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[boozehound politics] Vote YES on Question 1 !!!

[Oct 19,2010 4:52pm - cheap drunk  ""]
The No Sales Tax for Alcohol Question, also known as Question 1, will be on the November 2, 2010 ballot in Massachusetts as an indirect initiated state statute. The measure would ask voters whether or not to repeal a sales tax for alcohol sales. Liquor retailers in Massachusetts indicated in late July 2009 that they were going to try to qualify the ballot measure for the 2010 ballot after the Massachusetts State Legislature increased the sales tax in the state from 5% to 6.25% and eliminated an exemption for alcohol sold in liquor stores.

State legislators in favor of the new sales tax on alcohol sold in liquor stores have stated that it may result in about $80 million in new state revenue.

The Massachusetts Package Stores Association disagreed, believing the figure would be closer to $50 million. The liquor association is opposed to the new sales tax on alcohol because they believe it will cost an estimated 3,000 people their jobs because it will cause alcohol sales to plunge.
[Oct 19,2010 5:10pm - arilliusbm ""]
Who fucking cares. California may legalize weed. We should vote for that in MA instead.
[Oct 19,2010 5:14pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
even if california legalizes weed it will still be illegal by the federal government.
[Oct 19,2010 5:18pm - nekronaut ""]
Considering that every liqour store makes their own prices for shit, I never really noticed a difference when the sales tax increased
[Oct 19,2010 5:19pm - GUY ""]
Alcohol sales to plunge..that ain't gonna happen
[Oct 19,2010 5:21pm - nekronaut ""]
ONE EXCEPTION: now when you a six pack of Narragansett at the Blanchards in JP it is exactly $6.66
[Oct 19,2010 5:31pm - arilliusbm ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:even if california legalizes weed it will still be illegal by the federal government.

Give it time, my friend. Give it time.
[Oct 19,2010 5:32pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

nekronaut said:ONE EXCEPTION: now when you a six pack of Narragansett at the Blanchards in JP it is exactly $6.66

this happened to me last week with rolling rock pounders (i think you were there lol). in fact i got 4 different monetary transactions that week that came to that figure. scary and awesome.
[Oct 19,2010 5:43pm - nekronaut ""]
I remember that. I think that was a good sign for the night
[Oct 19,2010 5:44pm - arktouros ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:even if california legalizes weed it will still be illegal by the federal government.
fuck the fed laws! State's rights!! Also alcohol sales never 'plunge' -- alcohol is the fallout- proof cockroach of recessions.
[Oct 19,2010 5:54pm - narkybark ""]
cuz you boozehounds just can't get enough.
[Oct 19,2010 6:35pm - ShadowSD ""]
Once weed is legal in California there will be no putting the genie back in the bottle, the federal government will not be able to enforce federal pot laws effectively, and I don't see the current Attorney General going and making headlines busting tons of pot smokers in CA who are abiding by state laws; it would be both impractical and inconsistent with how the Justce Department has dealt with the pot issue thus far (ceasing repeating medical marijuana raids in CA which had been common up to a couple years ago, under the reasoning that the state law should be respected).
[Oct 19,2010 7:08pm - Dankill  ""]
If we don't get rid of the alcohol tax now, watch that it becomes the latest "sin tax" that keeps getting jacked up every time the assclowns running this state piss away all our money and need more. They've been doing it with smokes, so what will stop them from doing it with booze?
[Oct 20,2010 12:05am - i_am_not_me ""]

nekronaut said:ONE EXCEPTION: now when you a six pack of Narragansett at the Blanchards in JP it is exactly $6.66

6-packs of Natty Ice or Busch at my work cost $6.66. Bud, Miller, and Coors 12 packs come out to $13.34, so if people pay with a $20 they get $6.66 change.
[Oct 20,2010 12:24am - the_reverend ""]
vote it down.
thanks from nh.

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