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Japanese TV Show tricks kids into thinking they're fighting a zombie

[Oct 14,2010 6:09pm - xmikex ""]


pretty much insanity
[Oct 14,2010 6:15pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
some dude is totally gonna get Bill Murray'ed
[Oct 14,2010 6:16pm - Lich_King ""]
holy shit.
[Oct 14,2010 6:26pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
That Hiroshima victim REALLY wants those kids.
[Oct 14,2010 6:40pm - the_reverend ""]
wtf.. how can they trivialize such and important subject?
[Oct 14,2010 6:44pm - xmikex ""]
hiroshima pedozombie
[Oct 14,2010 7:01pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Is this Reft 4 Dead 3?
[Oct 14,2010 8:56pm - thirdknuckle ""]
That kid is a hero

[Oct 15,2010 1:46am - substitutecreature ""]
lol at the home alone traps. I WILL DESTROY YOU!!!!
[Oct 15,2010 8:07am - boxxy ""]
this is SOOOOO awesome. The zombie sent them a note.
[Oct 15,2010 8:19am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

BobNOMAAMRooney%20nli said:Is this Reft 4 Dead 3?

[Oct 15,2010 9:23am - timma ""]
Anyone else notice that the zombie was nice enough to take his shoes off before coming in the house?

Even zombies can't fuck with tradition.
[Oct 15,2010 10:29am - SteveSummoned ""]
This made my morning.

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