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B.o.E's cd "Humanity's Splintered Salvation" is available @

[May 8,2004 7:31pm - subjugate ""]
Quincy Records & Tapes
1564 hancock st
quincy ma 02169

or from the band directly at
[May 8,2004 7:36pm - succubus ""]
[May 9,2004 11:59am - subjugate ""]
he took 10 for starters and a few posters flyers to put around the store

at the moment this is the only place to get the cd except from us of course
[May 9,2004 12:13pm - honor4death ""]
you can order it threw razorback records too..
[May 9,2004 1:00pm - subjugate ""]
but ordering it from us or places we have it on consignment will fund the next BoE cd and getting it from the lable or razorback will not

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