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man this is fucking weird....too weird

[May 9,2004 7:31pm - dyingmuse ""]
dont know if i beleive this or not but it is quite freeky. i guess they found someone who came from the future and made a website about it. it's fucking weird http://www.johntitor.com/
[May 9,2004 8:08pm - the_reverend ""]
this is weird...
[May 9,2004 8:40pm - succubus ""]
yeah i read quite a bit and am still looking at it
[May 9,2004 8:56pm - succubus ""]
ok..still reading..heh

to the amazon page..

the reviews are awesome..

Brilliant, April 8, 2004
Reviewer: Tom from UK
There have been a mixed viewpoints about this 'John Titor'. To begin with, that is not his real name, he admited that on one of his online posts.

Secondly, he has by now, been proven to be a (...), and his story not true.

This asside, it was a brilliant book which i thouroly enjoyed. I am one of the people who frequently engaged in online posts with john and you will probably find some of what i wrote in that book. I now know the truth but at the time, i genuinely was starting to believe he was truely from the future. Most hoaxes like that are riddled with flaws and are obviously fake, but this one was VERY well thought about and contained only 1 or two inconsistancies that you could only discover if you read every post he made numerous times and spent a good few hours analysing it all. John made some fascinating physics theroies and used advanced equations and theory correctly. People challenged him to use certain forumulas or to explain a complicated thing to trip him up, but it didnt work, he did it all flawlessly.

Some people say that he was obviouly not from the future and that they never believed him. That is only because they are not open minded enough to accept the possibility of a time traveller, not because they found key errors in his story or physics knowledge.

I could post you a link now that would give you 'probably' the entire book on a web page, (i wont becuase amazon would be annoyed), but what is the point, buy the book, the web page will be deleted eventually, but the book will be around for ever (hypothetically).

'John', I dont know if you are reading this, i know you are still alive so i hope this gets to your eyes somehow, i take my hat off to you sir, you had us all fooled.

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And More...., April 26, 2004
Reviewer: jlennonfan4 (see more about me) from A Place For Talented Tastes
I found this on timetravelinstitute.com :

"I guess I should come clean. Yes I am TimeTravel_0. I was hoping to put this mystery to rest and stop all this madness you people have gone through to try to prove or disprove my existence. My real name is Samson Rodriguez. It all started as an elaborate hoax that me and my friends thought up. I am only in college and would like to apoligize to all of you who have defended me as a real person. My "time machine" was nothing more then a few junk items we found in a trash dump where we found all our supplies for the hoax. Again I apoligize for all the work you have put into this and thank you again.

Signing off one last time,
John Titor"

Even if this isn't really by "John Titor",I and others have warned you that it's just a hoax. Don't believe everything you read/hear.

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Fake!, April 26, 2004
Reviewer: jlennonfan4 (see more about me) from A Place For Talented Tastes
This guy was and still is a sheer fake.
go to johntitor.com if you want all of this information for free.
He claims he's from the year 2036. Hah! The film Back To The Future had a better time traveling storyline than this guy. Pfft. Go watch Doc and Marty and avoid this stupid hoax.

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You can kill your grandpa, April 26, 2004
Reviewer: Logan from USA
"The literature is very good, very consistent with current day physics, there are many dimentions, and it is possible to kill your grandpa, and still exist, therefore he could have seen his kid self. I enjoyed it, and waiting. "

Imagine time as a stack of papers all in perfect order, and flat. To put in terms us humans can fathom, each piece of paper is a segment in time, say, one second. Now we (in this world, you and me) are on one of these papers. Every second paper we are on moves up the hieght of one paper, because a new paper is added underneath the pile. What ever happens on our paper has no adverse effects on any other papers. This is because our paper is seperate from the rest.

On the other papers is an exact copy of ourselves, one second ago, (or multiple seconds, depending on how far away we are). If you were to time travel back in time until you went to a paper that your great grampa was on, then killed him, you would not be born. Would would only not be born on that particular paper. So if you return to your paper, the world is normal.

John Titor claimed that there was subtle differences in his world, compared to ours, because he had effects on our "paper". If he returns to his own time, or "paper" his paper will be unscathed.

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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:

The John Titor Hoax, April 20, 2004
Reviewer: A reader from Lakeland, FL United States
The Titor Saga began at TimeTravelInstitute.com where John Titor first posted and it ultimately leads to Celebration, Florida. Now Time Travel Institute itself leads to Celebration, Florida.

Celebration Florida is "all Disney" and both TimeTravelInstitute and Magical Mouse lead back to Disney Corp. This evidence has caused Timetravelinstitute.com Webmaster Raul Burrier to state that he knows who John Titor really is but refuses to give his identity. Now many people believe that timetravelinstitute.com was set up purely for the hoax and the webmaster of the site was involved somehow.

The John Titor foundation attorney Larry Haber and his son Brandon Haber are both linked to Celebration, Florida, The Book, the Radio Promo, Coffee Mugs, T-shrts, etc. All these different men being linked to Celebration, FL really is a strange coincidence.

Having a time traveller story that does not ask for money would add credibility - even better for a forum.

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[May 9,2004 10:18pm - john titor  ""]
Succubus, in the future, you will be just as beautiful...
[May 9,2004 10:25pm - the_reverend ""]
I couldn't agree with you more if I had written it myself.
[May 9,2004 10:34pm - succubus ""]
thank john, i mean, aaron...err the_reverend =)
[May 9,2004 11:17pm - retzam ""]
Hahaha, I am kind of glad it is a hoax. That 2005 US civil war and 2015 WW was freaking me out a bit.
[May 10,2004 1:20am - dyingmuse ""]
so where do they actually prove him wrong? and how do they know it was him that said it wasnt him. and how do we know it wasnt a government cover up?
[May 10,2004 9:56am - RustedAngel ""]
omfg, this is gay.
[May 10,2004 10:01am - the_reverend ""]
who ever this person is, all they basicaly did was read "snow crash" by neal stephenson and then rehash is.

basically, the guy invented half the internet words we use today... like avatar.
[May 10,2004 10:07am - cdan ""]
i'd like my waisted time back please.
[May 10,2004 2:58pm - Abbath ""]
WOW i just spent the last 2 and a half hours of my life reading all that
just wow
[May 10,2004 4:00pm - dyingmuse ""]
damn i'm let down. i was really looking forward to seeing this pathetic state we live in come to an end. the end of the world was looking real good in my mind too. ohh well...there's always hope.
[May 10,2004 5:08pm - Abbath ""]
it can't be a hoax! the guy went back to the future! of course they can't find the guy!
and some college kid just said that to get some popularity or something! everyone start buying guns the southerns are gonna attack!
[May 10,2004 5:16pm - dyingmuse ""]
ha \m/
[May 10,2004 5:28pm - BornSoVile ""]
this is pretty cool. I won't mind reading a book or two about this topic.

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