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my boss sucks

[Nov 11,2010 10:10pm - eddie-niliilibnil  ""]
yours does to.

My boss has been going around telling my coworkers how much she hates me. This doesn't bother me, the fact that she has so much influence over my position does. The job is not important but still i don't want to quit. Any suggestions of what i should do? I'm wondering if i can play some type of harrassment card and get her fired, would be great.
[Nov 11,2010 10:17pm - amorok666 ""]
Set the building on fire
[Nov 11,2010 10:31pm - the_reverend ""]
piss in her coffee.
[Nov 11,2010 10:40pm - eddie-niliilibnil  ""]

the_reverend said:piss in her coffee.

thought of that.

Did some research, i guess it's not illegal for her to insult me, as long as its not based on my sex or race, or causes strong emotional harm. The law protects cunts i guess. Now i just need to think about.

Just need to look up how much of a cunt i can be without being canned. Ha. Apathy is setting in.
[Nov 11,2010 10:42pm - eddie-niliilibnil  ""]
hmmm need to learn to complete my thoughts
[Nov 12,2010 8:52am - SkinSandwich ""]
Bang her BF/husband.
[Nov 12,2010 8:59am - RustyPS should be working  ""]

SkinSandwich said:Bang her dyke GF/wife.

[Nov 12,2010 12:17pm - TheRidersofDoom ""]
bitch about it in an rttp thread and then have it left on the screen at work

oh wait, that would get you fired

rape her!
[Nov 12,2010 1:26pm - Yeti ""]
do a ritual about it.
[Nov 12,2010 1:30pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
secks her butt
[Nov 12,2010 1:33pm - arilliusbm ""]
Don't be a pussy. Confront her and put her on the spot.
[Nov 12,2010 1:39pm - Lamp nli  ""]
Videotape her taking a dump and broadcast it on the big screen at Times Square
[Nov 12,2010 1:49pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
honestly i think your best bet in this situation is to do a barrel roll.
[Nov 12,2010 3:16pm - Mess ""]
fucking cunts
[Nov 12,2010 9:16pm - eddie-niliilibnil  ""]

arilliusbm said:Don't be a pussy. Confront her and put her on the spot.

would rather pee in her handbag.

Have confronted her for other shit. Doesn't go anywhere, or do anything. Well confronting her about stuff is why i'm in this position in the first place. She is so used to people just doing what she says, even when that something is unethical or illeagal. Fuck group think. I don't need to yell or swear to get a point across. She has no idea how to deal with that.

I think i already won the battle without doing anything. Today she refused to make eyecontact with me and is seeming afraid to take deciplineary measures against me from what i hear. It's funny how being logical and monotone can make people go batshit. Still a very uncomfortable situation.
[Nov 13,2010 3:55am - Samantha ""]
creating a "hostile workplace" may be illegal whether it involves discrimination or not. Talk to the human resources department at your company. It's their job to deal with situations like this and reprimand your boss accordingly. She isn't behaving professionally, and you shouldn't have to deal with that. It's amazing how hard it is for people to act like adults and behave themselves at work.
[Nov 13,2010 8:38am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

eddie-niliilibnil said:yours does to.

My boss has been going around telling my coworkers how much she hates me. This doesn't bother me, the fact that she has so much influence over my position does. The job is not important but still i don't want to quit. Any suggestions of what i should do? I'm wondering if i can play some type of harrassment card and get her fired, would be great.

Ask her if you can have a word with her in private. Calmly let her know that you don't appreciate how she treats you and that it is starting to affect the quality of work you can produce. Explain how things would be better for both of you if she can treat you a little differently. Work through a scenario with her so that you're both on the same page and come to a mutual understanding. When she finally shows some compassion and agrees to lighten up a little allowing for a better work environment, grab the nearest hard object and smack her in the face with it.. near the temple but not IN the temple. You don't want her unconscious. While she's dazed, push her down onto her knees and punch her hard on the top of the head. Tilt her chin up to you and wait for her to look into your eyes before leaning down and giving her a sensual kiss on the lips. Unzip your pants and gently rub your cock all over her forehead and ears. At this point she'll either have a confused and disgusted look on her face or be showing an expression of disorientation. Make sure that she's alert before proceeding to the next step. I'd recommend coming ready with smelling salts just for this reason. Grab her by the hair and press your thumb into her eye as hard as you can. If you do it correctly, her eye will pop like a large grape. Make sure to cover her mouth as fast as you can so that she doesn't scream. Let her know that if she makes a lot of noise you will make this more painful for her AND go to her house and fuck all of her kids to death while you wear her dog Sparkles inside-out like a hat. Anyway, once her eye is gushing red goo that should be the consistency of tomato paste, jam your dick into her ocular cavity and continue to penetrate until you reach climax. Don't cum in her eye, though. That's disgusting. Finish off the act with a swift kick in the stomach for comic effect. With any luck, she will instantly vomit all over your pants, giving you a fragrant reminder of the day's good deeds. As to not arose suspicion when laving the scene, make sure you make your way back to your desk whistling the national anthem and winking at other female coworkers.
[Nov 13,2010 8:59am - eddienli  ""]

Samantha said:creating a "hostile workplace" may be illegal whether it involves discrimination or not. Talk to the human resources department at your company. It's their job to deal with situations like this and reprimand your boss accordingly. She isn't behaving professionally, and you shouldn't have to deal with that. It's amazing how hard it is for people to act like adults and behave themselves at work.

Yeah I agree with you.

I thought the same thing at first, but after some research it seems that that’s not the case in MA law. Its not illegal for your boss to harass you, he/she just can't do it in terms of age(elderly), race, sex, religion, blah blah blah. He/she also can't cause whatever "outrageous emotional distress" is. Although i'm not happy with the situation, i wouldn't say i'm emotionally distressed over it. Those in charge of HR know about some of the stuff that goes on. I'm not aware of any disciplinary measures that have been taken. I'm not going to run to them for every little thing.

I'm waiting for her to do something that would effect my paycheck, in MA i could take legal action for that(not for money, i just want her out if my life). Plus proving this shit would suck.

I guess the best thing to do would be finishing school and getting a better job with policies that protect against this nonsense.
[Nov 13,2010 8:59am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Nov 13,2010 10:08am - Mess ""]
do this in your bathroom at work or you're a pussy fo reelz

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