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Investigative Zombie Report

[Oct 28,2010 2:13pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
"Thirty years later, and under the guidance of a massive local man who had survived fourteen bullets to the face, I was off to conduct my own zombie investigation. I traveled the countryside, spoke with sorcerers, and collected (and consumed) samples of the legendary poison. I went heavily armed into places that require you to be heavily armed. After months of labor, rigorous chemical analysis of the samples, several incidents that had our entire party mortally afraid, and untold numbers of night visions at the hands of total zombie preoccupation, we're finally ready to share our findings."


[Oct 28,2010 2:28pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
part 2 of the documentarty includes excellent voodoo animal killing rituals.
[Oct 28,2010 3:14pm - Yeti ""]
i read that. the part that got me was the "survived fourteen bullets to the face". fuck you 50 Cent.
[Oct 28,2010 3:16pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
haha they show that guy in the documentary too.. i guess he took two bullets in one eye and cant drink alcohol anymore. wierd.

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