Ck making an appearance?
[Aug 30,2010 3:16pm - oscarct ""]
yep. louie is performing in a month or so
with the exception of richard lewis and patrice, I have seen every comedian scheduled
[Aug 30,2010 3:19pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
awesome ...gonna have to get on that.
[Aug 30,2010 3:19pm - oscarct ""]
I got my jim norton tickets
[Aug 30,2010 3:22pm - oscarct ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:awesome ...gonna have to get on that.

there are only 30 tickets left for louie
[Aug 30,2010 3:28pm - Snli  ""]
Stephen Lynch would be awesome to see
[Aug 30,2010 3:29pm - oscarct ""]
I saw him with mitch hedberg a few years ago, he was pretty good.

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