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[Sep 6,2010 5:41pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]
Long-running Venice Beach, California thrash/punk band SUICIDAL TENDENCIES has scheduled the following dates:

Oct. 15 - Reno, NV - Knitting Factory
Oct. 16 - Portland, OR - Roseland
Oct. 17 - Seattle, WA - Showbox
Oct. 20 - San Francisco, CA - Fillmore
Oct. 22 - Las Vegas, NV - House of Blues
Oct. 26 - Colorado Springs, CO - Black Sheep
Oct. 29 - Detroit, MI - Harpo's
Oct. 30 - Milwaukee, WI - Eagles
Oct. 31 - Cleveland, OH- Peabody's
Nov. 02 - St. Louis, MO - Pops
Nov. 04 - Houston, TX - Meridien
Nov. 06 - Dallas, TX - Palladium Showroom
Nov. 07 - Austin, TX - Fun Fun Fun Fest
Nov. 09 - Tampa, FL - State Theatre
Nov. 10 - Orlando, FL - Firestone
Nov. 12 - Washington, DC - 9:30 Club
Nov. 13 - Worcester, MA - Palladium (Same day as DRI also at the Palladium)(durh!?)
Nov. 17 - Chicago, IL - Metro
Nov. 18 - Minneapolis, MN - Cabooze
Nov. 20 - Denver, CO - Summit
Nov. 21 - Albuquerque, NM - Sunshine Theatre

Figured this might catch some people's attentions. Also, DRI is the same day at the same venue? What the hell?
[Sep 6,2010 5:52pm - RichHorror ""]
I hope it's the same show.
[Sep 6,2010 6:00pm - Lamp nli  ""]
Suicidal Tendencies past 1990 = Insane Clown Posse
[Sep 6,2010 6:20pm - the_reverend ""]
im with lamp if that is his real name. they have some turrible releases that is for sure.
[Sep 6,2010 7:10pm - Lamp nli  ""]
The self-titled is still one of my favorite releases by any band ever and I dig the next three but from The Art of Rebellion onward, it was all HORRIBLE.
[Sep 6,2010 7:16pm - Dankill  ""]

RichHorror said:I hope it's the same show.
Sadly it does not appear to be the case.
I mean seriously, how the fuck can you not combine these two shows?!
[Sep 6,2010 7:25pm - goatcatabisk  ""]
Art of Rebellion was GRID
[Sep 6,2010 8:09pm - Pires ""]

Dankill said:
RichHorror said:I hope it's the same show.
Sadly it does not appear to be the case.
I mean seriously, how the fuck can you not combine these two shows?!

that is raviolis
[Sep 6,2010 8:57pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
Wonder if Jason Newsted is playing bass
[Sep 6,2010 8:59pm - i_am_not_me ""]
Nope, they DID combine the Suicidal and DRI shows. NICE!
[Sep 6,2010 9:26pm - Pires ""]
Yup. No longer raviolis.
[Sep 6,2010 10:39pm - Lamp nli  ""]
Who's going to headline?
[Sep 6,2010 10:41pm - substitutecreature ""]
Upstairs or downstairs?
[Sep 6,2010 10:46pm - i_am_not_me ""]
Downstairs, and I'd imagine Suicidal's headlining.
[Sep 6,2010 10:50pm - late rising  ""]
awesome. maybe DRI and Suicidal will jam together on an encore of NO MERCY covers!
[Sep 6,2010 11:32pm - nekronaut ""]
I'll go to this just as long as I can get free tickets..
[Sep 7,2010 7:05am - Dankill  ""]
Raviolis have been averted.
[Sep 12,2010 11:05am - Kadoog-a-go-go  ""]
how are DRI live these days? Debating spending the money for this one... I already talked myself outta seeing the Stooges, don't wanna be kicking myself again.
[Sep 12,2010 11:20am - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
You sure these aren't the same show? DRI and Suicidal are doing other dates together on this tour.
[Sep 12,2010 11:22am - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
oh i didnt read whole thread
[Sep 12,2010 11:24am - Lamp nli  ""]
I thought DRI kinda sucked at MDF, they need a drummer who can actually play as fast as the studio albums.
[Sep 12,2010 11:32am - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
The new Suicidal stuff is muy bad, and I don't know who half the members are. Look out NOFX, looks like there's a NEW Fat Mike in town.

[Sep 12,2010 11:34am - pam ""]
Same day as Nick Cave's Grinderman show at the HOB. I've never seen Suicidal and I bet the set list has some good old shit...ugggghh. Decisions.
[Sep 12,2010 12:02pm - Lamp nli  ""]
I bought an LP of Suicidal Tendencies 1982 demos earlier this year, turns out by the time the first LP came out, Mike Muir was the only original member! Serious rotating door lineup in that band.
[Sep 25,2010 12:45pm - boblovesmusic ""]
Apparently Cro-mags, Underdog and Death Before Dishonor have been added
[Sep 25,2010 12:52pm - Lamp nli  ""]
Fuck, seriously? There goes my interest in going to this.
[Sep 25,2010 1:19pm - nekronaut ""]

Lamp%20nli said:Fuck, seriously? There goes my interest in going to this.

Yeah, I'm not going anymore.
[Sep 26,2010 3:21am - oscarct ""]

pam said:Same day as Nick Cave's Grinderman show at the HOB. I've never seen Suicidal and I bet the set list has some good old shit...ugggghh. Decisions.

fuck!! I will be at one of these two shows.. I have never seen Nick Cave or Suicidal ( I have seen every other band on that bill)
[Sep 27,2010 6:42pm - chrisabomb ""]
anybody know the date for the albany show? i heard they were playing there with the cromags & underdog.
[Oct 28,2010 5:27pm - brodown ""]
Los Bungalitos is now on this show. Please get tickets from us!
[Oct 28,2010 5:50pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]
I will! I will!
[Nov 10,2010 4:52pm - brodown ""]


Buy tickets from Los Bungalitos.


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