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[Sep 16,2010 3:21am - anymonsterass  ""]
we are seeking a new bass plyer
[Sep 16,2010 7:44am - Aegathis ""]
That dude that was playin on Saturday looked so evil, I thought he complimented the music quite well.>:]
[Sep 16,2010 8:19am - Richard"itchy"Richardson  ""]
Is this fishcakes or troll? The world may never know......
[Sep 16,2010 8:28am - Richard"itchy"Richardson  ""]
[Sep 16,2010 10:13am - The_Rooster ""]

Richard"itchy"Richardson said:trollcakes?


[Sep 16,2010 10:15am - TIMMA ""]
Well done.
[Sep 16,2010 11:28pm - fishcakes ""]
it's not me
[Sep 16,2010 11:48pm - Alx_Casket ""]
[Sep 17,2010 1:12am - Woah!_Shut_It_Down! ""]
How Willem Dafoe manages to have a face like silly putty and is still allowed to smile is beyond me.

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