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attn: bobnomaamrooneynli

[Oct 17,2010 11:57pm - Friend's Roomate  ""]
i dont care what bands you listen to you think your bands are better then my bands well fuck you too. i like nightwish and they are a good band. fuck you and your bands :pukeface:
[Oct 17,2010 11:59pm - Joe Christianni  ""]
What a fag.
[Oct 18,2010 12:00am - Umaro  ""]
[Oct 18,2010 12:06am - No Sarcasm Meter? FUCK YOU REVEREND  ""]
[Oct 18,2010 12:08am - Chrono  ""]
[Oct 18,2010 3:59am - goatcatabisk  ""]

Friend said:i dont care what bands you listen to you think your bands are better then my bands well fuck you too. i like nightwish and they are a good band. fuck you and your bands :pukeface:


"You hurt my feelingth"
[Oct 18,2010 10:12am - DreadKill ""]
you know you're a fag when joe christianni calls you a fag
[Oct 18,2010 11:26am - the_reverend ""]
Oh slam, you just got called gay by 2 girls.
[Dec 17,2010 5:14pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

did you hear about finntroll?
[Dec 17,2010 5:23pm - arktouros ""]
so glad someone did it.
[Dec 17,2010 7:32pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:psssst.

did you hear about finntroll?

I have no idea what you're talking about, is this like that "tanks" meme?

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