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Abdul-Aziz ibn Myatt - Fake Muslim In Human Culling Experiment

[Nov 11,2010 10:32am - anonymous  ""]
David Myatt, Britain's most famous secret police informer and identity thief, is flexing his puny muscles again:


[Nov 11,2010 12:25pm - anonymous  ""]
I lost a lot of respect for Myatt when I actually saw him in person. He was wearing a pair of child's trousers.
[Nov 11,2010 2:25pm - goatcatalyst ""]
I just donated another $50 to David Myatt for doing the Lord's work. Best covert operative EVER!
[Nov 11,2010 2:31pm - Bisque and the Biscuits NLI  ""]
This nigga Myatt has the INTERPOL sloppy cock so far up his ass, he'd have trouble telling a black man from a piece of popcorn. Both pop when you stick em in a microwave, however. MYATT IS LIFE
[Nov 11,2010 2:40pm - The Duke of Swirl  ""]
David Myatt culled my sheep
[Nov 11,2010 3:50pm - anonymous  ""]
He looms large in the land of under-achievers
[Nov 11,2010 3:56pm - anonymous  ""]
Oh look, the diminutive cowardly Myatt stalker posts more of his lies from his bedroom at his mom's home, all of which lies are exposed at
This coward is too afraid to post his allegations on the Islamic Awakening forum, and refuses to answer one simple question - Do you believe that David Myatt is or was a covert MI5 operative - yes or no?



This stalker, this gay in the closet,daren't come out from his bedroom 'cos he might get culled
[Nov 11,2010 3:59pm - anonymous  ""]

anonymous said:David Myatt...

...is in your head, you weedy gay you.
[Nov 11,2010 4:03pm - anonymous  ""]
Truth is, this weedy Myatt stalker feel in love with Myatt, got rejected, and now spends all his time spreading lies about Myatt.

Hell hath no fury like a weedy coward scorned.

Internet revenge is the best this weedy cowardly stalker can do.
[Nov 11,2010 4:11pm - anonymous  ""]

goatcatalyst said:I just donated another $50 to David Myatt

Nice one! There's a USD$ 10,000 reward out for the whereabouts of the anon Myatt stalker, BTW
[Nov 12,2010 1:42am - anonymous  ""]

anonymous said:He looms large in the land of under-achievers

You're talking of the wacko who been stalking Myatt for three years - NOT Myatt.
Guess the wacko is jealous of Myatt the polymath - of Myatt the evil genius who'se had an active violent life, created the influential ONA, translated Greek lit, created a new philosophy (the numinus way), evolved nazi ideology, written poetry, inspired tens of thousands of people around the world from neo nazis to occultists to Muslims, blah blah
What has this stalker done - except post anon rants about Myatt?
[Nov 12,2010 1:46am - anonymous  ""]

anonymous said:
What has this stalker done - except post anon rants about Myatt?

Yeah true - the stalker is just a sad diminutive weirdo who obviously doesn't get out much and who has sexual fantasies about Myatt and then feels guilty about them so posts another rant about Myatt.
What a nutjob
[Nov 12,2010 2:36am - goatcatalyst ""]
Myatt 4 lyfe
[Nov 12,2010 3:41am - anonymous  ""]

goatcatalyst said:Myatt 4 lyfe

But I guess the stalker wants more than a one-nighter with him
[Nov 12,2010 3:45am - Randy_Marsh ""]
haha this guy is so ridiculous, i love it.
[Nov 12,2010 3:51am - anonymous  ""]
here'a cool quote about David Myatt -
"I genuinely like Myatt. I see him in the same mold as Manson: a prophet of the Kali Yuga; a nihilistic visionary - but with a grander vision than Manson's, and far more ruthless, fanatical and determined to see it come to fruition."
It's taken from -
[Nov 12,2010 4:48am - anonymous  ""]
You can't ALL admire child killers!

[Nov 12,2010 5:28am - anonymous  ""]

anonymous said:You can't ALL admire child killers

Hey - Mister Stalker! There is NO EVIDENCE whatsoever linking Myatt to Copeland. There are only assumptions, made by journalists and Myatt's then political enemies and now by nutters like you.
Myatt was interviewed in 1999 many times by detectives from the Anti-Terrorism branch about Copeland, and THEY were satisfied he didn't know or influence Copeland in any way.
But of course YOU know better!
Also, when Myatt was arrested in 1998 by SO12 for conspiracy to murder, it was BEFORE Copeland's bombs and had NOTHING to do with Copeland.
So shut the fuck up about Myatt and the London nail bombs, you cowardly stalker you!
[Nov 12,2010 8:58am - goatcatalyst ""]
Aaron should win himself $10,000 by publicly revealing the ISP/identity of this cowardly defamer of David Myatt the Just and Fair!!!
[Nov 12,2010 8:59am - anonymous  ""]

goatcatalyst said:Aaron should win himself $10,000 by publicly revealing the ISP/identity of this cowardly defamer of David Myatt the Just and Fair!!!

Do post the info here!
[Nov 12,2010 9:00am - anonymous  ""]

goatcatalyst said:Aaron should win himself $10,000 by publicly revealing the ISP/identity of this cowardly defamer of David Myatt the Just and Fair!!!

Then he should claim the reward.
[Nov 12,2010 11:24am - anonymous  ""]
"Aaron should win himself $10,000 by publicly revealing the ISP/identity of this cowardly defamer of David Myatt the Just and Fair!!!"

What will become of me now?! All is Lost.


Is your son Darren ashamed of you Dave?
[Nov 12,2010 11:58am - Slag NLI  ""]
David Myatt is only fair to a point. He certainly won't give you the courtesy of a reach around.
[Nov 12,2010 12:05pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
ITT: anonymous
[Nov 12,2010 12:10pm - anonymous  ""]

Slag%20NLI said: He certainly won't give you the courtesy of a reach around.

I guess the stalker would be culled without warning at a time of Myatt's choosing.
[Nov 12,2010 12:20pm - anonymous  ""]

anonymous said:Is your son Darren ashamed of you Dave?

Yo stalker! Why don't you ask himself? He's a big boy now and whoop yo' ass anyday, MOFO.
[Nov 24,2010 8:46am - anonymous  ""]
"I guess the stalker would be culled without warning at a time of Myatt's choosing."

David Myatt appears to be a coward.
[Nov 24,2010 12:09pm - anonymous  ""]
Otherwise he would visit me on his own, announce his presence and stop skulking in the shadows.

So it looks as if he has always been a COWARD.
[Nov 24,2010 12:30pm - goatcatalyst ""]
David Myatt's appearance on the new Inquisition was just UNPRECEDENTED. A triumph of the humanities!
[Nov 24,2010 12:33pm - SLAG NLI  ""]
How does Abdul Myatt feel about Abdul Jabbar? Would he give him the courtesy of a reach around?
[Nov 24,2010 2:53pm - anonymous  ""]

anonymous said:David Myatt appears to be a coward.
That's an anonymous stalker posting!
I guess the anon stalker is also a martial arts expert and has been a bodyguard and been in jail for violence and is known to always carry a weapon and had to have seven police officers to arrest him one time at his home and had a BBC camera crew bring along an ex-SAS minder when they went to interview him 'cos of his violent reputation blah blah blah.
[Nov 24,2010 2:55pm - anonymous  ""]

anonymous said:Otherwise he would visit me on his own
post you address then or at least send a PM to raffy on one of them forums where you anonymously post your shite.

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