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who's going to Vital Remains?

[May 5,2004 8:44pm - dread_104 ""]
Let the Killing Begin...:doublehorns:
[May 5,2004 8:50pm - JellyFish ""]
[May 5,2004 8:51pm - Dissector ""]
I will be too busy meeting Goerge fucking Romero!
[May 5,2004 8:52pm - dread_104 ""]
Dissector said:I will be too busy meeting Goerge fucking Romero!
whattya mean? where?

[May 5,2004 9:16pm - Aegathis ""]
i sure hope to be there, as well as with the rest of my band.
[May 5,2004 9:37pm - dread_104 ""]
in satan we trust satan satan satan satan
[May 5,2004 9:42pm - Dissector ""]
He's gonna be at some film festival in summerville. He's gonna be there for Q&A and autograph signing then they're gonna show Bloodfeast 2! Its cheaper than going to Vital Remains
[May 5,2004 10:33pm - jesus ""]

scumerville, slumerville. just not summerville please
[May 5,2004 10:33pm - anonymous  ""]
yeah, what the hell time does this start? its not on any flyers that ive seen
[May 5,2004 10:48pm - RustedAngel ""]
okay how many people are going to post the same damn thing.

[May 5,2004 11:04pm - diamond_dave ""]
the show starts at 7. blowjobs at 8.
[May 6,2004 3:55pm - Aegathis ""]
ahh , now im confused. Last person told me it was at 8:30, why couldnt they just post the time on the events section or something like that to avoid this confusion and all these people asking the same questions over and over again.
[May 6,2004 6:52pm - diamond_dave ""]
to be on the safe side, i'd say go early anyway. there's going to be like nooo parking. there's a restaurant with a bar across the street, if that's your thing, to pass the time. plus you don't want to miss in dire need (or us!). we practice practically next door to this place. come hang out with us.
[May 7,2004 9:48am - litacore ""]
I think Romero's in ARLINGTON, unless there's another appearance in line for Slummerville:

[May 7,2004 10:09am - tbone_r ""]
im going, but not to see vital remains.
[May 7,2004 12:55pm - El Justin  ""]
Saw Vital Remains last night... the opening with the entire sample and then the song "Dechristianize" made their set, after that it was just a bunch of mediocre new songs and absoultely no old ones. Oh and Glen Benton dresses like Super-Shredder from the Ninja-Turtles on stage now too, it's fucking awesome. And their guitarist has 6 6 6 red lights built into his guitar, haha.
[May 7,2004 1:24pm - the_reverend ""]
I'll be there.
[May 7,2004 1:33pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I'll try to go. Oooooh boy!!! heheheheheheh mwahahahahahah!!! BLAH!!!
[May 7,2004 7:47pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
How was the turnout at Valentines?

I heard only 45 people went to the show at The Downtown on Long Island!

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