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VintageFlesh now seeking DRUMMER to take on the world!

[Oct 8,2010 4:40pm - raynard  ""]
VintageFlesh is poised to tear the metal world a new asshole with a second full length set for release and backed by a German label and Canandian label. WaragainstYourSelf & BleakArts. we will be semi theatrical covered by the singer. we are easy going guys great to work with. the music is extremely original and we already have a large demand to go live. FREE practice space in Downtown Nashua. many perks and much Metal history to be made.
find us on myspace and give us a shout for a chance to make your mark with NewEnglands soon to be hottest live extreme metal act!
or call (603)889-8287 The TaTToomB
ask for Raynard
or write : isitmybody@hotmail.com
[Oct 8,2010 4:59pm - blue ""]
in b4 epicness
[Oct 8,2010 5:05pm - Slag NLI  ""]
Ray is a nice guy, actually, from what I know of him.
[Oct 8,2010 5:14pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
needs moar something something or other
[Oct 8,2010 7:19pm - largefreakatzero ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:needs moar something something or other

[Oct 8,2010 10:08pm - goatcatabisk  ""]
Shoot f' da stahs, khed
[Oct 8,2010 10:11pm - goatcatabisk  ""]
But seriously... just a heads-up...

As I was waiting to have my appendix yanked out my bellybutton, I saw Metal being outfitted with a colostomy bag. You go-getters may want to find a more viable genre to second-anus.
[Oct 9,2010 8:34am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Please describe the musical content of this musical content.
[Oct 9,2010 8:53am - goatcatabisk  ""]
WaragainstYourSelf & BleakArts... Extremely original.
[Oct 26,2010 2:51pm - raynard  ""]
Raynard here again. well we have had more guys try out from checking us out on Craigs list. thats sad because this is supposed to be a NewEngland metal bands forum for all of us only. we could all do a better job uniting under the NewEngland Metal community banner. some do, some dont. all should. we dont appreciate ipshitsimus members talking shit either. i personally supported your band and i bought a shirt and c.d., now i know what to do with that. why create rifts in the local scene when we can create RIFFS?! try not to feel so threatened by us. we are here to join forces and help us all to grow as a formidable local metal scene. not to create enemies in the local metal scene. but if you must act that way... VintageFlesh is part Black Metal and part Doom. myspace will clear things up for you i am sure. NewEngland extreme Metal unite! we are a whole lot louder as one voice!
[Oct 26,2010 2:53pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Oct 26,2010 3:19pm - Yeti ""]

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