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Epic, epic, epic

[Nov 11,2010 7:01pm - Hoser ""]
Wish I had known about these guys a lot earlier.


[Nov 11,2010 7:26pm - SICK FUCK II  ""]


[Nov 11,2010 8:25pm - Spaldino  ""]
you're welcome.

[Nov 12,2010 2:36am - boblovesmen  ""]

Spaldino said:you're welcome.


Wow dude....wow, wow, wow. This is incredible. Thanks.
[Nov 12,2010 2:37am - Hoser_NLI  ""]
That was me, BTW ^^^^
[Nov 12,2010 3:10am - Randy_Marsh ""]
black star aeon...thats pretty good stuff. im gonna grab a mediafire ov that shit.
[Nov 14,2010 7:59am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Just listened to this. No breakdowns.
[Nov 14,2010 10:20am - arilliusbm ""]
Only Rain Without End is real.
[Nov 14,2010 11:53am - dreadkill ""]
i fully endorse all bands in this thread

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