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Remastered version of Antichrist by Gorgoroth

[Oct 16,2010 12:19am - frankofhell  ""]
Sounds fucking good. Even Hat's vocals come through better. This has always been my favorite Gorgoroth. All the songs are classic.
[Oct 16,2010 12:29am - goatcatabisk  ""]
Fuck yes. Same here. You heard about them completely re-recording "Under the Sign of Hell"???

Unnecessary faggotniggerhorseshit
[Oct 16,2010 12:32am - nekronaut ""]
I haven't heard the remaster but I read about the re-recording.. money, it's the name of the game
[Oct 16,2010 12:46am - frankofhell  ""]
First I've heard of that...Man thats lame.
[Oct 16,2010 3:15am - Randy_Marsh ""]
ur a hat.
[Oct 16,2010 3:44am - Randy_Marsh ""]
band is mediocre at best.
[Oct 16,2010 6:25am - Slag NLI  ""]
Honestly, re-recording anything is a terrible idea. No band ever is able to capture the emotion content that was created when the original recording was made. Songs end out coming out sounding like lifeless shells.
[Oct 16,2010 6:31am - frankofhell  ""]

Randy_Marsh said:band is mediocre at best.

I used to think this until I realized the greatness of their first 3 releases. But whatever, its your opinion.. man...
[Oct 16,2010 7:01am - tanbark t rothschild  ""]
Frank knows the score, Randy. Do yourself a favor and check out those first three if you haven't already. The proof is in the pudding.
[Oct 16,2010 3:48pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
that's why all of the MEgadeth reissue/remasters are garbage, cuz Mustardstain went and redid vocals and guitar overdubs
[Oct 17,2010 3:59am - Randy_Marsh ""]
i have antichrist and like it but the praise of this band doesnt seem the hype for what the music is.
[Oct 17,2010 4:39am - Alx_Casket ""]
[Oct 17,2010 10:23am - ala  ""]
yes re-recording is bullshit
i assume that that faggot from obituary is responsible for this as he was the one responsible for the awful production on the last album

to people who remain unmoved by their early albums i suggest you to try ad majorem sathanas gloriam their 2006 album as I believe this honestly to be their best work


[Oct 17,2010 12:40pm - demondave ""]

to this day i am disappointed that Gaahl and King ov Hell did not get together and start a band called Ghaalgoroth

[Oct 17,2010 12:50pm - goatcatabisk  ""]
Maybe they'll come tour over here with Abigail Williams. That would be phat.
[Oct 17,2010 1:23pm - nekronaut ""]
I second this notion. It should be law that any and every tour includes Abigail Williams.
[Oct 17,2010 7:19pm - demondave ""]
[Oct 17,2010 7:37pm - goatcatabisk  ""]
I can't wait to go on tour... with Abigail Williams.
[Oct 17,2010 8:22pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
Abigail Williams.....meehhhhhh kinda gross. Vehemence was/is way better.

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