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ATTN: guitar nerds

[Oct 10,2010 9:35pm - Archaeon ""]
Some asshole knocked my guitar over a few weeks ago and broke the nut, finally fixed that last night. Found out about the other problem today when I tried to play through my amp. I have a tele that is wired in series and parallel. The guitar is fine when I play on the parallel settings but on both of the series settings, I get little to no sound on clean and when on overdrive I get a high pitched feedback. there are no problems that I can see with the connections. Any ideas?
[Oct 10,2010 9:48pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
sounds like your system32 folder got baleted. Put it back in derr
[Oct 10,2010 10:00pm - Archaeon ""]
[Oct 10,2010 10:28pm - Martins ""]
Probably shoulda just called me faggot. It sounds like you have a loose connection or cold solder joint between the pickups. Probably in the switch. The high pitched feedback is suspect though. It could be that one of the coils has gone bad. You should either replace the parallel/series switch, check all the connections between the electronics, or replace the faulty pickup (which might take some time to figure out which one). Good luck mojo brojo
[Oct 11,2010 12:34am - Archaeon ""]
Considering that the feedback happens for both pick-ups probably means that it would be something to with a connection right? otherwise it would only get feedback on one of the pickups or at least I'd imagine.
[Oct 11,2010 3:28pm - Archaeon ""]
[Oct 11,2010 4:46pm - Mar TINS  ""]
Hurtin' my feelings bro.

Another thing is that one of the coils could be in backwards.
[Oct 11,2010 4:50pm - Archaeon ""]
The guitar was in working order before it was dropped. So doubt it.
[Oct 11,2010 4:50pm - largefreakatzero ""]

Mar%20TINS said:Hurtin' my feelings bro.

Another thing is that one of the coils could be in backwards.

ITT: Archaeon is far more sexually attracted to Blue than Martins.
[Oct 11,2010 5:10pm - Archaeon ""]
I've already fuck martins. Over him.

I think I figured it out, found a loose connection that was hidden. fuck you guitar.
[Oct 11,2010 9:09pm - _corpus_ganjulator  ""]

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