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Flyering for O'Brien's and Great Scott Shows - FYI Fines Etc

[Oct 20,2010 1:30pm - bornoffire ""]
Just wanted to pass this message to everyone here so nobody gets fucked with these stupid fines:


Needed to reach out about an important matter... we've received 4 recent fines from the city for improperly hung posters and flyers totaling $1,200. While we LOVE the enthusiasm for promo we need to be sure that any flyers are hung at designated kiosks-- not on light posts, electrical boxes or other areas not deemed proper by the city of Boston. If we receive any further citations that note particular bands the cost will be added to the room cost for the show. Please pass this on to all band members.

Thanks in advance for your help in this matter.

Kerry and The Great Scott & O'Brien's Family"
[Oct 20,2010 1:32pm - DreadKill ""]
what a raviolis city boston is. flyer over traffic lights or you're a pussy.
[Oct 20,2010 1:49pm - narkybark ""]
as if any area is considered "proper"
[Oct 20,2010 1:55pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
thats fucked up. we will make sure to respect this horrible new law however so as not cause further issues. sucks.
[Oct 20,2010 1:59pm - bornoffire ""]
There are designated Flyer boards in allston believe it or not..one near the model, one across the st from blanchards near the pool place etc. it's not a new law...I guess They usually get a fine a year from this but for whatever reason the city has been hammering them the last couple of months...maybe Duval needs a new rug in his office. lame
[Oct 20,2010 2:01pm - burnsy ""]
Haha yah, this would be an instance of Devil "increasing revenue."
[Oct 20,2010 2:18pm - blue ""]
Yeah, I got the email. Sucks.
[Oct 20,2010 2:31pm - RichHorror ""]
Not a new law. This queerness is at least a decade old. Fuck Boston government.
[Oct 20,2010 2:32pm - the_reverend ""]
so if you don't like a venue, just put up flyers for shows that don't exist.
[Oct 20,2010 2:35pm - RichHorror ""]
I remember when I first started hearing about this in the early 2000s, they claimed they'd find whoever put on the show and fine them personally. But since that's nearly impossible, clubs will get it and then turn around and penalize the promoter and bands. Cool witch hunt, bro.
[Oct 20,2010 2:37pm - arilliusbm ""]
Remember, same city that thought the mooninites were a bomb.
[Oct 20,2010 2:45pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
moonnites ARE da bomb.
[Oct 20,2010 2:50pm - ShadowSD ""]

the_reverend said:so if you don't like a venue, just put up flyers for shows that don't exist.

I was just thinking that - well with this new system, actually, if you don't like a band, flyer their shows!

[Oct 20,2010 3:21pm - robing ""]
Haha just go to like shows and hand flyers out fuckasses. Noone cares when its on a pole.
[Oct 20,2010 3:24pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
good point robin. car windshields and waiting lines outside of shows I find to work bestest.
[Oct 20,2010 3:42pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Pass them out in between sets while people are outside talking/smoking, and preface it by saying how awesome their band is.

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