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Anyone Ever Had Their License Taken Away In Mass?

[Nov 13,2010 11:53am - Mess ""]
It was about a year ago when I got my first DUI (drugs). the registry sent me a letter in the mail about 2 weeks after it happened stating that I have lost my license "indefinitely". Is it up to the judge or is it up to the registry to give me my license back?
[Nov 13,2010 12:07pm - Bisque and the Biscuits NLI  ""]
I believe it is up to you to get fucked by a judge, strap on or not and get your life back on track.
[Nov 13,2010 12:18pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
mine got revoked for unpaid parking tickets. But that's quite different than a DUI. Sounds like you need to call a lawyer, or at least do a barrel roll
[Nov 13,2010 12:26pm - Mess ""]

IllinoisEnemaBradness said:mine got revoked for unpaid parking tickets. But that's quite different than a DUI. Sounds like you need to call a lawyer, or at least do a barrel roll

dude, i've done 3 huge barrel rolls and still nothing? i do have a lawyer and went to court last month but i have to go back for another charge in december. hopefully i can find out more at that court date.
[Nov 13,2010 12:37pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Ask this dude..

[Nov 13,2010 12:40pm - Mess ""]
shit sucks. i was on the phone on hold for an hour with the registry yesterday.
[Nov 13,2010 2:09pm - Pires ""]
Pretty sure the registry only will reinstate a license after they receive the disposition from the courts.
[Nov 13,2010 3:14pm - josh_hates_you ""]
if you lost it for a dui your first offense should be to lose your license for one year. since you said it was drugs, it might be different. If you are found guilty to be in possesion of a controlled substance you automaticlly lose your license 1, 3, 5 or 10 years in this state no questions asked, even if you were arrested walking down the street with no car involved.

Is the case still pending? if so the indefinite part will be resolved upon your guilty verdict. if the drugs you said were cocaine, a class b substance expect to lose it from 3-5 years.
[Nov 13,2010 5:26pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
Drugs are bad, mmk.
[Nov 13,2010 6:45pm - Mess ""]

josh_hates_you said:if you lost it for a dui your first offense should be to lose your license for one year. since you said it was drugs, it might be different. If you are found guilty to be in possesion of a controlled substance you automaticlly lose your license 1, 3, 5 or 10 years in this state no questions asked, even if you were arrested walking down the street with no car involved.

Is the case still pending? if so the indefinite part will be resolved upon your guilty verdict. if the drugs you said were cocaine, a class b substance expect to lose it from 3-5 years.

yeah, the drugs i had were prescription drugs that i had records for. but, they had a chemist come in to take my blood. i lit up like a x-mas tree. and yes cocaine was also found in my system. i'm pretty much screwed from what i'm hearing. ugh and yes also the case is still pending.
[Nov 13,2010 7:08pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
are you looking at jail? I hope not dude
[Nov 13,2010 7:11pm - josh_hates_you ""]
sounds like if you had scripts for the pills you had you should be all set with posession charges. The most they should be able to charge you with is the dui. Blood tests for the drugs shouldn't hold up in court since it doesn't prove that you were intoxicated at the time of arrest like a breathalizer. if you have money and a laywer fight it. if not, just take the hit.
[Nov 13,2010 7:29pm - Mess ""]

IllinoisEnemaBradness said:are you looking at jail? I hope not dude

possibly. i almost ran over a cop doing detail. i screwed down a dead end street and ditched the truck. i hung out in the woods for a while waiting for shit to cool down but when i thought everything was cool, i pulled up to a redlight and got swarmed by a bunch of cops. i told my lawyer i wouldn't mind going to the can because at the time i was homeless. he told the judge that and the judge insisted that i pay the fine but this next case could certainly send me to the can which kind of sucks because i found a place to live and i start a new job on monday.
[Nov 13,2010 7:32pm - Mess ""]
my lawyer said i should be all set but the cocaine in my system might be the thing that screws me big time. the thing is, is that i didn't do coke three nights before this all happened but it still showed up in my system. the other weird thing is that i admitted to taking a few (maybe more shots of vodka) and that didn't show up on the breathalizer. i passed the field sobriety test with flying colors also.
[Nov 13,2010 7:49pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
Maybe you'll get lucky, it shows you're turning your life around.
[Nov 13,2010 7:50pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
but then again, you ran over a cop. LOL!! Good luck dude
[Nov 13,2010 8:17pm - Mess ""]
haha thanks. he jumped out of the way in time. he ended up in the woods. but you're right. i have turned my life around. things are going pretty well.
[Nov 14,2010 4:24am - Lester__Burnham ""]
if i was you id prepare for jail dude,sorry to say it but true to much shit in too little time. or actually months in rehablitation clinic
[Nov 14,2010 6:13am - SkinSandwich ""]
Reading this thread I feel better about my life. Thanks Mess!!!
[Nov 14,2010 7:25am - reimroc ""]
never lost my license in mass luckily. lost it in nh once though.
[Nov 14,2010 9:03am - sixstringcarnage ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:Ask this dude..


Too funny.

I got my shit suspended for 2 months: 9 surchargable offenses on my driving record.. And had to pay 100 bux to TAKE a course on safe driving

Sucks to drink drive and get caught.
[Nov 14,2010 10:14am - Mess ""]

SkinSandwich said:Reading this thread I feel better about my life. Thanks Mess!!!

anytime dude! don't be a fuck up like i was.
[Nov 14,2010 10:19am - SkinSandwich ""]

Mess said:
SkinSandwich said:Reading this thread I feel better about my life. Thanks Mess!!!

anytime dude! don't be a fuck up like i was.

Haha, working on it. i will be 37 years old in a few weeks. Fuck knows I have had plenty of time to fuck it up and have come dangerously close. I got pulled over by a staty about 12 years ago. I was wrecked. Luckily I went to school with this dude and he let me go, haha. maybe he should not have done that. I was hammered enough to kill someone. That kept me from pulling that bad decision again.
[Nov 14,2010 1:57pm - Mess ""]
yeah, i was 29 at the time and i'm 30 now. i use to be a lose cannon but things have changed for the better. just knowing i couldv'e killed an inocent human being or even worse, i could have killed a dog! i really didn't care if i was the one to lose my own life at the time.

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