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Conan The Destroyer

[May 5,2004 4:05pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
[May 5,2004 4:12pm - Dissector ""]
Hahaha, awesome.
[May 5,2004 4:12pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I think it was the worst sequel ever made.
[May 5,2004 4:15pm - Dissector ""]
To tell you the truth, I never actually tried to follow the plot or anything. I just end up laughing the whole time.
[May 5,2004 4:17pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
In Conan the Barbarian he is ruthless, and he even punches a camel in the face.

The second one he is a lame pushover with no attitude.
[May 5,2004 4:18pm - Dissector ""]
Punching the camel, I bet that could be used as some sexual innuendo.
[May 5,2004 4:31pm - dread_104 ""]
in barbarian, he dominates this warrior woman.
in destroyer, he gets bossed around by this stuck up bitch.
and besides, who's a better villian? thulsadoom or some gay-assed statue? really...
[May 5,2004 4:33pm - dread_104 ""]
just had a thought. the final conflict in both movies is against a black guy(thulsadoom and bombato). interesting...
[May 5,2004 4:33pm - moran ""]
Cmon, what about about Wilt Chamberlain? That alone makes the movie awesome.
[May 5,2004 4:35pm - dread_104 ""]
arnold says he's done with movies. i say he isn't. we need one more Conan flick for the greatest trilogy ever(fuck star wars!)
let's write the screenplay for "Conan- Son Of Krom" who's with me?
[May 5,2004 4:53pm - moran ""]
Theres been rumors of King Conan. Starring Arnold and the Rock as his son.
[May 5,2004 4:55pm - morkul ""]
Actually the story for Conan3 has already been written and is floating around Hollywood right now. I'ts up in arms right now because they don't know what to do. Arnold is supposed to be in it, but with his political agenda, they are having a hard time pinning down production start. He is going to be an old Conan who is having problems with his son. It is called King Conan; Crown of Iron. The Wachowski brothers and John Milius are rumored to be working together on the project. I am sure you have all heard the rumors to about his son being played by Vin Diesel and such but, it is more than likely the wrestler TripleHHH will being playing the role of his son. I forgot his name right now, sorry. Not that I am a HUGE Conan fan or anything. Compared to Barbarian though even I will admit that Destroyer is lame, but you take it with a grain of salt because it is still Conan.
[May 5,2004 5:03pm - succubus ""]
wow..the board is a lot busier than yesterday!

ps:i love this movie
[May 5,2004 5:06pm - moran ""]
I don't think the Wachoski brothers are doing much right now:

'Matrix' co-creator ready to be whole new woman

April 29, 2004


Sounds as though Larry Wachowski -- one half of the Chicago-born, super-successful brother team (along with Andy Wachowski) that created the "Matrix'' films -- is about to make a life-altering move.

According to those close to the extremely reclusive duo, Larry is about to finally become "Linda.'' Wachowski, who has been living and dressing as a woman for some time, reportedly is preparing to take the final step and have sex-change surgery. As always, it was impossible to get any comment from the press-shy Wachowskis, but several longtime friends of the Rogers Park native confirm Wachowski is planning to complete the process of becoming a woman.

Wachowski's sexuality and sexual preferences have made headlines since his nine-year marriage to Thea Bloom turned into an ugly divorce battle over the past couple of years. During courtroom fights over the millions generated by the "Matrix'' films, Bloom made veiled reference to her husband's proclivity for cross-dressing and his taste for less-than-conventional sexual activities. Bloom accused Wachowski of being "extremely dishonest with me in our personal life,'' and blamed the couple's initial separation on "very intimate circumstances concerning which I do not elaborate at this time for the reasons of his personal privacy.'' Numerous press reports have highlighted a long-term S&M dominatrix relationship Wachowski maintained with the owner of a Los Angeles area sex shop.

[May 5,2004 5:27pm - morkul ""]
Well whatever the case may be, John Milius is still involved and that makes it all the more better considering he was a major part of Conan The Barbarian.
[May 5,2004 8:21pm - Abbath ""]
conan is such a bad ass anyways, although the first film was 10 times better, it'd be great if the did a sequal of some sorts, they're making a comic of him again
[May 5,2004 8:43pm - JellyFish ""]
Arnold and Steven Segal should do a movie together
[May 6,2004 1:50am - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
Conan The Barbarian crushes it... The theme music makes me want to kill wiggers...
[May 6,2004 1:58am - Terence ""]
I thought both of them were awesome. Best music to a movie since The Good the Bad and the Ugly.
[May 6,2004 12:14pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
terence, fuck you. we can't be friends anymore if you like conan the destroyer.
[Dec 26,2009 10:28pm - TheRidersofDoom ""]
Conan the barbarian or nothing. Also, new movie has some gay austrian actor as Conan. I'm more excited about the Thulsa Doom, Red Sonja, and Solomon Kane movies coming out this year
[Dec 27,2009 10:43am - joeyumbrella ""]
conan rulz
[Dec 27,2009 8:26pm - blessed offal  ""]
nowhere near a worthy sequal, but still a legitimately entertaining movie in its own right
[Dec 27,2009 8:33pm - lon_chaney_nli  ""]
way funnier on acid
[Dec 28,2009 2:41am - TheRidersofDoom ""]
I love the fact they pay homage to the first movie when he sees the camel and says sorry hahah.
[Dec 28,2009 1:47pm - blessed offal  ""]

TheRidersofDoom said:I love the fact they pay homage to the first movie when he sees the camel and says sorry hahah.

this is actually one the things that bothered me most about it
[Dec 28,2009 2:32pm - C.DEAd  ""]

blessed%20offal said:
TheRidersofDoom said:I love the fact they pay homage to the first movie when he sees the camel and says sorry hahah.

this is actually one the things that bothered me most about it

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