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Is TheRidersOfDoom on the path to moving out of mom's basement?

[Oct 1,2010 11:48am - The Pride of Krakow  ""]
We're praying for you, little guy!
[Oct 1,2010 12:04pm - the_reverend ""]
[Oct 1,2010 12:09pm - Lamp nli  ""]
I let out a hearty cackle upon discovering this thread
[Oct 28,2011 2:30pm - ridahsofdizzooom's mom khed  ""]
I hear you jacking off down there, would you please stop moaning so loud? Your father is trying to rest. Did you rake the leaves like I told you to? Don't forget your $50 rent is due on Tuesday!
[Oct 28,2011 2:46pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
$50 rent?!! can i move in?
[Oct 28,2011 2:47pm - the_reverend ""]


[Oct 28,2011 5:45pm - Ridahs  ""]
I wish rent was 50 bucks. What am I the new Goatblackmetalladyripperowensfailtheleaf and other rttpers of the past now.

Ya'll be lynchin' me with your love.
[Oct 28,2011 6:50pm - Lamp ""]
You weren't around when any of those people were posting, fuck off.
[Oct 28,2011 6:51pm - Ridahs  ""]
I've been around with different aliases since at least 2003

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