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Re: Black Veil Brides w/ Gwar for Rock N' Shock

[Sep 28,2010 12:54pm - bornofosichris ""]
So Black Veil Brides will be playing Rock N' Shock at the Palladium on the 16th, same day as Gwar, Warbringer, Nevermore, etc.

I'm thinking one of these via Sonic Syndicate a few years ago might be in order..

[Sep 28,2010 1:14pm - TheRidersofDoom ""]
I remember this, who else was at this show in the picture?

also, does this band suck or something?
[Sep 28,2010 1:18pm - bornofosichris ""]
i was at that show. and you tell me...

[Sep 28,2010 1:25pm - ddrummernli  ""]
i was at that amon amarth show, the scariest thing was that the pit sat down first. haha the guys who could care less what the music sounded like. BVB is a joke. Hot Topic made band just to make more $$
[Sep 28,2010 1:43pm - Woah!_Shut_It_Down! ""]
And GWAR is letting this go, why? The brighter and better smelling part of the crowd will be killed!
[Sep 28,2010 1:49pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i wanna see RAWG
[Sep 28,2010 1:55pm - nekronautnli  ""]
GWAR has no choice as to who plays at the Palladium that day.. they have their tour roster of Mobile Deathcamp, The Casualties and Infernaeon, everybody else is just shit that the Palladium books
[Sep 28,2010 1:56pm - nekronautnli  ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:i wanna see RAWG

Never got the chance to see RAWG, but hoping next year's GWARBQ will be it. Saw DBX a few times though, which is close since they play a few GWAR covers.

[Sep 28,2010 2:18pm - the_reverend ""]
those chicks are pretty hot.
[Sep 28,2010 2:34pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

nekronautnli said:GWAR has no choice as to who plays at the Palladium that day.. they have their tour roster of Mobile Deathcamp, The Casualties and Infernaeon, everybody else is just scott lee being a fat faggot shit

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