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[May 5,2004 4:17pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
[May 5,2004 4:47pm - dread_104 ""]
tim curry- the greatest cinematic portrayal of a devil EVER!!!
blix-black metal before there was black metal
gump-taught us to fear homosexuals
that faerie-made us wanna fuck redheads
and who doesn't love Tangerine Dream?
"Legends can be now and forever, loved by the sun..."
[May 5,2004 4:59pm - morkul ""]
Fuck yeah, now we are talking some seriously good threads today. One of my favorite movies,quote" you don't really mean to eat me do you".
Also Mia Sara when she was still hot. Tom should have buffed up a little for the movie though......higher,higher, burning fire, making music like a quire, Blickz...
[May 5,2004 5:02pm - dread_104 ""]
Meg Mucklebones has to be one of the greatest scenes in cinematic history. i looked for years to find the unedited scene. needles to say, when the ultimate edition dvd came out, i was happy as shit.
[May 5,2004 8:17pm - Abbath ""]
couldn't agree with dread more, tim curry is the best looking satan ever!
[May 6,2004 12:12am - Terence ""]
One of the best movies of all time.
[May 6,2004 1:55am - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
great movie...must agree...best Satan ever...

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