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My friend got fired (Hilarious content)

[Nov 8,2010 11:09pm - TheRidersofDoom ""]
My friend worked in retail as a manager, he was recently fired.

He used to be a manager at BJs down in VA near D.C. One day a young black kid complained to him about not being paid enough. My friend told him "listen, you're lucky we abolished slavery" the kid laughed because he knew the guy and was buddy buddy with him

a few months pass

my friend catches said black guy hiding in the bathroom after his break playing on his cell phone so he writes him up. Black kid complains to upper management and tells of above mentioned incident and now my friend is looking for a new job...

just goes to show you
[Nov 8,2010 11:18pm - db  ""]
oh, racism, hilarious!
[Nov 8,2010 11:40pm - posbleak ""]
goes to show me what?
[Nov 8,2010 11:44pm - Spaldino  ""]
that racism is a crime...

... and crime is for niggers?
[Nov 8,2010 11:45pm - nekronaut ""]
..that this thread is racist
[Nov 8,2010 11:56pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
thats wicked silly.
[Nov 8,2010 11:59pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
slow playin the race card ftw.
[Nov 9,2010 1:08am - LPCustom  ""]
I'm gonna have to write you up for saying, and I quote, "Hilarious Content" and not delivering anything of the such.
[Nov 9,2010 1:24am - Randy_Marsh ""]

[Nov 9,2010 1:56am - goatcatabisk  ""]
Cool kneeslapper, bro
[Nov 9,2010 2:26am - Randy_Marsh ""]
[Nov 9,2010 6:11am - SkinSandwich ""]

Randy_Marsh said:[img]

Seth Rogan grade 8 yearbook photo.
[Nov 9,2010 7:25am - Yeti ""]
[Nov 9,2010 7:32am - largefreakatzero ""]

Spaldino said:that racism is a crime...

... and crime is for niggers?

Spot on.
[Nov 9,2010 7:34am - Sacreligion ""]
I believe that kids cock is skinnier than his sausage fingers.
[Nov 9,2010 9:25am - AndrewBastard  ""]
i told this girl i worked with at Kinkos she was a dyke cunt but we always busted eachothers balls at work...then one day i really made her mad and she told HR and i was fired for sexual hare ass ment. Hard to get a job after that.
[Nov 9,2010 11:07am - metal_church101 ""]

AndrewBastard said:i told this girl i worked with at Kinkos she was a dyke cunt but we always busted eachothers balls at work...then one day i really made her mad and she told HR and i was fired for sexual hare ass ment. Hard to get a job after that.

Make it up to her buying a Dixie Chicks CD.
[Nov 9,2010 11:17am - the_reverend ""]
some girl hated me at a job and told me that her bf would beat the shit out of me. So I told her I would run away and then comeback and burn her house down. I was fired for that.
[Nov 9,2010 11:20am - metal_church101 ""]

the_reverend said:some girl hated me at a job and told me that her bf would beat the shit out of me. So I told her I would run away and then comeback and burn her house down. I was fired for that.

What job were you fired from?
[Nov 9,2010 11:22am - the_reverend ""]
I worked at a children's toy packing warehouse somewhere in machvegas.
[Nov 9,2010 11:57am - Spaldino  ""]
okay... anyone see a pattern here? just lie to your superiors that the person you hate said something non-pc to you and they will automatically get fired. fucking hate snitches. especially when it is something as harmless as a couple words. yeah... lets fuck up someone's entire life because they uttered a couple words i didnt agree with.

burn those fucking pussies. on the sun.
[Nov 9,2010 12:41pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
my manager at kinkos was like..why didnt you admit to saying that to the HR rep? They cant prove anything...he hated the girl and loved me so he was pissed i got canned and not her even though one day she showed me a topless pic of her on a work computer. Thats sexual harassment on me!
[Nov 9,2010 12:46pm - reimroc ""]
[Nov 9,2010 1:28pm - posbleak ""]
Quick I'm a Jew and a woman what should I say to get everyone around me fired?
[Nov 9,2010 1:29pm - metal_church101 ""]

AndrewBastard said:my manager at kinkos was like..why didnt you admit to saying that to the HR rep? They cant prove anything...he hated the girl and loved me so he was pissed i got canned and not her even though one day she showed me a topless pic of her on a work computer. Thats sexual harassment on me!

Was the dyke pretty, or did you go blind when you saw a topless pic of her?
[Nov 9,2010 1:30pm - nekronaut ""]
ITT: the Holocaust never happened
[Nov 9,2010 1:30pm - Yeti ""]

posbleak said:Quick I'm a Jew and a woman what should I say to get everyone around me fired?

tell your company elites that your nickname around the office is "Kyke Dyke".
[Nov 9,2010 1:39pm - posbleak ""]

Yeti said:
tell your company elites that your nickname around the office is "Kyke Dyke".

Hahaha that was my nickname in high school...
[Nov 9,2010 1:40pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]

Yeti said:
posbleak said:Quick I'm a Jew and a woman what should I say to get everyone around me fired?

tell your company elites that your nickname around the office is "Kyke Dyke".

[Nov 9,2010 1:42pm - the_reverend ""]

bloblovesmusic said:
Yeti said:
posbleak said:Quick I'm a Jew and a woman what should I say to get everyone around me fired?

tell your company elites that your nickname around the office is "Kyke Dyke".


[Nov 9,2010 1:47pm - goatcatabisk  ""]

posbleak said:Quick I'm a Jew and a woman what should I say to get everyone around me fired?

[Nov 9,2010 1:50pm - the_reverend ""]

[Nov 9,2010 2:14pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]

the_reverend said:
bloblovesmusic said:
Yeti said:
posbleak said:Quick I'm a Jew and a woman what should I say to get everyone around me fired?

tell your company elites that your nickname around the office is "Kyke Dyke".


that was lame
[Nov 9,2010 2:17pm - Lester__Burnham ""]
he's a ass for writing a so called"buddy ,buddy" up for playin on the phone if i was that kid i fuck him over too. your friends a ass and cost himself his own job with his power trip
[Nov 9,2010 2:40pm - goatcatabisk  ""]
First day of any job I smoke meth with my boss to make sure he's cool.
[Nov 9,2010 4:57pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
she was pretty gross but had HUGE cans so i didnt hate it even though i pretended i did...she wasnt jewish either or id have been fired long before then
[Nov 9,2010 4:59pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Lesson: avoid co-workers at all costs.
[Nov 10,2010 4:03pm - immortal13 ""]
I used to work at a shop where there were about 10 other employees, some of them chicks to do paperwork and talk to customers. My friend Jenn so a screw on the ground that I had been looking for, walked up to me and said "Hey Greg, wanna screw?" Everyone around heard and laughed, as well as me. A few weeks later, I pulled the same thing on her. Someone told the manager and I got written up, and he said if he ever heard me saying something like that again, I would be fired. I did quit the job two months later after being there for about a year and a half, but what I'm basically getting at is I hate bitches.

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